Re-imagining Hotwells is a partnership project between us and UWE MA Architecture students as one of their Live Hands on Bristol projects. Sibusiso and Anna invited students Soloman Artman, Sarah-Jane Bonner, Jasper Godin, Ian Oyoo, Sam Yeowell & Nicoletta Yoesdyanto to come and engage with our community and consult people on their feelings and thoughts about the notion of defining Hotwells as a Bristol Gateway. This included thinking about the area from a child's point of view and considering traffic, green spaces, safety and wildlife.
We'd like to say a big thanks to the students for their enthusiastic commitment and excellent work.
Please be mindful that this report is intended to be informative and to support further action, such as developing partnerships with other local groups and local and regional authorities, rather than act a blueprint for immediate works. Do get in touch if you want to share any thoughts about this [email protected]
Below are a selection of images from the report.
The students ran a workshop at our AGM in November, did several area visits, met the Hotwells Corner Group, the Piazza Gardening Group and ran workshops with years 5 & 6 at Hotwells Primary School. The result is this fantastic report which we use to progress our Neighbourhood Plan with support from Locality, share with existing partners such as Avon Wildlife Trust, Bristol Climate & Nature Partnership and BCC Harbourhopes Team. It will also help in securing funding for future community projects and support for improving areas such as the former play park space in Hillsborough Flats and the Cumberland Piazza.
N.B. The report is current a very large file which you can access and download using this link. Hopefully we'll get a smaller version soon which is easier to view.