HCCA Community Lottery

Our Community Lottery, (the successor to the 500 Club), is a key way that HCCA supporters can help to support countless community projects and events. Previous examples include expanding our network of community noticeboards, working with local people to transform Cumberland Piazza into a colourful and welcome public space, hosting hustings for local and national elections and running a successful community campaign to secure Jacobs Wells Baths as a community hub.

How does the HCCA Community Lottery work?

As a subscriber, you pay a contribution of £20 a year for each number you own, (between 1 and 1000 - you can pick your own or let us generate it at random). You can subscribe for as many numbers as you want!

Each month we will randomly pick two numbers, each to win one of two £30 prizes. If there is no winner, the prize will rollover to the next month and until there is a winner.

There will also be an annual prize draw of £150.

We will also send out quarterly updates on all the projects and activities that are supported by the lottery so you can see the difference that you make.

How do I sign up?

Click here to choose from the Community Lottery numbers that are still available and to set up your annual, recurring subscription.

We will contact you on the email address you provide to ask you to nominate details of a bank account where we can send any winnings coming your way.

Thank you for supporting the work of the HCCA!