Summary of Community Discussion on Western Harbour
This was a free ranging discussion between community members and councillors and includes other context issues for Western Harbour... Read more
HCCA Response to Western Harbour Masterplan Consultation Nov 2024
HCCA broadly agrees with the key aims of the vision for Western Harbour. However, the
current analysis of “what we know so far” does not appear to reflect conversations and
information shared by communities within the Western Harbour Advisory Group meetings or
representations that HCCA has previously made to BCC. Read more
Latest News and What's On
Check out our calendar to find out more about our events this Autumn.
You can find our latest newsletter here
Annual General Meeting 2024
Our 2024 HCCA AGM will be on Wednesday, 18 September at Holy Trinity Hotwells. Please click here for more information and to let us know if you are planning to attend.
July Newsletter
We are continuing to produce bi-monthly newsletters, although we would love to hear from anyone interested in offering volunteer support to return to a monthly pattern - do get in touch if you want to help out! You can read and download all of our July news here.
Big Golden Birthday Picnic
22nd June 2-6pm FREE EVENT
From 4-6pm there are live performances for all ages. Bring a blanket, cushion and picnic - we will also have delicious Asian dumplings and veggie sushi from One Green Kitchen. Enjoy performances by prize winning poets and the music of Blind Justice, who will be performing songs from and inspired by the golden age of old-time music and country-blues.
There will also be lots of opportunities to find out more about what’s going on in the area: including the all new HCCA Community Lottery, the bid to secure The Lion as a Community Pub and the latest with Jacobs Wells Hub.
We recommend bringing a bottle of water, a cushion or a blanket to sit on. Food is provided but please do bring a picnic if you would like to do so. We are also hosting a cake swap! We very much look forward to celebrating with you.
Full Line Up here
As always we try to keep community events free at the point of entry. However, if you enjoy our events and would like to help us keep them accessible please do make a donation here
You can read & download the full news letter here and the headlines are below:
H&CCA are delighted to announce that we have been selected for Bristol Climate & Nature Partnership’s Community Climate Action Project’s learning and mentoring programme to create a community climate action plan. The Community Climate Action Project is pioneering bold and fair community-led climate action in Bristol. Anna Haydock-Wilson will be leading this and she will organise a series of open invite creative engagement events throughout the neighbourhood during this year, as well as meeting residents groups and people already working towards improving our environment for all. Many other groups across the city have been through this programme you can see their plans here. Cohort 3 is comprised of H&CCA,Gloucestershire County Cricket Club, Shirehampton Community Action Forum, Rising Arts Agency, Bristol Older People’s Forum and One Green Kitchen.
Experts will be supporting us on a variety of themes including traffic, energy, food and nature. We will be offering many opportunities for you to get involved and sending out an individual newsletter offering you to sign up on a separate mailing list as well as sharing items here, so keep an eye out for all of that!
Please get in touch if you would like to find out more. You can sign up for the Bristol Climate & Nature Partnership’smailing list here. The Community Climate Action Project is coordinated by Bristol Climate & Nature Partnership and kindly supported by the National Lottery’s Climate Action Fund.
Many of you will remember from our AGM that we have been working with MA Architecture students from UWE on a live project engaging local people around their desired futures for part of our neighbourhood. They also engaged with people at the Holy Trinity Church Lunch Club, the Hotwells Corner Group, years 5 & 6 at Hotwells Primary and talked with passersby during street outreach sessions. They have shared their work with us and you can find it on our website here. This document will support us to develop neighbourhood partnerships and work towards a Neighbourhood Plan. We hope you enjoy reading this.
Whilst all the spring rain has been a bit miserable for many people, the plants are loving it and the piazza is looking greener than ever. If you would like to come and join our monthly gardening group, the next session is on 2nd June 3-6pm and the dates for the year are here so please just turn up (there’s usually cake) or email Anna [email protected]
March Newsletter
We are currently producing bi-monthly newsletters until confined more volunteer support- do get in touch if you want to help out! You can read and download all of our March news here. Please send items for May by 29th April to [email protected]
Here are some photos taken by our Duke of Edinburgh award volunteers at the latest Piazza community gardening day on Sunday 3rd March.
HCCA Response to Local Plan
You can read and download our full response to the Local Plan here.
Bristol Avon Flood Strategy - Our Response
In our opinion the Bristol Avon Flood Strategy does not present a fair assessment of flood risk and seems to favour development priorities over managing flood risk for our communities....
You can read the full statement here
Minutes from Community Meeting
Here are the minutes from our community meeting on Bristol Local Plan and Western Harbour held 17 January 2024.
The meeting was chaired by Sandra Fryer for HCCA and we would like to extend our thanks to her, and Simone Wilding Bristol City Council Head of Planning and Emily Price Bristol City Council Regeneration Manager.
January Newsletter
Here's the news from January! Please send news items to [email protected]
Bristol City Council - New Local Plan
Bristol City Council is continuing to develop its new Local Plan and the Council would like to hear your views.
A Local Plan sets out the "Planning Policies" that are used by the Council to make decisions on planning applications. If a planning application for a development (such as a block of flats of student accommodation) is in line with the Local Plan planning policies then the Council should grant planning permission. So these policies are really important, and this is your chance to have your say on the future development of Bristol.
The current Local Plan is the 'Bristol Development Framework - Core Strategy' which was "adopted" back in June 2011. The Local Plan is actually a collection of documents and they can be viewed here.
Bristol City Council is calling the development of its new Local Plan the 'Local Plan Review'. Details of the draft plan and the consultation are available here.
The draft plan was agreed by the Council on 31st October 2023. This draft plan has been published and the Council is seeking your feedback and views. The deadline to make comments by is Friday 26th January 2024.
Once "adopted", the Council expects the new Local Plan to be in place until at least 2040. As the Local Plan will guide how the city is developed until 2040, so it is important as many of us as possible to comment on it before the closing date
The new plan will contain policies that will determine what gets planning approval in the Hotwells and Cliftonwood area. Some of the policies such as the explanation for Western Harbour are very brief.
In order to enable people to understand the process, and so that H&CCA can comment as representatives of the community, we are holding a public meeting at Holy Trinity Church on 17th January in the evening, TBC.
It is also useful for everyone to comment on the Local Plan Review as individuals.
HCCA is also looking for local people with relevant skills to help us shape our formal response to the review: reflecting community views and identifying elements of the Local Plan that would benefit from more informed detail on vision, need, and context. We would particularly like to hear from you if you have particular interest in specialised parts of the plan, for example, housing, greenspace, flood risk, climate change, transport, and overall city strategy. If you can help, please get in touch.
Your expertise or knowledge would be very much appreciated.
More details on Local Plans and what they are are available below:
December 2023 Newsletter
For community news from Hotwells, Cliftonwood, Spike Island, and wider Bristol view our latest newsletter here.
We are always looking for contributions to the Newsletter and would love to see more input from the community, such as local stories or matters of interest. If you would like to contribute pictures, comments, stories please email [email protected]
Annual General Meeting
On 9th November 2023 we held our HCCA AGM at Holy Trinity Hotwells. Details of everything that happened at the meeting can be found here.
Other details of the AGM are here.
Voluntary Opportunities
We are looking for volunteers! If you are interested in getting involved with HCCA we have some specific roles to fill and general volunteering opportunities. Being an HCCA volunteer is a great way to get to know people and be a part of representing our community. More details here.
Our Our Community Lottery, the 500 Club is changing
Our Community Lottery, (the successor to the 500 Club), is a key way that HCCA supporters can help to support countless community projects and events. Previous examples include expanding our network of community noticeboards, working with local people to transform Cumberland Piazza into a colourful and welcome public space, hosting hustings for local and national elections and running a successful community campaign to secure Jacobs Wells Baths as a community hub. More details are available here.
Local History Talks
Trinity Community Service, which runs from Holy Trinity Church, have been holding a series of local history talks on Thursdays. The last one in the series is by Clive Burlton was held on Thursday 7th December at 1.30pm
Jacobs Wells Baths Saved for Community Use
We are delighted that Bristol City Council has responded to our campaign to save Jacobs Wells Baths for community use. The Council has awarded Trinity Community Arts a 35-year Community Asset Transfer (CAT) lease subject to receipt of a satisfactory business plan. This follows our community campaign to save the baths: including a petition, and a statement by HCCA Trustee Damian Rooney in Cabinet, which you can read here.
Image credit - Martin Booth Bristol Bristol 24/7
Neighbourhood Forum Minutes
Thank you to everyone who came to July's Clifton, Clifton Down, Hotwells & Harbourside Neighbourhood Forum which took place at Hotwells Primary School. We heard updates from our Councillors and we discussed issues of litter and waste on our streets; resident's parking zones; delays within Bristol City Council's Planning Department; the former WHSmith site; vehicle crime; the Bristol Swivel Bridge; and Bristol Zoo. You can access the minutes here.
Church Lane/Mardyke steps Re-Open
Mardyke Steps have re-opened!!! The steps, also known as the Church Path Steps, were closed in January 2020 after a wall collapsed close to the top of the path. Much of the path became overgrown as discussions took place over who should pay for the repairs. A full repair has not been implemented, and a large hole is still visible close to the top of the path where the wall collapsed into the back garden of the Mardyke pub. The landlord of the Mardyke was adamant that he holds no responsibility for the collapse of a top section of the wall and therefore should not have to pay for its repair. A metal fence has now been constructed to separate pedestrians from the chasm.
HCCA would like to thank Sue Lewis for all her hard work in making this happen.
The Mardyke Steps can be seen on Google here.
B24/7 reported on the steps in August 2021, May 2023, and July 2023.
Cumberland Basin or "Western Harbour" - Masterplan

'The Western Harbour project area' is Bristol City Council's name for the area around the western end of Bristol's Floating Harbour. Many of you will know the area as 'Cumberland Basin', but the project also includes the surrounding area.
The Agenda and Reports Pack can be downloaded here. There are some details on page 23, 42 and 43 of the Reports Pack. A list of meetings for the WECA can be found here.
'Since the first Western Harbour proposal in 2018, many residents of Hotwells and Cliftonwood have felt shut out by the consultation process.
This has caused a breakdown in trust between the community and the Council. I welcome the potential that a refreshed Western Harbour Advisory Group offers to restore that relationship.
I would like to see more detail about group recruitment, specifically local people.
With respect to John Savage, I would suggest that a new Chair is appointed who offers a neutral starting position for the group.
I would also like to see the community engagement embedded at a decision making level not just an advisory level.
While the Western Harbour Vision is aspirational I would like to see clearer pathways on how it is delivered for communities.
In Hotwells and Cliftonwood, right now, we need a community space; a doctor’s surgery; shops. Despite our affluence, there are pockets of poverty in our area and people living there are disproportionately affected by the lack of such amenities. These needs will only increase with future development.
I would also like a stronger commitment to public transport: connecting Bristol to the wider region. Many commute into the city and without this it is not obvious to me how private car use will be reduced.
I urge the Council to work actively with local people to achieve a plan that builds the resilient and happy communities that we all want, now and in the future'.
Further details of the 'Western Harbour' project are available on the Bristol City Council website here, and on the 'Harbour Hopes' website.
On 10th March 2022, Bristol City Council published the 'Harbour Hopes Community Engagement Report' that was prepared by their consultants 'Turner Works'. The Engagement Report was the result of the work done in Summer and Autumn 2021.
Bristol City Council previously published their draft 'Vision for Western Harbour'. The Council advised that their hope was, 'that this vision reflects the hopes and aspirations of people from across Bristol'.
Bristol City Council invited the public to comment on the draft vision. The consultation on the draft vision ran between 10th March until 22nd April 2022.
Bristol City Council has published a programme for the development of the Western Harbour, from master-planning to planning applications in 2025 and development starting in 2026.
Our timeline on the consultation process is available here.
Cliftonwood Defibrillator Training Seminar
Following a successful community fundraising campaign, Community Heartbeat installed a Defibrillator outside the Lion Pub at the end of last year.
This is a potentially lifesaving piece of equipment for anyone experiencing cardiac arrest. If you need to use the Defibrillator this is all you need to know:
- Dial 999
- Give them the code written on the outside of the Defibrillator.
- They will give you the access code.
- The operator will usually stay on the phone with you.
- The Defibrillator will "talk" you through what to do.
You cannot make a mistake.
On 10th May 6-8pm we held a training seminar with Community Heartbeat on how to use the Defibrillator.
Swimming in Bristol Harbour
Bristol City Council has launched a pilot scheme which will see the popular body of water opened up to the public for swimming for the first time.
After an initial test swim in March, the harbour will be opened up from 29th April Saturdays and Sundays for one-hour public swim sessions at a cost of £7 per person, and will run for five weeks
Further details are available in these websites:
Interestingly, Bristol City Council explains here why swimming is not allowed in Bristol Harbour. The Council advises that it is currently illegal to swim in the harbour as it is not safe because it is a working harbour, and occasionally the water quality is poor.
Bristol City Council's Consultation and Engagement Hub provides details of open and closed consultations.
- Bristol Temple Quarter Development Framework Consultation
- Western Harbour (now closed)
- Baltic Wharf/Caravan Site Planning Application (reference 21/01331/F)
- Recommendations of the Citizens' Assembly
- Climate change
- Health
- Transport
Bristol Clean Air Zone
Bristol City Council (BCC) introduced a Clean Air Zone on Monday 28th November 2022 with the aim of reducing harmful pollution from vehicles.
How to prepare for the Clean Air Zone:
- Go to the government’s clean air zone pages to check if your vehicle will be charged
- Check BCC's interactive map to see how the zone affects you
- Find out if you are eligible for financial support or an exemption on the Council website
Celebrating our Community AGM 2022
On Monday 21st November 2022 we held our AGM of the Hotwells and Cliftonwood Community Association. We held a range of roundtable discussions highlighting the amazing activities and projects already happening in our neighbourhoods, celebrating the people behind them and giving you the opportunity to get involved. We also discussed the future: what we want to see more of what we want to change, and what our concerns are.
We want to thank and celebrate all our volunteers and all the members of our community who have helped us all, especially during the difficult times of lockdown, and make this a wonderful place to live.
Please click here to download the agenda
'Healing Through Community' in Hotwells
Celebrating Sanctuary with Bristol Refugee Festival
As part of Bristol Refugee Festival we hosted a 'Celebrating Sanctuary' event on the Cumberland Piazza on 19th June 2022 from 13.30 to 16.00. We provided delicious food from Food Without Borders and cakes by local Gokin Bakes, free to those in need. Art activities were run by Anna Haydock-Wilson, Amy Hutchings, and Joanna Espiner.
Celebrating Sanctuary events are designed for more permanent residents to welcome newcomers to our communities and to help them connect to people and place.
Please email [email protected] if you have any questions about the event.
The Town Green, Clifton Wood
The Town Green, Clifton Wood, otherwise known as Ambra Vale East Community Garden is a small area of land which was first claimed for the community in 1980 and registered as a Town Green in 2004. Now restrictions are easing, we have been able to resume work on the garden. More information is available here.
Liveable Neighbourhoods
For more information on our Liveable Neighbourhoods page please click here
There are Liveable Neighbourhood groups springing up all over Bristol and some wonderful examples nationally that you can see here
Hotwells & Cliftonwood Community Association hosted the inaugural meetings of the Hotwells & Harbourside Liveable Neighbourhoods Group to discuss how we could update our community traffic strategy, introduce low traffic streets and generally campaign for a more 'liveable neighbourhood'.
For further information about past community ideas and aspirations, please see:
Community Survey
Thank you to all of you who completed the survey. There is plenty for the Management Committee to think about in the responses. First we thought it appropriate for you to be able to see a summary of those responses and you can find those here. In the New Year the committee will look in more detail to decide what we can do, what we might do and what we can't do and we aim then to produce a plan of action which we will share with you.
Coronavirus and our community
Whilst a distant memory for many of us now, we are very aware that lives for everyone in our Community have been severely affected in one way or another by the Covid-19 pandemic. We would be pleased to help anyone in our community if we can. So if you, or someone you know, needs help in any way please feel free to contact us and we will do our best to assist.
You can contact us by phoning 0117 929 1883 or send an email to [email protected]
Coronavirus advice can be found at or or
Neighbourhood help groups have been established to assist those most in need, and just to support each other. It is our belief that help is most easily provided by those closest to each other, whether that is geographical, or as members of related families. We hope there is a help group within your reach.
You might also find one of these Facebook pages useful.
- BS1 group:
- BS8 group:
To sign up for our e-bulletin/newsletter (if you are not already receiving these) please click here.
If you are part of a neighbour help group, and would like the HCCA to assist in advertising your group, then please get in touch and we can place information in our bulletin and/or on relevant noticeboards. Also if you think of things the HCCA could do to help people or groups in our community please do get in touch.