You are invited to our Annual General Meeting on 18 September at Holy Trinity on Clifton Vale. 

At this AGM, after the formal business we will be hosting a special event in celebration of HCCA's 50th Birthday Hope Centre and Beyond! A Celebration in Hotwells and Cliftonwood. If you come to our AGM you will automatically have a ticket for this event. Details to follow shortly.

In the meantime please find the Agenda below. We will publish reports shortly. We are also looking to recruit an additional person to our management committee. If you are interested please email our Chair, Rachel McNally  [email protected]

Many thanks


AGM Agenda

Download the Annual Report - which includes Chair and Treasurer's Reports here

6.15pm Doors Open

6.30pm Welcome and Apologies

6.35pm Chair and Treasurer's Reports

6.45pm Q&A

7.15pm Election of Management Committee Members

7.20pm AOB

7.30pm Break

8pm Hope Centre & Beyond! A Celebration in Hotwells and Cliftonwood featuring live performances from poet Jo Eades and musician Sarah Moody and more!

More info here

9pm End 

We are holding our AGM a little earlier this year, previous years we have held the meeting in November. We are doing this so that we can start to align our AGM with our end of year which is end of March, we are doing this gradually over the next few years.

September 18, 2024 at 6:30pm - 9:30pm
Holy Trinity
Clifton Vale
Bristol BS8 4ST
United Kingdom
Google map and directions

Will you come?