New plans for the Piazza 2016

Piazza_plan2016for_website.jpgHere is our new master plan reflecting conversation and ideas from local people over the past year. The priority is to green the Piazza as much as possible so our plan includes more tree-planting, softening tarmac'd surfaces and increasing planters. We have grown a variety of plants and we now know what works with a minimum of watering, so we feel confident we can increase pollinators in a sustainable way. We also want to make the area a place for community activities and celebrate it's history so we're going to develop more seating, mark cycle routes, develop our Pocket Park and do some interpretation which tells the story of the Piazza and life in the street before the flyovers were built

Showing 1 reaction

  • Janet D. Palma d
    commented 2017-03-28 19:39:50 +0100
    This master plan looks great and I was very much surprised that this plan was designed by the common public on that city. The municipality has done very good thing by asking public to design a plan for their city. I have seen all the design present in blog where the city management has asked the public to post their ideas and plans.