Local News

January 2020 Bulletin 51

Welcome to this month’s e-newsletter for HCCA, sharing community news from Hotwells, Cliftonwood, Spike Island and wider Bristol. If you wish to contribute to our next bulletin, please send us a short paragraph and link/s where relevant by 31stJanuary. We would always be very happy to hear from you.   Visit our website for more!

Happy New Year

In this issue:

  1. Cumberland Basin News
  2. Labour Party Meeting re Cumberland Basin
  3. Hotwells Panto
  4. Hotwell Road Bus stop change
  5. Resident Parking Scheme changes
  6. Cleaner Air Campaign
  7. Crime report
  8. Clifton Climate Action
  9. Friends of Clifton Library
  10. Friends of Redland Library
  11. Bristol Harbourside Monday Morning Social Running
  12. Lifeskills Safety Education Centre
  13. Jacob’s Well Hub and Baths news
  14. Good Grief Bristol
  15. Petition regarding Bristol Airport expansion
  16. Fostering in Bristol
  17. Big Tidy Pledges

1. Cumberland Basin News. There really is little to report since our last bulletin. Sadly the General Election seemed to get in the way of the chance to start a discussion with Councillor Nicola Beech who has a remit over spatial planning. We were hoping to start discussing aspects other than roads. Whether we get the chance before the local election purdah remains to be seen.

2. Labour Party Meeting re Cumberland Basin. We are advised that the postponed meeting with the Mayor which should have happened in November is now scheduled for Wednesday 22nd January 6pm – 7.30 in Holy Trinity Church, Hotwell Rd. We understand that this will be an opportunity to hear Marvin  Rees talk on “The Future of Hotwells and Harbourside”. All are welcome

3. Hotwells Panto.  “The Mardyke Mermaid” – a fishy tail of the love of a mermaid for an ordinary mortal! This is the Panto’s 40th production. Don’t miss out. Performances 11th to 14th March. More information re ticket sales will be circulated when known. 

4. Hotwell Road Bus stop change. Some of you may have used the new stop outside Hillsborough. It has been brought to our attention that there are no seats in the shelter and no real time information board. We will try and lobby appropriately to get these improvements in place. 

5. Resident Parking Scheme changes. You may not be aware that Bristol City Council have introduced changes to Residents Parking schemes which are now effective. The announcement was made through a press release which we feel most residents will not know about. The main changes are: 1. The Permit will in future be electronic, like your vehicle licence. 2. Visitor permits will no longer be paper permits but will

have to be registered from a device when your visitor arrives. 3. Visitor permits will relate just to one vehicle visit. This means that if you have a number of visitors at different times on the same day you will not be able to use just one permit for them all, you will have to register each one separately and each one will now count as one permit used. 4. Your permits will only last for a year from the date of issue. Any unused permits will not be able to be carried forward to the next year period. It is claimed that this will be more convenient to users and this may be the case for some. Nothing was said about the increase in cost for the users of visitor permits. Full details can be found at https://www.bristol.gov.uk/parking/get-residents-permits

6. Cleaner Air Campaign. We noticed an article in Bristol 24/7, written by a local GP headed “If we are serious about improving the air we breathe, we need to stop burning wood”. We know this maybe a contentious issue for many who have wood burning stoves but it is worthy of attention, not least because of who wrote it. See https://www.bristol247.com/?s=wood+burning 

7. Crime report. Vehicle crime is still high in the Clifton beat, which includes Cliftonwood and Hotwells. Please be vigilant and help reduce temptation by ensuring that your vehicle has nothing on display that might attract a thief’s attention. Maybe we can all help each other just a bit by keeping temptation to a minimum.

8. Clifton Climate Action. CCA are setting up big practical projects to get Clifton to go low-carbon, support wildlife and reduce pollution. Free talks at Clifton Library on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month. You can also sign up to their newsletter. Go to https://www.cliftonclimateaction.org/

9. Friends of Clifton Library. To see regular events and classes at the Library go to https://www.foccal.com/regular-events/

10. Friends of Redland Library. Thursday 9th January Desert Island Books on Books & Climate Change. Tuesday 28th January “From Page to Screen”. More information at https://FriendsOfRedlandLibrary.org.uk

11. Bristol Harbourside Monday Morning Social Running.  New Years resolutions????! Led by local runners, the run is open to all abilities and perfect for those looking for some daytime social running. It’s not competitive - no one is left behind - and it’s free to take part. Weekly on Mondays 9.30am, Mardyke Steps. Be at Mardyke Steps across from The Mardyke pub next to The Grain Barge at 9:25 for a 9:30 start. The run lasts for about an hour finishing roughly around 10.30. Running will be mainly on road on the harbourside circuit, towpath and Ashton Court. We head for a coffee afterwards. For more go to: https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=bristol%20harbourside%20social%20running&epa=SEARCH_BOX

12. Lifeskills Safety Education Centre. The Centre is recruiting 20 Tour Guides in 2020!  They are seeking 20 child-friendly people from all walks of life to join their team in a unique and fun volunteering role. Join them on Weds, 15th January 10:30am – 11:30am for an introduction to Lifeskills and take a tour around the realistic village where you’ll see how they help primary school children (age 10/11) learn valuable life skills. To book a place (or to arrange visit on an alternative date) please contact Sam Jury, Volunteer Co-ordinator on: tel: 0117 922 4511 or email: [email protected]  Find out more about them at: www.lifeskills-bristol.org.uk

13. Jacob’s Well Hub and Baths news. We are hoping to hear good news about the future of the Baths and hopefully see some work on the building starting during this year. To follow information about this and the activities of the Hub go to http://jacobswellscommunityhub.com/ and sign up to their newsletter

14. Good Grief Bristol. May 2020. This is a city-wide festival that aims to help people think, talk and learn about grief. There will be a series of events in the centre of Bristol, but the hope is that the festival will extend across the whole city, engaging communities which might access bereavement support less than other groups. Community events and activities are a major part of this vision, and Good Grief Community Event Grants will provide funding from £50 to £400 for local organisations to run activities and events during the festival period. For guidance and an application form, go to - https://goodgriefbristol.com/community-events  Deadline for applications is 31 January 2020.

15. Petition regarding Bristol Airport expansion. We are sure that you are aware that there is quite a debate about the pros and cons of expansion of Bristol Airport, particularly in the light of concerns about Climate change. If you want to add weight to those who object to the expansion of the airport you might want to sign a petition available here. https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/bristol-city-council-debate-about-the-expansion-of-bristol-airport

16. Fostering in Bristol.  If you are interested to foster there is an opportunity to find out more at a Fostering Coffee Morning on Thursday 30 January at the Tinto Lounge, Gloucester Road. Drop in between 9.30 and 11.30am to chat with a local foster carer on their experiences, the support available to you and how to get involved. For more info on this and other upcoming fostering events go to https://www.bristol.gov.uk/web/foster-with-bristol-city-council/support/fostering-events

17. Big Tidy Pledges. We want to encourage everyone to participate in their own way in helping to keep our streets tidier. Ideas as to how we might achieve this as a community would be very welcome. The City Council is encouraging us to all join in. Pledges can be as simple as promising to pick up litter as you go about your journey, taking your own litter home to be recycled, or reporting tagging and fly-tipping. You can find out more here:  https://www.bristolwastecompany.co.uk/big-tidy/


December 2019 Bulletin 50

Welcome to this month’s e-newsletter for HCCA, sharing community news from Hotwells, Cliftonwood, Spike Island and wider Bristol. If you wish to contribute to our next bulletin, please send us a short paragraph and link/s where relevant by 31st December. We would always be very happy to hear from you.   Visit our website for more!

50 Bulletins feels like quite a milestone. We hope they are useful and of interest to you. If you have ideas for improvements please let us know.

We have some 280 people on our mailing list but we are sure we could reach more people with your help. So if you know anyone in the area who is not in receipt of our bulletin please encourage them to sign up on our website https://www.hotwellscliftonwood.org.uk/ Thank you

We would like to wish all our readers a very Happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year

In this issue:

  1. Cumberland Basin News
  2. Hotwells Panto
  3. General Election Polling station changes
  4. Hotwell Road Bus stop change
  5. Labour Party Meeting
  6. Feeding Bristol
  7. Lifecycle crowdfunder
  8. Our local Food Bank
  9. Bristol Libraries Innovation Fund
  10. Jacob’s Well Hub
  11. Ashton Court Mansion
  12. The Climate and our Community
  13. Clifton Climate Action
  14. Chocolate Path update
  15. Bristol Museums


 1. Cumberland Basin News.  The Advisory Group recently held its second meeting. The most important item out of this is a commitment to engage with as many groups as possible, resident, community, business, social, recreational and any others we can think of. To that end the idea which some of you may have picked up that there was going to be a second, so called, Reference Group, is not really the case. It is going to become, we hope, a reference list of organisations that members of the Advisory Group can engage with to begin a real community engagement process on this very significant and important plan. We would be very grateful for any ideas that you may have as to organisations that should be consulted. We can think of many but we might miss some. Please help us with your ideas. [email protected] In case you missed it the Arup report to BCC is here https://democracy.bristol.gov.uk/documents/s42622/Appendix%20A%20-%20Arup%20Report.pdf

The other important commitment at this stage is to develop an exclusive space on the City Council website for the Western Harbour plan process. We will let you know as soon as that is live.

2. Hotwells Panto. The 40th Hotwells Panto, based on “the Little Mermaid” will take place from Wednesday-Saturday 11th-14th March 2020. The read through and casting will be held on 30th December at 7.30pm at Holy Trinity. The first rehearsal is on January 6th and every Tuesday at 8pm. The dress rehearsals are Sunday March 1st and Sunday March 8th at Hope Chapel at 1pm.
If you would like to take part, either on stage or backstage, or help with scenery or costume-making come along to the read through or email our producer, Amanda Webb [email protected]

3. General Election Polling station changes.  We are sure you are aware by now of the General Election called for December 12th. Please note that the polling station for the Hotwells & Harbourside polling district of Spike Island (HOHD) will move from Spike Island Arts Centre, into Create Centre at B Bond.

4. Hotwell Road Bus Stop change. We are sorry we did not get this into an earlier bulletin. The new stop outside Hillsborough flats has made the stop in the lay-by opposite Dowry Square as well as the stop at the bottom of Ambra Vale redundant. We hope that this change will make things more convenient for most people. This change was in fact consulted upon in 2017, but now feels rather lost in the mist of time! Interestingly, the 2017 consultation also included creating a bus lane all along Hotwells Road to join up with Anchor Road but this is being shelved for now. If you think that this is something we should pursue to get brought back into active consideration please let us know.

5. Labour Party Meeting. As most of you know this had to be cancelled at very short notice due to the election, despite all the efforts of the local Labour Party to check that it could go ahead. We understand that efforts are being made to reconvene this in the New Year and we will do our best to advertise it when we have details.

6. Feeding Bristol.  Bristol City Council are supporting the charity Feeding Bristol by becoming a collection point for people in the city to donate food to make sure that others do not go hungry this festive season. Food collected will be mainly used to prepare free Christmas food hampers for those in need. For the Christmas campaign, Feeding Bristol would like to provide treats and luxury items including: Christmas biscuits and cakes, Christmas chocolates, Mince pies and Christmas pudding, Dried fruits and nuts, Tinned ham and Sponge puddings. The food will be managed and distributed by FareShare South West to local community organisations and children centres in time for Christmas. Donations can be made at City Hall between now and Dec 12th. More information at  https://www.feedingbristol.org/ and http://faresharesouthwest.org.uk/

7. Life Cycle crowdfunder.  Bristol charity Life Cycle UK has launched its first crowdfunder campaign. Life Cycle hope to raise £6,000 to help with a move into Bristol Prison’s new education block, where Life Cycle will train prisoners as Bike Mechanics so they can build a brighter future after release. By donating to their Crowdfunder before 15th December 2019, anyone can contribute towards the rehabilitation of prisoners in Bristol and the South West. More information and how to donate can be found at https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/bike-shop-behind-bars

8. Our local Food Bank. If you, or someone you know, should be in need of the services of a foodbank then it is probably best to contact [email protected] or phone 07856 021365. The foodbank has a weekly session at Hope Chapel on Wednesdays 9.30am to 12.30pm. Details of how you can give help, contribute items etc. can be found at https://www.bristolnorthwestfoodbank.org.uk/

 9. Bristol Libraries Innovation Fund.  Do you have ideas for your local library? If so you may be able to assist in getting money for the library by applying, or assisting in an application for the Bristol Libraries Innovation Fund. All the information you need for this can be found at 


10. Jacob’s Well Hub. Judy Goldsmith who has played an important role in the success of the Hub has moved to Oxford. We wish her well. You can follow all the Hub’s activities at http://jacobswellscommunityhub.com/

11. Ashton Court Mansion. We understand that there may be rumours going around about the Mansion which need dispelling. The Council are planning to dispose of the Mansion on a long term lease. It has NOT been sold. Agents have not yet been appointed. It is expected that agents will be appointed early in the New Year and then things will move on from there. There is a lot of work to do in the meanwhile but we will try and keep you posted with what is happening.

12. The Climate and our Community. Bristol’s communities are invited to help shape the conversation on climate change and climate change migration. Conference to be held at City Hall Tuesday 10th December 10am to 1pm. To Reserve your place on Eventbrite, search The Climate & Our Community https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-climate-our-community-tickets-79687893635 Email:[email protected] If anyone who attends wants to give some feedback that would be good.

13. Clifton Climate Action. Last meeting of 2019 has had to be changed because of the election. The meeting will now be held at 7.30 on Thursday 5th December. Subject “Why we need trees”. More information is at https://www.cliftonclimateaction.org/

14. Chocolate Path update. We learn that BCC recently decided to spend the full £5.5m necessary to shore up the 80m stretch of bank (with a bored piled concrete retaining wall), and to use the opportunity to do extra flood protection. Apparently  the works are expected to run 2020- 2022 . More information at https://democracy.bristol.gov.uk/mgAi.aspx?ID=17930#mgDocuments

15. Bristol Museums. Wild Life Photographer of the Year is back again at the M Shed until May 2020. Yoko Ono films are showing at the Georgian House till the end of December. More information at https://www.bristolmuseums.org.uk/whats-on/

November 2019 Bulletin 49

Welcome to this month’s e-newsletter for HCCA, sharing community news from Hotwells, Cliftonwood, Spike Island and wider Bristol. If you wish to contribute to our next bulletin, please send us a short paragraph and link/s where relevant by 30th November. We would always be very happy to hear from you.   Visit our website for more!

In this issue:

  2. Cumberland Basin News
  3. Labour Party Meeting
  4. General Election Hustings
  5. Clifton Climate Action
  6. Clifton Village Literary Festival
  7. Redland Library
  8. The Arc (Not Noah’s)
  9. Can Do Bristol
  10. Bristol’s proposed Clean Air Plan
  11. Consultation on Council Tax
  12. Bristol wins award
  13. Crime prevention
  14. Do you believe in Magic?
  15. Art for Nature
  16. For Foodies

1. HCCA AGM.  The Community Association AGM will be held on 11th November 7.30pm Holy Trinity Hotwells. The business meeting will be followed by 2 films about Bristol. – How the Floating Harbour might have been if they had built on it and 26 short pieces – Bristol from A-Z.  All welcome. Come and hear what we are trying to do for the Community and take your chance to offer suggestions for improving life in the area.

2. Cumberland Basin News.  New information has now been published in the Cabinet papers for 5th November  https://democracy.bristol.gov.uk/documents/g3689/Public%20reports%20pack%2005th-Nov-2019%2016.00%20Cabinet.pdf?T=10 This seems to include all the options that the Consultants Arup looked at, although we only got a chance to comment on 2 of them and a hybrid option.

Since our last bulletin our Chairman, Dennis, who also chairs the Cumberland Basin Stakeholder Group, has been invited by the Mayor to be part of an Advisory Board on the whole issue of the potential development of “Western Harbour”. It remains to be seen exactly how the activities of this group will effect what happens next. More may be evident after the Cabinet meeting on the 5th. If there is enough news on this to warrant a special bulletin then we will publish one. Until that time we will try and keep you up to date here.

3. Labour Party Meeting. Related to the above there will be a meeting for local residents on 13th November at 6pm in Holy Trinity Church where Marvin Rees will talk on “The Future of Hotwells and Harbourside”. The invite says “What would you like to see in our neighbourhood? A simpler road system? Less pollution? Reduced traffic? Family homes? More open space? What do you want to preserve? What if anything do you want to change?” So this is a chance hear first- hand about, and possibly to influence, the changes being talked about.

4. General Election Hustings. Your CA intends to try and hold a hustings, as we have done before. As we will not be able to firm this up before publication we will send a special bulletin with details when they are known. We are looking for dates in weeks commencing 18 and 25th November and 2nd December. More soon.

5. Clifton Climate Action.  The autumn series of talks continues with “Recycling in Clifton – Can we boost it?” Gwen Frost, Head of innovation and sustainability at Bristol Waste will advise you. 7.30pm Thursday 14th November Clifton Library. Also, same time on 28th November “The benefits of LEDs”. More from https://www.cliftonclimateaction.org

6. Clifton Village Literary Festival. Friday 15th to Sunday 17th November. A weekend full of various talks, workshops, music, poetry and lively discussion. Check out the details here https://www.foccal.com/ There’s lots for everyone. This is also a chance to support your local library.

7. Redland Library. Thursday 14th November 7pm Jane Duffus will talk about her second volume of “The Women who built Bristol. More information at https://friendsofredlandlibrary.org.uk/

8. The Arc (Not Noah’s). A new possibility for seeing some of the city from the air. We do not know the status of this plan but maybe it will fly! Looks like it could be fun. For more see https://arc.global/bristol

9. Can Do Bristol. Can Do Bristol is a web platform which has been developed by Bristol City Council in partnership with a range of community organisations representing different localities/equality groups in the city. It has been set up to help support social and community action all across the city of Bristol. It hopes to help connect people, groups and communities together. It plans to create opportunities for people to connect, promote and sign up for volunteering, offer chances to swap time and skills with a time-banking feature and promote other community initiatives. See more at https://candobristol.co.uk/

10. Bristol’s proposed Clean Air Plan. BCC Cabinet will be considering a proposed Clean Air Plan on 5th November. The main parts of the plan are, a charging zone for all diesel taxis, buses, hgvs and vans that do not have Euro 6 engines and a complete ban on all diesel cars (and diesel camper vans) in a central area between the hours of 7am and 3pm. Details can be found here https://www.cleanairforbristol.org/ If you want to see what the cabinet papers are like go to https://democracy.bristol.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=135&MId=3689&Ver=4

11. Consultation on Council Tax. Consultation on next year’s Council Tax rate is now open and can be found at www.bristol.gov.uk/budget2020-2021. Options seem to be no change, which presumably must result in reduced services, 2% increase or the latter plus an additional 2% for adult social care.


12. Bristol wins award.  Bristol City Council’s backing for projects that help the city achieve its carbon neutral targets has been recognised nationally at the Community Energy Awards 2019. For more information on the council's energy projects visit: www.energyservicebristol.co.uk.


13. Crime prevention. We are hoping you have not been the victim of crime in the area, but we are very aware that crime, in particular theft (vehicle and other) and burglary are still regular occurrences in the area. More information on protecting yourself against crime can be found at www.police.uk/crime-prevention-advice/ and https://www.securedbydesign.com/  and https://www.avonandsomerset.police.uk/crime-prevention-advice/  Information about neighbourhood and community issues can be found on the BCC website at https://www.bristol.gov.uk/


14. Do you believe in Magic? New exhibition at Bristol Museum and Art Gallery. Now till April 2020. From ancient uses of witchcraft, to belief in the power of gods and ancestors, this exhibition explores the complex intersection between magic, science and religion. More information at www.bristolmuseums.org.uk about this and all other exhibitions at our museums.


15. Art for Nature.  Hurry only a few days left! Till Friday 8th November at the CREATE Centre. An art exhibition featuring donated artwork on the theme of the natural world from over thirty professional artists. 100% of proceeds go to the environmental charity; World Land Trust. More information about the Trust here https://www.worldlandtrust.org/


16. For Foodies. Bristol Food Network has a variety of events in November which can be found here https://www.bristolfoodnetwork.org/


October 2019 Bulletin 48

Welcome to this month’s e-newsletter for HCCA, sharing community news from Hotwells, Cliftonwood, Spike Island and wider Bristol. If you wish to contribute to our next bulletin, please send us a short paragraph and link/s where relevant by 31st October. We would always be very happy to hear from you.   Visit our website for more!

In this issue:


  1. Cumberland Basin News
  2. West Bristol Arts Trail
  3. Piazza News
  4. Hotwells Cliftonwood and Clifton Local History Society
  5. Clifton Climate Action
  6. Clifton Library events
  7. Redland Library events
  8. Bristol Women’s Cycling Charter
  9. Better Bristol Initiative
  10. Autumn Litter Blitz
  11. Bristol Older Peoples Forum
  12. Building Liveable Neighbourhoods in Bristol
  13. Antique and Vintage Fair
  14. Remembrance Sunday Service
  15. Volunteering at Lifeskills Education Centre


1. HCCA AGM. The Community Association AGM will be held on 11th November 7.30pm Holy Trinity Hotwells. Business meeting followed by films about Bristol. All welcome. Come and hear what we are trying to do for the Community and take your chance to offer suggestions for improving life in the area. 

2. Cumberland Basin News.   About 180 people came to the public meeting in conjunction with the Cumberland Basin Stakeholder Group on the 11th of September. There was no support for the way in which the Council are carrying out this non consultation – or “asking for your views” and there was no support for any of the options that had been put in front of the public. Our answer to the Mayor and the Council can be found at https://www.hotwellscliftonwood.org.uk/hcca_response_to_western_harbour_consultation  you can also find the Mayor’s response here. The Cumberland Basin Stakeholder Group will be meeting again on 2nd October to decide their next steps, including trying to obtain more information.

3. West Bristol Arts Trail. 19th and 20th October. Public preview Engineers’ House, The Promenade 6.30 – 8.30 on Friday 18th. 49 venues and thousands of works of art. More information at www.westbristolarts.com

4. Piazza News. Drop by and see the new planter bench. Let us know what you think. Also take a look at Hotwells Voices Artwork collecting phrases from local people on the wall opposite the trees.  See https://www.bristol247.com/news-and-features/features/giant-scrabble-mural-painted-in-hotwells/

5. Hotwells Cliftonwood and Clifton Local History Society.  Wednesday 16th October 7 for 7.30 CREATE Centre to hear Andrew Stocker talk about the Bristol Old Vic Theatre. £5 admission includes a drink 

6. Clifton Climate Action.  Meetings at Clifton Library. 7.30 -9pm. Thursday 10th October “Bristol’s Air Quality –Problems, Solutions, Politics”. and Thursday 24th October “How Fashion Trashes the Planet and what you can do. More information at https://www.facebook.com/CliftonClimateAction/ or https://www.foccal.com/events-calendar/

7. Friends of Clifton Centre and Library. The Friends of Clifton Centre and Library (FoCCaL) exist to promote the library as a place where local people can come together to enjoy themselves, meet new people, and learn. Support your local Library. Check out the events that go on there at https://www.foccal.com/events-with-foccal/

8. Redland Library events.  Thursday 10th October 6.45 for 7pm “Books you should read” Local politicians take to the hustings to champion their favourite book. Tuesday 22nd October (same time) “Books that made me a writer”. 4 writers talk of the books that influenced them. More information at https://friendsofredlandlibrary.org.uk/future-events/

9. Bristol Women’s Cycling Charter. This will be launched on Thursday 10th October at 4pm at TLT LLP One Redcliff Street, BS1 6TP. Local cycling charity, Life Cycle UK, is launching the “Bristol Women’s Cycling Charter” to inspire and empower more women to cycle. More information and booking at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/bristol-womens-cycling-charter-launch-event-tickets-71633599023

10. Better Bristol Initiative. Bristol 24/7 are building on their Better Bristol initiative to offer a range of work experience and training opportunities that are free and are there to benefit people in Bristol. If you are interested in contributing or learning more then please visit https://www.bristol247.com/betterbristol/ 

11. Autumn Litter Blitz.  You are invited to join the Autumn Litter Blitz 1st to 31st October. Bristol Waste can provide you with all the kit and you can borrow litter pickers, high viz vests and get bags for waste and recycling. See  https://www.bristolwastecompany.co.uk/whats-happening/autumn-litter-blitz-19/ 

12. Bristol Older Peoples Forum – BOPF. Thursday 3rd October 10.30 – 12.30 Broadmead Baptist Church, Union Street BS1 3HY. Open meeting. Guest speakers include the Lord Mayor Cllr Jos Clark More information at www.bopf.org.uk

13. Building Liveable Neighbourhoods in Bristol. Part of the Festival of the Future City. Friday 18th October 2.30 – 3.45pm at The Watershed. More about the festival here: https://www.futurecityfestival.co.uk/events/building-liveable-neighbourhoods/  To book go to: https://uk.patronbase.com/_FOTFC/Productions/FC42/Performances

14. Antique and Vintage Fair.  Sunday 27th October 10am-3.30pm . Ashton Court Mansion House. Fine jewellery, china, furniture, paintings, memorabilia, vintage clothing, retro items and much more. Café open plus afternoon cream teas. £2.00 entry under 16s free. Any enquiries to [email protected]

15. Remembrance Sunday Service. Sunday 10th November 2pm St. Andrew’s Churchyard Clifton, where, as is now tradition, a member of the Hotwells and Cliftonwood Community will lay a wreath on behalf of the Community. All are of course welcome.

16. Volunteering at Lifeskills Education Centre Taster hour, 10.30 – 11.30. 13th November CREATE Centre. They are seeking friendly, reliable people to join their team in a unique and exciting role that won’t tie you down. The “taster hour” is to show what fun and flexible volunteering at Lifeskills can be. See how their volunteer Child Safety Tour Guides teach primary school children (age 10/11) valuable safety skills and take a tour around the realistic village. To book a place (or to arrange visit on an alternative date) please contact Sam Jury, Volunteer Co-ordinator on 0117 922 4511 or email: [email protected]  Find out more about us at: www.lifeskills-bristol.org.uk


September 2019 Bulletin 47

Welcome to this month’s e-newsletter for HCCA, sharing community news from Hotwells, Cliftonwood, Spike Island and wider Bristol. If you wish to contribute to our next bulletin, please send us a short paragraph and link/s where relevant by 30th September. We would always be very happy to hear from you.   Visit our website for more!

In this issue:

  1. Cumberland Basin News
  2. Open Air Cinema
  3. Brunel’s Second Bridge
  4. Piazza activity
  5. HCCA visit to Puppet Place
  6. HCCA Film night
  7. Panto News
  8. Surplus Food Feast at Holy Trinity
  9. Reduce your waste – use a repair café
  10. Interested in fostering?
  11. Consultations on Licensing and Sex Establishments
  12. Bristol Heritage Forum
  13. Bristol Older Peoples’ Forum (BOPF)

1. Cumberland Basin News.  We are sure that you will be aware by now of the “consultation” that has been launched on “Western Harbour. See https://bristol.citizenspace.com/growth-regeneration/western-harbour/  The Cumberland Basin Stakeholder Group, together with HCCA is holding  a public meeting to which all are welcome 11th September Holy Trinity Church 6.45 for 7pm to 9pm. The purpose is to give you the chance to express your views as well as hear views from others and for both the above bodies to collect a more informed view of the reactions in the community and then be able to convey that to the Mayor. All are welcome. Information on www.hotwellscliftonwood.org.uk Note that the consultation closes on the 15th of September 

2. Open Air Cinema  At The Lion play park Cliftonwood. Mary Poppins Friday 6th September. Gates open 7pm for showing at 8pm. Food and drink available at the Lion. Donations welcome

3. Brunel’s Second Bridge  Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th September Brunel’s other Bridge Group are hosting activities in the Cumberland Basin to celebrate the 170th anniversary of this historic bridge. They will be giving tours and explaining some of the area's local heritage and ground breaking Victorian engineering. Ever tried welding? Now's your chance! See https://www.brunelsotherbridge.org.uk/

4. Piazza activity  On Saturday 7th Anna and Amy are leading some free art activities, including painting, stencilling and printmaking on the Hotwells Piazza (aka Cumberland Piazza). Anyone is welcome! See https://annahaydockwilson.com/ and https://www.amyhutchings.co.uk/ 

5. HCCA visit to Puppet Place  Exclusive visit to Puppet Place 9.30am Saturday 14th September. This is to coincide with Bristol Open Doors weekend. Get animated at the UK’s hub for puppetry and animation in this converted dockside building - an Aladdin’s cave of puppets in the making for stage and screen. Join a tour of our fabrication studio and get a glimpse of the inner workings of Puppet Place. The tour will last about 30 minutes, so plenty of time to do other Doors Open places. Tour limited to 15 people. Please register your interest by emailing [email protected] or phone 929 1883 

6. HCCA Film night  Wednesday 18th September 7.30pm at Holy Trinity Church Hotwells. Gordon Young will be showing 2 films Bristol Revisited, which includes footage of post war Bristol and The Avon Gorge, the story of our spectacular gorge and all its unique features. Free event, but please reserve a space by letting us know you are coming by emailing [email protected]  or phone 9291883 

7. Panto News  Dates for your diaries. Scriptwriting meeting 14th Oct. 7.30 15 Southernhay Avenue (provisional 2nd meeting 4th Nov). Read through 30th Dec 7.30 Holy Trinity. First rehearsal: January 6th and every Tuesday at 8pm at Holy Trinity. Dress rehearsals: Sunday March 1st and Sunday March 8th at 1pm at Hope Chapel. Performances: Wednesday-Saturday 11th-14th March at 7.30pm. So now’s your chance!
If you fancy trying your hand at script-writing, contact Amanda Webb [email protected]  New recruits will be paired with existing writers. If you fancy acting, scenery-making, helping back-stage etc, come along to the read-through. The 2019 Panto made a net profit of £3,300 and has given £500 to Trinity Daycare towards their Memory Clinic and Christmas Dinner, and will be giving £1,600 to Hotwells School for lighting (the use of which will be shared with the panto). There are also plans to replace the black curtains and buy new staging.

8. Surplus Food Feast at Holy Trinity  Holy Trinity Church are hosting a Surplus Food Feast to raise funds for FareShare SW and Trinity Lunch Club. Saturday 28th September from 7pm. A 3 course meal will be created from surplus food that has been saved by FareShare SW. What the feast will be will not be known until the day but it will be a great feast, including a vegetarian option. FareShare SW save good food from going to waste by redistributing it around the South West to charities, schools and community groups who turn it into meals for vulnerable people. The Lunch Club that meets at Holy Trinity every Thursday, providing entertainment and a homemade 3 course meal for over 60s, is one of the recipient community groups. To find out more about FareShare SW, please see their website: http://faresharesouthwest.org.uk/  The ticket will include a drink on arrival and guests are welcome to bring their own wine or beer. Tickets: £20 Available from the church office 0117 983 8878 or via  Facebook  https://www.facebook.com/events/506382300128029/  

9. Reduce your waste – use a repair café  If you've got a toaster that won't toast, a vacuum cleaner that won't suck, or a coffee grinder that won't grind, a leg off a chair, even a woollen jumper with moth holes you may well be able to return it to life at one of Bristol's Repair Cafes. At Bristol Repair Cafe – Bedminster volunteers with expertise and skills to share offer free help with repairing faulty or broken appliances [eg CD player, toaster, phone], toys or bikes, clothing or textile repairs, or help with getting to know how tools or appliances work such as a new phone or sewing machine. They see themselves as neighbours helping neighbours as well as saving money and reducing waste. It’s also somewhere where people can just drop in and have a chat. Coffee and cake on sale. Open between 13:30 and 16:30 on the last Saturday of every month at the United Reformed Church, Bedminster, BS3 3PG - except August and December. For more information go to https://www.wellaware.org.uk/activities/bristol-repair-cafe-bedminster/

10. Interested in fostering?  Bristol is always looking for more foster carers. If you are interested why not participate in “The Big Fostering Conversation” to be held at the Vassall Centre on 25th September at 6.30pm. See https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-big-fostering-conversation-tickets-66449400947

11. Consultations on Licensing and Sex Establishments  Bristol City Council is currently consulting  on both its licensing policy – see https://bristol.citizenspace.com/licensing-regulatory-services/statement-of-licensing-policy/ and on the management of sex establishments – see https://bristol.citizenspace.com/management-of-place/sex-establishment-policy-review-2019/  Some will recall that we had a massage parlour on Hotwell Road for a few years before pressure and campaigning drove it away. We don’t think the community would want to see the like return. 

12. Bristol Heritage Forum Thursday 12th September All Saints Church BS1 1JN 5pm onwards. Old City guided tour 5.30. 7.15 talk by Clive Burgess, drawing on the archive from All Saints, to be followed by networking, wine and canapes. Please email [email protected] to register.

13. Bristol Older Peoples’ Forum (BOPF) Thursday 3rd October Broadmead Baptist Church BS1 3HY 10.30 – 1.30. Open Forum and celebrating age event. More information at www.bopf.org.uk or call 0117 927 9222


August 2019 Bulletin 46

Welcome to this month’s e-newsletter for HCCA, sharing community news from Hotwells, Cliftonwood, Spike Island and wider Bristol. If you wish to contribute to our next bulletin, please send us a short paragraph and link/s where relevant by 31st August. We would always be very happy to hear from you.   Visit our website for more!

In this issue:

  1. HCCA needs more Trustees
  2. HCCA visit to Puppet Place
  3. HCCA Film night
  4. Cumberland Basin News
  5. Piazza News
  6. Jacob’s Well Hub News
  7. Clean Air issues
  8. Pottery workshops at Underfall Yard
  9. Library events
  10. Amnesty Garden Party
  11. Bristol Harbour History Chamber
  12. Powerhouse for the West
  13. Refill Revolution
  14. Support Bristol Energy new Hydro scheme
  15. Plan to increase VAT on renewables
  16. Clean Streets 

1. More Trustees please.  HCCA is in need of more Trustees who can assist in all sorts of ways to maintain and develop the activities of your Community Association. Communication – this bulletin, web-site development, Facebook, Twitter, yes and even noticeboard communication. All require resourcing.  Can you help? Managing our emails - and responding to queries as appropriate. Can you help? Perhaps the reintroduction of our newsletter! Design, seeking content, organising distribution. Can you help? Treasurer and company secretary. Whilst we are ably served in this regard at present, Brenda moved away from Bristol sometime ago and it would be good to find her replacement. Are you comfortable with accounting and maintaining paperwork necessary for a charity and company. Can you help? Maybe it’s just being a committed committee member, assisting with all sorts and/or coming up with new ideas and following through. Can you help? If you think you can, or if you know someone who can then please email [email protected]

2. HCCA visit to Puppet Place.  Special exclusive visit to Puppet Place 9.30am Saturday 14th September. This is to coincide with Bristol Open Doors weekend. Get animated at the UK’s hub for puppetry and animation in this converted dockside building - an Aladdin’s cave of puppets in the making for stage and screen. Join a tour of our fabrication studio and get a glimpse of the inner workings of Puppet Place. The tour will last about 30 minutes, so plenty of time to do other Doors Open places. Tour limited to 15 people. Please register your interest by emailing [email protected]

3. HCCA Film night.  Wednesday 18th September 7.30pm at Holy Trinity Church Hotwells. Gordon Young will be showing 2 films Bristol Revisited, which includes footage of post war Bristol and The Avon Gorge, the story of our spectacular gorge and all its unique features. Free event, but please reserve a space by letting us know you are coming by emailing [email protected]

4. Cumberland Basin News. We are now told that the Council will run their “resident engagement” between 19th August and 15th September, sadly on going to press we have no information about what when or where, although there are sessions rumoured to be held at the Architecture Centre in August, next to the Arnolfini. As the compiler of these bulletins is away on holiday until the 25th of August details about the engagement/consultation maybe late coming to you. We will do our best to ensure the widest circulation at the earliest opportunity. Following on from last month’s bulletin we are pleased that we now have written confirmation regarding the change of boundary to the Western Harbour Development area so as not to include Avonquay Island.

5. Piazza and other garden news. On 7th July Megan Thurgood from RHS South West came to visit and to 'judge' the Waterfront Gardens, Pooles Wharf and the Piazza. She said:"It was an absolute privilege to see communities working together and producing such wonderful results which are clearly enjoyed immensely by residents of Bristol and visitors alike. Had a lovely time and enjoyed meeting super people and seeing absolutely inspirational places and projects". Big thanks to John Bradfield of Rownham Mead who organises these annual visits and encourages Hotwells' lovely garden space's. 

Save the date: Amy and Anna will be designing some art activities (details TBC) for all ages during the weekend of 7/8th September while Brunel's other Bridge celebrate 170 years of the BOB with exhibitions, yours and have-a-go at riveting, blacksmithing and metal stamping! https://www.brunelsotherbridge.org.uk/bob_news.html 

6. Jacob’s Well Hub News. Construction of the crossing on Jacob’s Well Road has started and should be finished before the end of August. More news of Hub activities on http://jacobswellscommunityhub.com/

7. Clean Air issues.  The City’s Clean Air Zone consultation has now started and runs till 12th of August. You can complete the consultation questionnaire here www.bristol.gov.uk/trafficcleanairzone If you want to read the report it can be found here https://democracy.bristol.gov.uk/documents/s32874/OBC-5%20%20BCC%20CAZ%20OBC%20Economic%20case%20310119.pdf.  HCCA has concluded that it cannot respond to the questionnaire as there are likely to be very different views from people in our area. However we encourage everyone to respond and make their views known.

8. Pottery workshops at Underfall Yard.  These are great chance for children aged 7-16 to explore and play with clay guided by a local ceramic artist.  Workshops are in the Education Room at Underfall Yard. They run on various dates in August until Friday 23rd August 2019. Full day places can be booked, 10.00-16.00 (£28 per child) or half days, either 10.00-12.30 or 13.30-16.00 (£15 per child).  FFI contact Joanna Espiner, [email protected]  or  telephone 07817 540492.

9. Library events. There are various events at our closest at risk Libraries, Clifton and Redland. Take a look at what is coming up and support these Libraries if you can. For Clifton take a look at   https://www.foccal.com/events-calendar/ and for Redland take a look at https://friendsofredlandlibrary.org.uk/future-events/

10. Amnesty Garden Party. Sunday 4th August 1pm – 5pm Goldney Hall BS8 1DE. Family friendly, live music, tea and cakes and all in a good cause. Entry £6 under 12s free. For more information contact [email protected] or go to www.amnesty.org.uk/bristol

11. Bristol Harbour History Chamber. This is a project planned to  create the story of the transformation of Clifton Wood and Hotwells as seen from the Underfall Yard over the last two hundred years. To reveal a transformation, through time, from the Golney Hall Rotunda to Cabot Tower and Pooles Wharf. By cranking a viewer handle, The History Chamber will reveal a low tech augmented view of the past. The project is planned to take place on the “knuckle” outside the Visitor Centre at Underfall Yard during summer 2020. The project is being undertaken by Ian House, Senior Lecturer in Animation Production at Arts University Bournemouth and Andy Brown, Lecturer in Information Technology.

12. Powerhouse for the West. A new initiative which it seems seeks to emulate or improve upon the Northern Powerhouse idea. The potential powerhouse – which is yet to adopt a formal name - would stretch along the M4 corridor from Swindon and across the Welsh border to Cardiff and Swansea, and in the north from Gloucester and Cheltenham to Bath and Bristol. You can read the report at www.apowerhouseforthewest.org.uk

13. Refill Revolution. This is your chance to do your bit in the battle against plastic by refilling water bottles. There are already 400 refill locations across the city and the Council has teamed up with Bristol Water to launch the first of eight new water fountains. It’s estimated the fountains will save more than 50 miles’ worth of single use plastic every year! More information can be found at  https://www.bristolwater.co.uk/our-commuity/in-your-community/refill-revolution

14. Support Bristol Energy new Hydro scheme.  Bristol Energy Coop have just launched a crowdfunding scheme for a hydro project on the River Avon. With a little help, it can now become a trailblazing unsubsidised renewable energy project. This will be Bristol Energy Coop's first unsubsidised large project and probably the first UK unsubsidised hydro scheme for many years. If you would like to see this scheme succeed and contribute to a Zero Carbon UK, you can increase the chance of it going ahead by becoming an official Netham Weir Hydro Electric supporter. More information about the scheme and how to do this is on the Crowdfunder page: https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/netham-weir-community-hydro-electric

15. Plan to increase VAT on renewables.  Apparently consumers are facing an increase from 5% to 20% VAT on the cost of installing their own low-carbon energy and storage. Increasing costs for a solution to climate change we can use today. But, domestic coal, the highly carbon intensive fuel the UK is committed to eradicating from our energy system, will continue at the lower 5% rate. You can sign a petition to try and stop this at  https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/halt-the-solar-and-storage-vat-hike?utm_source=Good%20Thinking%20July&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=Good%20Thinking%20July

16. Clean Streets.  There is now a Bristol Clean Streets Forum. This Forum aims to provide the opportunity to highlight and guide priorities for the council and service providers and to work collaboratively to address these. members of the Clean Streets Forum would like to create a Clean Streets directory. If you take part in a project that helps keep Bristol clean and green then please fill in the  directory. Details to be found at https://www.bristolwastecompany.co.uk/about/community-engagement-team/clean-streets-forum/  Please also tell us if you are part of such an initiative and perhaps we can assist somehow in spreading the word and getting others to follow your good example.


July 2019 Bulletin 45

Welcome to this month’s e-newsletter for HCCA, sharing community news from Hotwells, Cliftonwood, Spike Island and wider Bristol. If you wish to contribute to our next bulletin, please send us a short paragraph and link/s where relevant by 31st July. We would always be very happy to hear from you.   Visit our website for more!

In this issue:

  1. HCCA needs more Trustees
  2. HCCA visit to Puppet Place
  3. Cumberland Basin News
  4. Piazza News
  5. Jacob’s Well Hub News
  6. HCCA Film night
  7. Clean Air issues
  8. Life Cycle’s Return to cycling rides
  9. CHAS pilot project
  10. Afternoon Jazz Concerts
  11. Show of Strength
  12. Amnesty Golden Garden Party
  13. Good news for the City’s Parks and Green Spaces
  14. On shore wind generation
  15. Useful information from Holy Trinity Open Day
  16. Refugees an Asylum Seekers
  17. BOB celebrates 170 years


1. More Trustees Please.  HCCA is in need of more Trustees who can assist in all sorts of ways to maintain and develop the activities of your Community Association. Communication – this bulletin, web-site development, Facebook, Twitter, yes and even noticeboard communication. All require resourcing.  Can you help? Managing our emails - and responding to queries as appropriate. Can you help? Perhaps the reintroduction of our newsletter! Design, seeking content, organising distribution. Can you help? Treasurer and company secretary. Whilst we are ably served in this regard at present, Brenda moved away from Bristol sometime ago and it would be good to find her replacement. Are you comfortable with accounting and maintaining paperwork necessary for a charity and company. Can you help? Maybe it’s just being a committed committee member, assisting with all sorts and/or coming up with new ideas and following through. Can you help? If you think you can, or if you know someone who can then please email [email protected]

2. HCCA visit to Puppet Place. Special exclusive visit to Puppet Place 9.30am Saturday 14th September. This is to coincide with Bristol Open Doors weekend. Get animated at the UK’s hub for puppetry and animation in this converted dockside building - an Aladdin’s cave of puppets in the making for stage and screen. Join a tour of our fabrication studio and get a glimpse of the inner workings of Puppet Place. The tour will last about 30 minutes, so plenty of time to do other Doors Open places. Tour limited to 15 people. Please register your interest by emailing [email protected]

3. Cumberland Basin News. The good news is that we have heard (though we have yet to get evidence in writing) that the Council have agreed to amend the boundary line to the Western Harbour Development such that it does not include the Avonquay Island. This is good news for those on the island as they now have a much better chance of longer leases and therefore a better chance of gaining lottery and other funding for development. The bad news is we still do not have any firm dates for consultation on the traffic options, so it looks like it will be August at the earliest. More information as soon as we have it!

4. Piazza News https://artundertheflyover.com

New Mural by Luke Palmer (pictured above). We are delighted to have a beautiful new painting by artist and founder of Collaborative Painting UK, Luke Palmer, aka Acerone. Luke painted this stunner in less than two days. Martin Booth, a journalist for Bristol 24/7 happened along while Luke was painting, and wrote this article.

15th July 2-6pm Community Gardening day. To prepare for being judged by the Royal Horticultural Society South West in Bloom team. If you have ideas or expertise to share, it’s a great opportunity to have your say and to meet other members of our community! If you can't make the 15th, but would like to help, please get in touch with Anna [email protected] or by liking our Friends of Hotwells Piazza Facebook page. We are always keen to have people volunteering to do some watering when the weather is dry!

5. Jacob’s Well Hub News. The long awaited pedestrian crossing across Jacob’s Well Rd should be under construction by the time this is issued. This was requested some years ago under the Neighbourhood Partnership, but all schemes approved then are still going to be completed. We still await news of when work will start on the Baths. More information at http://jacobswellscommunityhub.com/

6. HCCA Film night. Date for your diary Wednesday 18th September. Film night Holy Trinity. "Bristol Revisited" and "The Avon Gorge". More details next month

7. Clean Air issues. The City’s Clean Air Zone consultation has now started and runs till 12th of August. You can complete the consultation questionnaire here www.bristol.gov.uk/trafficcleanairzone If you want to read the report it can be found here https://democracy.bristol.gov.uk/documents/s32874/OBC-5%20%20BCC%20CAZ%20OBC%20Economic%20case%20310119.pdf

8. Life Cycle’s Return to cycling rides. Life Cycle are running some ‘Return to cycling’ rides throughout July-October from the Create Centre in Hotwells. The rides are slow paced and on cycle paths going a short distance with a stop for refreshments. Bikes and eBikes are available to borrow and the rides are supported by a ride leader and volunteers. We can also provide extra support such as 1:1 cycle lessons before the ride if needed. All for free! 1st and 3rd Tuesdays July- October. Further information from https://www.lifecycleuk.org.uk/ or phone 0117 3534580

9. CHAS pilot project. Churches Housing Aid Society, together with Shelter are running a pilot project (Private Rentals Energy Project (PREP)) to support tenants of private rented properties with getting any necessary energy-efficiency improvements to their homes completed, to inform them of their rights and by extension, the responsibilities of their landlords. If you, or anyone you know, might benefit from this please contact http://www.chasbristol.co.uk/  or phone 0117 9351260

10. Afternoon Jazz Concerts. Afternoon jazz concerts at the Bristol Fringe, which are aimed at an older audience. Each month, the Afternoon Jazz concerts present an outstanding vocalist with their band/accompanist, playing two sets to a seated audience in the back room of the Bristol Fringe on Princess Victoria Street. At the break, audience and musicians chat over homemade cake and tea (or something stronger from the bar). The idea behind the sessions was to provide a welcoming, relaxed and comfortable atmosphere for older audiences to enjoy old music played by great young artists. Next concert 18th July 3pm. More information at https://www.facebook.com/AfternoonJazzattheFringe

11. Show of Strength. Why not try something a little different in theatre experience. For details go to http://showofstrength.org.uk/

12. Amnesty Golden Garden Party. Bristol Amnesty International Garden Party 1-5pm Sunday 4th August. Goldney Gardens.  As usual plenty of interest and a chance to explore the gardens and grotto. More details at [email protected].

13. Good news for the City’s Parks and Green Spaces. Bristol has secured almost £1 million to help secure the future of the city’s parks and green spaces. The Council fought off tough competition to be one of only eight places across the UK selected by the National Trust and The National Lottery Heritage Fund to take part in its ground-breaking Future Parks programme. It’s the first project of its kind in the UK. Future Parks is designed to help councils find sustainable ways to manage and fund parks and open spaces across entire towns and cities. More information at http://www.bristolparksforum.org.uk/

14. On shore wind generation. 1010 Climate Action are running a campaign to get MPs to support more onshore wind generation. Thangam Debbonaire has signed up and the hope is that by spreading the word people can get more MPs from elsewhere to sign up. More information at https://1010uk.org/

15. Useful information from Holy Trinity Open Day. As mentioned last month, Holy Trinity Church held an open day on the 22nd of June and there were a few stall with useful information to share. So here are a few links you just might find useful. Friends ageing better – www.ageukbristol.org.uk  Goldies Sing and Smile UK – www.golden-oldies.org.uk  The Alzheimer’s Society – www.alzheimers.org.uk and of course Trinity Lunch Club – www.trinitylunchclub.co.uk

16. Refugees and Asylum Seekers. Many refugees and asylum seekers are not permitted to take paid employment even if they could find it. However, they could benefit greatly from volunteer roles that would offer them meaningful occupations. If you have, or you know someone who might have, such a role that could provide a refugee or asylum seeker with work then please get in touch with one of these organisations who will provide advice and help. Bristol City of Sanctuary:

https://bristol.cityofsanctuary.org/contact , Bristol Hospitality Network: https://www.bhn.org.uk/contact or Bristol Refugee Rights: https://www.bristolrefugeerights.org/

17. Brunel's Other Bridge. Save the date for a weekend celebrating BOB's 170th 7/8th September 2019 10am-4pm. Activities include blacksmithing, historical tours and lifting the bridge! For further information visit BOB's website https://www.brunelsotherbridge.org.uk

June 2019 Bulletin 44

Welcome to this month’s e-newsletter for HCCA, sharing community news from Hotwells, Cliftonwood, Spike Island and wider Bristol. If you wish to contribute to our next bulletin, please send us a short paragraph and link/s where relevant by 30th June. We would always be very happy to hear from you. Visit our website for more!

In this issue: 

  1. HCCA visit to Underfall Yard
  2. Cumberland Basin News
  3. Piazza News
  4. Jacob’s Well Hub News
  5. Clifton Green Squares and secret gardens 2019
  6. Campaign to save the Adam and Eve as a pub
  7. Open day at Holy Trinity Hotwells
  8. Clifton and Harbourside Neighbourhood Forum 24th June
  9. Ashton Court Mansion – Towards a Sustainable Future
  10. Bristol Older Peoples Forum (BOPF)
  11. Twilight market at St. Nick’s
  12. Let’s Ride Bristol 16th June
  13. Bristol’s 20mph review
  14. Lifeskills require volunteers
  15. Future of the City’s parks Sports Facilities
  16. 100 venues in Community Toilet Scheme
  17. Free swimming for pregnant women
  18. Redland Library event – “Books that made me a gardener”
  19. Bristol and Bath Festival of Nature
  20. Bristol Local Food Update


1. HCCA visit to Underfall Yard  We are delighted to invite you to a guided tour of the Underfall Yard. Wednesday 19th June 2019. Meet at 11.15 (Pickles café) for 11.30 for a guided tour to include all external areas and the Sluice Room and the Workshops (not normally open to the public) and finish at 12.30 with a pump run. Pickles Café will be open for refreshments before and after the event. We are limited to 15 places so do please book asap, and no later than 10th of June, using this e-mail address: [email protected]   Further details and a safety briefing will be sent to you after booking and prior to the event. Please advise when booking if you have any special access requirements. Cost is £5 per adult and £3 for concessions.

2. Cumberland Basin News The Cumberland Basin Stakeholder Group submitted its comments on the Local Plan Review. View here http://www.bristolnpn.net/current-topics/cumberland-basin-western-harbour/ The Group is still awaiting to hear about consultation dates regarding the plans for altering the road network. We will ensure that you are advised about this.

3. Piazza News.

New planters at the Piazza and plans for a new painting. Thanks to the people who came to help at our gardening day, especially 6yr old Bory, who loved getting her hands covered in soil and was really great at plating and pulling the pallet truck all the way over to opposite the Rose of Denmark. We'd love some more people to enjoy the challenge of growing plants using only rainwater and helping make the space better for everyone, so if you fancy doing the odd bit of gardening or helping us expand our rain water harvesting set up, putting up a basketball hoop, or just meeting your neighbours. To join the Friends of Hotwells Piazza, like us on facebook or call Anna 07957 252239. Look out for a new painting of the Avon Gorge during the week of June 17th and our next community gardening day in mid July! 

RHS South West judges our Community Gardens. On the 17th of July the judges will visit Rownham Mead, Pooles Wharf and Cumberland Piazza to give their verdict on our gardens. We have won awards locally for the past few years, with many golds for Rownham Mead and Town Green Cliftonwood

Weed killer spraying in Hotwells and Harbourside. You may have noticed extensive use of weed killer around the area recently. Some people may be delighted to have unsightly weeds cleared from pavements, but the sprayers also managed to spray the sedum beds, the fern garden and wild flowers that had seeded around the base of the community planted maple trees in the Cumberland Piazza inflicting well over £1000 worth of damage in terms of cost of plants and hours of contractors. We have cleared up the mess left behind and are in communication with Bristol Waste to find out how this happened and try to ensure it doesn't occur again. If you have concerns about the use of weed-killer, contact https://www.bristolwastecompany.co.uk/  

4. Jacob’s Well Hub News. On 31st May a Blue Plaque was unveiled by the Lord Mayor on Brandon House to commemorate the site of the first purpose built theatre in Bristol, which operated from 1729 –1799. JWHub continue to organise Tai Chi classes, a drop in craft hub and support the Jumpstart Kids at Brandon House. More information at http://jacobswellscommunityhub.com/

5. Clifton Green Squares and secret gardens 2019.  8th and 9th of June. There are 3 new gardens this year and live music to be performed at some. So there will be something to interest all. Further information to be found at: http://www.gssg-bristol.com/

6. Campaign to save the Adam and Eve as a pub. The developers trying to turn the Adam & Eve pub in Hope Chapel Hill into flats have just lost their second attempt at being granted planning permission. They initially applied for five tiny flats but when this was rejected they re-applied for four still very small flats.  In both cases the flats would have had bedrooms located in the cellars of the old pub. We can anticipate the developers coming back again. A Save the Adam and Eve pub group is being formed to try and register the pub as an asset of community value. Other pubs that faced closure have been bought and successfully reopened and operated as community pubs. An example of this is the Pack Horse Inn at South Stoke, near Bath, but there are others. Please contact [email protected] to join the campaign

7. Open day at Holy Trinity Hotwells. Holy Trinity Church are holding a” Community Wellbeing” open day Sat. June 22nd, 11am -3pm. See inside the church & check out the facilities, displays from local groups, charities & practitioners. Free taster sessions and Café serving homemade cakes. For more information contact [email protected] or check out www.holytrinityhotwells.org

8. Clifton and Harbourside Neighbourhood Forum 24th June. Next Forum is on 24thJune at Redland Library 7-8.30pm. Open to all. Come along to share news and information with others from the 3 wards of Clifton, Clifton Down and Hotwells and Harbourside. Your Councillors should be there.

 9. Ashton Court Mansion – Towards a Sustainable Future. The long awaited report on the future of the Mansion is now available on the Bristol Civic Society website   www.bristolcivicsociety.org.uk  The report has been prepared by consultants Purcell, and looks at the cost of renovating the Mansion and the potential future uses. Its findings will now be assessed by Bristol City Council. We want to encourage as many as possible to look at the report and to comment on or react to the report so that as wider reaction as possible is taken note of in any further plans. Please do get in touch with the Civic Society with any comments, questions or offers to get involved in the campaign to save the Mansion, Contact [email protected]

10. Bristol Older Peoples Forum (BOPF) Open Forum meeting Thursday 6th June 10.30 – 12.30 Broadmead Baptist Church, Union St. Speakers include Cllr. Kye Dudd and James Freeman, Managing Director First Bus who will talk about developments of Clean Energy buses. More information at https://bopf.org.uk/

11. Twilight market at St. Nick’s. Thursday 6th June St Nick’s will host the first of its Twilight Markets, offering people the chance to explore the old city, see stalls from artisan crafters and grab a bite to eat and drink. More information can be found at https://www.facebook.com/stnicholasmarket/

12. Let’s Ride Bristol 16th June. HSBC UK Let’s Ride Bristol returns on Sunday, 16 June, the free family event for all abilities and experience, seeing city centre roads closed to motor traffic to allow the opportunity to explore the city on two wheels, including the likes of Millennium Square, Anchor Road, the Old City and Queen Square. To register and for more information go to  https://www.bristol.gov.uk/museums-parks-sports-culture/lets-ride-bristol

13. Bristol’s 20mph review. A major review of Bristol’s 20mph speed limit has determined that no significant changes need to be made to the measures introduced throughout the city between 2012 and 2015. There was significant public and stakeholder support for retaining the limit in residential areas and near schools, with 95% agreeing with 20mph limits by schools, 74% on residential roads and even 44% on main roads. This is good news. However we still intend to try and lower the speed limit on the Portway/Hotwell Rd at least at the point at which it is in front of houses. For more information go to  http://www.bristol20mph.co.uk/find-out-more/research-and-monitoring/

14. Lifeskills require volunteers. Lifeskills is an indoor safety centre, based at the CREATE Centre. Built as a realistic village setting (which includes a road, beach and railway track) they provide guided tours to small groups of visiting primary school children (age 10/11). As the children navigate their way through each real-life scenario, they’re encouraged to spot lots of potential dangers that they might come across in their day-to-day lives, and are taught how to stay safe, providing them with valuable life skills for the future. They are seeking reliable people to train as volunteer Guides, or Hosts. They are very flexible (working around hours and days that suit you), providing full training and support, as well as out of pocket expenses. To find out more, or for an informal chat, or to book a visit, please contact Sam Jury on tel: 0117 922 4511 or email [email protected]. visit  https://lifeskills-bristol.org.uk/

 15. Future of the City’s parks Sports Facilities. Consultation has opened on the future management of sports facilities in Bristol's parks. We are being asked for our views on the future management of sporting facilities in the city’s parks, as new ways of covering the maintenance costs of cricket, bowls and football amenities are explored. Further details can be found at https://bristol.citizenspace.com/management-of-place/parks-sports-facilities/

16. 100 venues in Community Toilet Scheme. 100 venues across the city – including cafes, health centres, pubs, community centres and sports centres – have signed up to make their toilets available for public use. More information here: https://www.bristol.gov.uk/streets-travel/public-toilets

17. Free swimming for pregnant women. Did you know that if you are pregnant, you can swim for free at all Council pools. To find out more go to https://www.bristolgirlscan.co.uk/

18. Redland Library event – “Books that made me a gardener” Thursday 13th June 7pm Redland Library. Panel of Matthew Bufton, Rod Pooley, Sara Venn and Nick Wray. More information on https://friendsofredlandlibrary.org.uk/

19. Bristol and Bath Festival of Nature 1st – 9th June. More information about the Festival can be found at https://www.bnhc.org.uk/festival-of-nature/ including details about the FREE big weekend on the 8th & 9th June in Millennium Square, Harbourside & Queens Square. There will be an array of fun nature based activities & entertainment with over 50 exhibitors. More information at  https://www.bnhc.org.uk/festival-of-nature-type/festival-of-nature-2019-events/

20. Bristol Local Food Update. Bristol has launched its bid to become a Gold Sustainable Food City. This national award has not yet been granted at Gold level to any other city in the UK. Bristol’s Going for Gold bid puts ‘Good Food’ – food that is tasty, healthy, affordable and good for people, the city and the planet – at its core, and aims to make significant and long-lasting improvements to the way we grow, buy and eat food as a city. Anyone who wants to get involved can log their actions at the dedicated Going for Gold website https://www.goingforgoldbristol.co.uk/ If you are interested in or want to get involved in Urban Growing then visit https://www.bristolfoodnetwork.org/get-growing-garden-trail-2019/


May 2019 Bulletin 43

Welcome to this month’s e-newsletter for HCCA, sharing community news from Hotwells, Cliftonwood, Spike Island and wider Bristol. If you wish to contribute to our next bulletin, please send us a short paragraph and link/s where relevant by 30th April. We would always be very happy to hear from you.   Visit our website for more!

In this issue:

  1. HCCA visit to Blaise Nursery
  2. HCCA visit to Underfall Yard
  3. Cumberland Basin News
  4. Friends of Hotwells Piazza
  5. Jacob’s Well Hub News
  6. Clifton Green Squares and secret gardens 2019
  7. Trinity Lunch Club vacancies
  8. Clifton Rocks Railway
  9. Planning Application for the Adam and Eve
  10. Local Plan Review Consultation
  11. National Minimum Wage and low paid vulnerable workers
  12. Wild Outdoors Day Windmill Hill City Farm
  13. Registering to vote
  14. How walkable is Bristol?
  15. Watch out for lead thieves
  16. Bristol Green Doors event
  17. Blaise Nursery Plant Shop
  18. Bristol Walk Fest


1. HCCA visit to Blaise Nursery. 2pm 9th May.  As part of the HCCA ongoing visits to local places of interest, we are arranging an afternoon’s visit to Blaise nursery.  The extensive nursery there is renowned for providing high quality planters and flowers to adorn towns and cities in the Southwest. The manager, Rod Pooley, has offered to take us on a guided tour on starting at 2pm. The tour should finish by 4pm. If you would like to join the group please contact Carol Lilwall,asap on 07717474797. Carol can coordinate transport for anyone without a car, but ample parking is available. It should prove very interesting as this is their busiest period. They have also developed a garden Centre at Blaise which will open on May 18th.

2. HCCA visit to Underfall Yard.  We are delighted to invite you to a guided tour of the Underfall Yard. Wednesday 19th June 2019. Meet at 11.15 for 11.30 for a guided tour  to include all external areas and the Sluice Room and the Workshops (not normally open to the public) and finish at 12.30 with a pump run. Pickle Café will be open for refreshments before and after the event. We are limited to 15 places so do please book asap, and no later than 10th of June, using this e-mail address: [email protected] Further details and a safety briefing will be sent to you after booking and prior to the event. Please advise when booking if you have any special access requirements. Cost is £5 per adult and £3 for concessions.

3. Cumberland Basin News. The Stakeholder Group had a productive meeting with officers from BCC and Arup to discuss the consultation process relating to the possible transport options for the area. Consultations on the options are expected to take place late May/early June and we will be issuing a special bulletin when we have more information on this. We have been advised that there should be open drop-in sessions at different times of day which should allow all who are interested to see details and ask questions. When the open sessions are finished we plan to hold an open meeting to allow people to reflect their views to a wider audience.

4. Friends of Hotwells Piazza. We are setting up a 'Friends' group to meet for gardening days, plan local events and share ideas and aspirations for this community space. The Friends group might also like to join in conversations about longer term developments that the council are consulting on. We're welcoming any locals but if you have friends or family you think might be interested they are welcome. Our first event is Sunday 19th May 12-4pm opposite the Rose of Denmark pub. We'll be filling our new planters and doing some general gardening and chatting. Tea and Cake provided! Contact [email protected] if you have any questions. Friends of Hotwells Piazza social media pages are being created, but in the meantime you can like Art under the Flyover on Facebook or visit http://artundertheflyover.com

5. Jacob’s Well Hub News. Friday 10th May Storytelling at the Baths. Jacob’s Well – come walk 18th May as part of the Walk Fest. Meet at11am at Bristol Central Library. To be led by John Parke. Friday 31st May Blue Plaque unveiling at Brandon House at 1.15pm. More information about activities to be found at http://jacobswellscommunityhub.com/

6. Clifton Green Squares and secret gardens 2019. 8th and 9th of June. There are 3 new gardens this year and live music to be performed at some. Something to interest all. Further information to be found at: http://www.gssg-bristol.com/

7. Trinity Lunch Club vacancies. Trinity Lunch Club are looking to recruit a minibus driver/kitchen assistant for the weekly lunch club held on a Thursday. They also need help with general kitchen and serving duties at various times during the day. We are also always interested in offers of entertainment, so if you have a talent let us know! If you would like more information please contact Leanne, on [email protected] or 0117 9838878

8. Clifton Rocks Railway. Open day Saturday 14th May. 10am to 4pm with an exhibition in the Avon Gorge Hotel. More information at https://www.cliftonrocksrailway.org.uk/ 

9. Planning Application for the Adam and Eve. A planning application has been made to turn the Adam and Eve Pub into 4 flats. The application reference number is 19/01605/F. You can see the application details here  https://planningonline.bristol.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?keyVal=PPAF67DNM4M00&activeTab=summary 

10. Local Plan Review Consultation. Consultation on the Local Plan Review lasts until 24th May. You can have your say by going to  https://www.bristol.gov.uk/planning-and-building-regulations/local-plan-review There are concerns that we cannot properly comment on “Western Harbour” because we have not seen any consultation details for the traffic and transport options. Also there are concerns that because the whole area is potentially up for development the New Protection for Open Space document, which is part of this consultation, does not indicate any open spaces in the area for protection. You might like to comment! There is an open drop in session at the Central Library on Thursday 9th May 2.30 to 6.30pm

11. National Minimum Wage and low paid vulnerable workers. There is a campaign that HMRC is running to try and encourage anyone who is underpaid the minimum wage to come forward and complain, with a view to them getting back the money they are owed. If you think you have been underpaid, or if you know anyone who may have been underpaid then complaint can be made here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/pay-and-work-rights-complaints Complaints can be made of previous employers as well as current ones.

12. Wild Outdoors Day Windmill Hill City Farm.  Saturday 18th May 11am to 5pm. Nature crafts, music BarBQ, Bar. All the ingredients for a fun day out. More from https://www.windmillhillcityfarm.org.uk/

13. Registering to vote. Yes there will be elections coming up! To the European Parliament. If you have not registered to vote please do so asap and by 7th May at https://www.bristol.gov.uk/voting-elections/register-to-vote We urge people to come out and vote at these elections and to encourage friends and relations to do the same.

14. How walkable is Bristol? You are invited to a free event organised by Bristol Walking Alliance, Bristol Health Partners and Living Streets Bristol to consider how easy it is to walk around in Bristol. Join them on Wednesday 29th May, 7.00-8.30pm, at the Watershed, Bristol Harbourside (light refreshments available on arrival). You can book your ticket here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/how-walkable-is-bristol-tickets-58664426880

15. Watch out for lead thieves. There have been a considerable number of thefts or attempted thefts of lead in the area in recent weeks. Scaffolding seems to have given thieves access to a roof and once on one roof there is, in many instances, no preventing them from covering a terrace of roofs. So this is a warning just to be extra vigilant and obviously to report anything suspicious.

16. Bristol Green Doors event.  11th and 12th May. The Green Doors weekend encourages people to visit homes which have been made to be kinder to the environment with more efficient and effective heating systems and the like More information and a map at www.bristolgreendoors.org/events

17. Blaise Nursery Plant Shop. For those of you with an interest in all kinds of plants, Blaise Nursery Plant Shop will be open this year from 13th May to 21st June every day from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. including weekends and Bank Holiday.

18. Bristol Walk Fest. https://www.bristolwalkfest.com/ Yes it’s on and it’s this month!. Lots of possibilities to explore Bristol or just to get to know your own patch better https://www.bristolwalkfest.com/event/bridging-town-and-country/2019-05-05/


April 2019 Bulletin 42

Welcome to this month’s e-newsletter for HCCA, sharing community news from Hotwells, Cliftonwood, Spike Island and wider Bristol. If you wish to contribute to our next bulletin, please send us a short paragraph and link/s where relevant by 30th April. We would always be very happy to hear from you.   Visit our website for more!

In this issue: 

  1. HCCA visit to Blaise Nursery
  2. Piazza News
  3. Cumberland Basin News
  4. Hotwells and Cliftonwood Clean Air Group
  5. Bristol Walk Fest
  6. BOPF
  7. Clifton Rocks Railway
  8. Zero West
  9. Bristol and Bath Parks Foundation
  10. Trinity Lunch club
  11. Anti- Dog Fouling initiative
  12. Underfall Yard Events
  13. Waste nothing Challenge
  14. Devolved Parliament
  1. HCCA visit to Blaise Nursery As part of the HCCA ongoing visits to local places of interest, we are arranging an afternoon’s visit to Blaise nursery.  The extensive nursery there is renowned for providing high quality planters and flowers to adorn towns and cities in the Southwest. The manager, Rod Pooley, has offered to take us on a guided tour on Thursday May 9th at 2pm. The tour should finish by 4pm. If you would like to join the group please contact Carol Lilwall, on 07717474797. Carol can coordinate transport for anyone without a car, but there is ample parking available. It should prove very interesting as this is their busiest period. They have also developed a garden Centre at Blaise which will open on May 18th. 
  2. Piazza News.  From May to September we'll be making some more improvements to the Cumberland Piazza by creating more planters at the Hotwells Road entrance opposite the Rose of Denmark and adding some seating/planters to a couple of areas facing the docks. We're also planning a community notice board near to the Rose of Denmark entrance. We also plan to form a new group called Friends of the Hotwells Piazza to make it easier for everybody to get involved. If you are not already involved and would like to get involved please contact us at [email protected]   There are 5 new trees recently planted on site. Do have a look and see if you can spot them.  In the meantime there are some great signs of spring which we hope you enjoy! https://artundertheflyover.com/ 
  3. Cumberland Basin News. Sadly we are getting nowhere with trying to get information from the Mayor. 2 questions were presented to him in time for the last Council meeting but there was not time for them to be asked at the meeting. Over two weeks later and we have still not heard anything. We will keep nagging away. You won’t be surprised to hear that the Mayor has still not responded to emails sent in February! The updated Local Plan is now published and can be found from https://www.bristol.gov.uk/planning-and-building-regulations/local-plan-review  As you will see on page 26 of this document there is little to be sure of at this stage as we still await the “Proposals to reconfigure the road system” which will be subject to a separate consultation. Until we know what is happening to the road system we know almost nothing about what might happen in the area. We hope, nonetheless, that we might organise a meeting with City Council officers to try and find out what is happening. If we do we shall publish it as widely as possible.
  4. Hotwells and Cliftonwood Clean Air Group. Hotwells and Cliftonwood Clean Air Group was set up following a meeting in November 2019. The group has met three times so far to discuss actions and report back on other meetings and campaign groups in Bristol. We have: set up a web-page on the H&CCA site; started to monitor car pollution in our area by measuring N02; initiated discussions to set up fine particle measurements near Hotwells School and started an information campaign about the health threats of smoke pollution caused by burning coal and wood. If you are interested in getting involved, contact Bill Venables, Alan Blakemore and Alan Roberts via our group email: [email protected]
  5. Bristol Walk Fest. The month-long Bristol Walk Fest returns 1st – 31st May with a 7th annual edition aimed at encouraging more people of all ages, interests, time commitments and fitness levels to explore the city and its surrounds on foot. More information as it becomes available on www.bristolwalkfest.com  Put a reminder in your diary. The organisers are hoping to improve on last year’s take-up when around 4,400 people participated in a choice of more than 160 events.
  6. BOPF. Bristol Older Peoples’ Forum are actively looking for Trustees. If you might be interested contact Ian Bickerton, Deputy Chair on 07720 072076. BOPF are also recruiting “Citizen Journalists”. Workshops are being held in April. More information can be obtained by emailing   [email protected]
  7. Clifton Rocks Railway. Open Days Sunday 14th April and Saturday 11th May both 10-4 with exhibition at Avon Gorge Hotel. More information at  https://www.cliftonrocksrailway.org.uk/index.htm
  8. Zero West. This is an initiative which aims to work across the West of England and across sectors to accelerate the transition to zero carbon. Further information can be found at www.zerowest.org
  9. Bristol and Bath Parks Foundation. The newly formed Bristol and Bath Parks Foundation are looking for a Board of Trustees. If you have a passion for Bristol and Bath’s natural environment and want to work alongside various partners including the local councils, to add value to our public and green spaces then get in touch with them. More information can be found at www.bristolparksforum.org.uk/foundation/ or you can contact Sandy Hinks or Gemma Wilks via [email protected] or call 01275 371200 quoting ref MC01986.
  10. Trinity Lunch club. We understand that  the Trinity Lunch Club has been chosen as one of the local charities of the year for our local co-op. If you can support please use this link https://membership.coop.co.uk/causes/30604  and select Trinity Care Services to help provide a lunch club and memory cafe for local people.
  11. Anti- Dog Fouling initiative.  A new app designed to encourage dog owners and wider communities to take responsibility for tackling dog fouling in their local area has been recently launched. Pooper Snooper, a free smartphone application and website aims to build public awareness and in turn increase social pressure on dog fouling, and to identify problem hotspots to allow for better targeted enforcement activities. Apparently in Bristol, about four tonnes of dog faeces is produced every day and on average there are 11 to 26 faecal deposits per kilometre of pavemen!. Evidence has found these are concentrated around schools and in the first 300 metres of paths in parks and nature reserves. So if you want to participate in trying to reduce this you can find more information at https://poopersnooper.app/
  12. Underfall Yard Events. Keep in touch with events at the Yard http://www.underfallyard.co.uk/visit/events/even better if you are not already on their mailing list why not get their newsletter http://www.underfallyard.co.uk/visit/newsletter-sign-up/ 
  13. Waste nothing Challenge. The Bristol "Waste Nothing Challenge" started on 1st April 2019 where 50 households from across Bristol will challenge themselves to reduce the amount of waste they generate, working towards the ultimate goal of producing zero waste. Bristol Waste will support participants every step of the way with information, training and practical help. Find out more at www.bristolwastecompany.co.uk/wastenothing  Maybe we can all find ways of improving our performance and reducing waste by learning from this initiative.
  14. Devolved Parliament. There’s no resisting encouraging all to go and see Banksy’s work at the Bristol Museum and Gallery. It just seems particularly pertinent at the moment. To see what’s on go to https://www.bristolmuseums.org.uk/bristol-museum-and-art-gallery/


March 2019 Bulletin 41

Welcome to this month’s e-newsletter for HCCA sharing community news from Hotwells, Cliftonwood, Spike Island and wider Bristol. If you wish to contribute to our next bulletin, please send us a short paragraph and link/s where relevant by 31st March. We would always be very happy to hear from you.   Visit our website for more!

In this issue:

  1. Cumberland Basin News
  2. Hotwells Panto
  3. Hotwells Cliftonwood and Clifton History Society
  4. Healthy Ageing and Safety Event at Lifeskills 13th March
  5. Friends of Clifton Library
  6. Friends of Redland Library
  7. Bristol Walk Fest
  8. Clifton Down Road Development
  9. The Great Bristol Spring Clean
  10. Bristol Museums
  11. Bristol Parks Forum Vision
  12. Bristol Citizens Panel
  13. Library Ideas
  14. Bristol Buses petition
  15. Advice and Support for Landlords West of England Expo 2nd April


  1. Cumberland Basin News  We still await the Arup report. We understand that the next stage of the Local Plan will be published later this month,however we doubt the value of this plan without the details of the Arup report being available, or indeed being incorporated within it. The Stakeholder Group has had absolutely no success in getting a meeting with the Mayor or his staff to discuss issues we raised with him in November last, despite follow ups in December, January and February. One of the issues was an offer to discuss how the Group might assist in ensuring proper engagement and consultation on the Arup report when produced. The Group is left with the feeling that the Mayor and his officers simply do not want to engage with us. The Group remains determined to find a way!
  2. Hotwells Panto 13th – 16th March 7.30pm Hope Chapel. “Mother Goose and the Three Musketeers” Tickets available from the Tobacco Factory. Online at  https://www.tobaccofactorytheatres.com/ or ring 0117 963 0945.
  3. Hotwells, Cliftonwood and Clifton History Society  Wednesday 20th March 7 for 7.30. Clive Burlton will talk about The Life and Times of Harry Dolman. Harry was a man of humble roots who became a multi-millionaire. Inventor/designer with over 100 patents to his name, who devoted nearly 40 years of his life to Bristol City Football Club – Director, Chairman and President. A story worth hearing. Also updates on local history news and John Parke will talk about local wells. £5 to include wine or soft drink. Further information from 939 7999.
  4. Healthy Ageing and Safety Event at Lifeskills 13th March. Lifeskills Interactive Safety Education Centre is holding a Healthy Ageing & Safety Event on Wednesday 13th March. The event is open to everybody, but it is particularly relevant to those over 55. There is no cost and no need to book. People are invited to drop in any time between 10:00am and 3:00pm on the day. Lifeskills is based on the 4th Floor of the Create Centre, Smeaton Road, Bristol BS1 6XN Tel: 0117 9224511. See more about Lifeskills at  http://lifeskills-bristol.org.uk/about-the-centre/tour/ For more information email [email protected]
  5. Friends of Clifton Library. March 15th 7.30pm “Walking for Nature” Mary Colwell, who walked 500 miles across Ireland and UK talks about her love of nature. Story Saturday returns on 23rd March 7.30pm. More information on https://www.foccal.com/events-calendar/
  6. Friends of Redland Library. Tuesday 12th March 7pm – Desert Island Books – Books and Travel, and Tuesday 26th March 7pm – Books That Made Me A Poet. More information on these and other events available on https://FriendsOfRedlandLibrary.org.uk
  7. Bristol Walk Fest  1st-31st May. The month-long Bristol Walk Fest returns with a 7th annual edition aimed at encouraging more people of all ages, interests, time commitments and fitness levels to explore the city and its surrounds on foot. More information as it becomes available on www.bristolwalkfest.com Put a reminder in your diary. The organisers are hoping to improve on last year’s take-up when around 4,400 people participated in a choice of more than 160 events.
  8. Clifton Down Road Development.  A planning application has now been submitted by THAT Group for the above development (Clifton Ice Rink and former WH Smith site). Details can be found at https://planningonline.bristol.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?keyVal=PMRR8YDNIFP00&activeTab=summary
  9. The Great Bristol Spring Clean Between 22nd March and 23 April you will have your opportunity to grab a litter picker and high-vis jacket and help make Bristol a cleaner, greener city. This is in support of the Mayor’s Clean Streets Campaign https://www.bristol.gov.uk/bins-recycling/clean-streets. To see more visit https://www.bristolwastecompany.co.uk/whats-happening/great-bristol-spring-clean/ 
  10. Bristol Museums New this month. British Tattoo Art Revealed. M Shed from 15th March. And of course lots more besides. See https://www.bristolmuseums.org.uk/whats-on/
  11. Bristol Parks Forum Vision. The final version of the Forum’s vision is now available to view on www.bristolparksforum.org.uk/vision
  12. Bristol Citizens Panel The Bristol Citizens Panel has been running over 20 years but they need to add new members!  It’s an online Panel where residents of Bristol are asked about their views and opinions on a wide range of issues.   You will be asked to complete surveys up to 4 times a year and can leave the Panel at any time you choose. You can find more information at https://bristol.citizenspace.com/business-change/bristols-citizens-panel/
  13. Library Ideas. There is still time to submit ideas for the future of Libraries in Bristol. If you have ideas then submit them before the end of April on bristol.gov.uk/libraryideas
  14. Bristol Buses petition.  There are not many people known to us who are happy with the bus system as it is. It has come to our attention that Bristol’s Liberal Democrats are mounting a petition through change.org to pressure the Mayor and Regional Mayor to work towards a bus franchising scheme. Take a look at the petition here https://www.change.org/p/bristol-city-council-take-control-of-bristol-s-buses  and sign up if you agree.
  15. Advice and Support for Landlords West of England Expo 2nd April. Free advice and support for landlords at the West of England expo . More information can be found at https://www.landlordexpo.co.uk/site/1.asp


January 2019

Welcome to this month’s e-newsletter for HCCA sharing community news from Hotwells, Cliftonwood, Spike Island and wider Bristol. If you wish to contribute to our next bulletin, please send us a short paragraph and link/s where relevant by 31st January. We would always be very happy to hear from you. Visit our website for more!

Happy New Year to all our readers

In this issue:

  1. Cumberland Basin Stakeholder Group
  2. The Future of Cumberland Basin
  3. The Cumberland Piazza
  4. Neighbourhood Forum
  5. Hotwells Panto
  6. Plant a tree volunteers
  7. Library Consultations
  8. Friends of Redland library events
  9. Transition
  10. Pesticide campaign

1. Cumberland Basin Stakeholder Group The Mayor has responded to pints we raised with him as outlined in our December bulletin here https://www.hotwellscliftonwood.org.uk/local_news  but we have to resolve some of our queries which we will pursue in the New Year. We shall keep trying to get answers and to ensure that the local community has the opportunity to engage in all stages of any development. The Mayor has promised to try and ensure that any future images which may be used in publicity and the like will be properly identified as artist’s impressions or otherwise. We’ll keep you posted.

2. The Future of Cumberland Basin article in Bristol 24/7 Many of you may have seen the printed article in the Fanuary edition about this proposed development and you may be wondering how local people can have their say in this massive scheme that, if it goes ahead, will impact on the whole area. The on-line article is now available here https://www.bristol247.com/news-and-features/features/the-future-of-the-cumberland-basin/with comments from Dennis Gornall, HCCA chair and the convener of the Cumberland Basin Stakeholders group (see above) 

3. The Cumberland Piazza developments will continue in 2019, beginning with a new community consultation asking for your ideas, aspirations and assistance. Currently the site is largely self maintaining due to the types of interventions and planting choices we have made and thanks to a few dedicated volunteers, including community litter pickers. HCCA continues to fund any maintenance expenses and we have budget for more work to be done. Why should we continue when development proposals threaten the existence of the site? We believe that the self-styled 'Western Harbour' proposals will take a long time to go through planning and in the meantime locals deserve a decent piece of open space. For the story so far see https://artundertheflyover.com/

4. Neighbourhood Forum. The next Neighbourhood Forum will be held in Clifton High School on 25th February 7-8.30pm. We might be able to get access to money so do get in touch if you have an idea that might improve things in our area. More information about the new arrangements can be found here https://www.bristol.gov.uk/people-communities/area-committees If you have ideas of projects we might pursue please get in touch with us [email protected]

5. Hotwells Panto. Dates for your diary. 13th – 16th March Hope Chapel. “Mother Goose and the Three Musketeers” Oh yes it is. Oh no it isn’t. etc. Come and enjoy. Another reminder next month!

6. Plant a tree volunteers. Bristol City Council is looking for volunteers to help with planting for their One Tree per Child project. 39,000 trees have apparently been planted since 2014 and they want to plant another 24,000 by 2020, in schools, parks and open spaces across Bristol. More information can be found at https://www.bristol.gov.uk/museums-parks-sports-culture/one-tree-per-child   Enquiries can be made at [email protected]

7. Library Consultations City Hall Tuesday 12th February 10am-12 and 6-8pm. These meetings will discuss Central, Clifton, Redland, Bishopston and St Pauls Libraries. If you have got ideas or suggestions for your library and its building, do bring your ideas to one of these meetings. There are other meetings for other libraries and more information can be found at https://www.bristol.gov.uk/web/guest/help-create-your-future-library-service The hope is that these meetings will help to create a library service for the future. “The library service is greatly valued but it needs to change to be more relevant to the neighbourhood and local people. We need to work together to create a library service which will serve future generations and be well connected to everything else that’s going on in the local area.” This is your chance to be part of it. Do go along with your ideas.

8. Friends of Redland library events. Two upcoming events you might like to take advantage of. Thursday January 10th 7pm Desert Island Books and Thursday January 24th 7pm Researching your Family History. Both events bookable by emailing [email protected] More information to be found at https://FriendsOfRedlandLibrary.org.uk

9. Transition. Those of you not on the Transition mailing list (who have already been alerted to this) may be interested to have a look at https://www.mothersofinvention.online/ Some thoughts for the New Year

10. Pesticide Safe Bristol Alliance campaign. Last month we told you we had added our name to this campaign and the letter to the Mayor to stop using Glyphosates. We are encouraged to hear that the matter is to be debated by the Council on Tuesday 15th January. If you are concerned about this toxic weed killer still being used in Bristol please ask your Councillor to vote appropriately on the day. 


February 2019 Bulletin 40

Welcome to this month’s e-newsletter for HCCA sharing community news from Hotwells, Cliftonwood, Spike Island and wider Bristol. If you wish to contribute to our next bulletin, please send us a short paragraph and link/s where relevant by 28th February. We would always be very happy to hear from you. Visit our website for more!

In this issue:

  1. Cumberland Basin News
  2. Neighbourhood Forum
  3. Hotwells Panto
  4. Hotwells Cliftonwood and Clifton History Society
  5. Underfall Yard Events
  6. Avon Crescent Developments
  7. Payne’s Shipyard redevelopment plans
  8. Bristol’s One City plan
  9. Bristol recycling
  10. BOPF
  11. Leonardo da Vinci exhibition
  12. Roadworks for bus lanes
  13. Community Speedwatch
  14. Opportunities for money for projects in our community
  15. Pesticide Campaign update
  16. Action on clean air in Bristol
  17. Avon Fire and Rescue consultation


  1. Cumberland Basin News. Councillor Mark Wright recently had a meeting with senior officers of the Council and learned that the Arup report will soon be concluded and it seems there are 3 preferred options for changing the roadway network. a) Eastern – the route of existing Merchant’s Road bridge, and a new bridge near Ashton Avenue Bridge. b) Western – a major new bridge from bottom of Rownham Hill over to end of Portway (option of doing this as a tunnel is kept on the table, would rely on external funding). c) Hybrid, of a) and b) together but lower capacity bridges. It seems likely that consultations will not start until March. The Stakeholder Group hopes to be involved before then in shaping the consultation process. We will keep you advised
  2. Neighbourhood Forum. Next Forum 25th February Clifton High School 7-8.30pm. Open to all. Come along to share news and information with others from the 3 wards of Clifton, Clifton Down and Hotwells and Harbourside. Your Councillors should be there.
  3. Hotwells Panto.  13th – 16th March 7.30pm Hope Chapel. “Mother Goose and the Three Musketeers” Tickets available from the Tobacco Factory from Saturday 2nd February. You can get them online https://www.tobaccofactorytheatres.com/ or ring 0117 963 0945.
  4. Hotwells Cliftonwood and Clifton History Society. Wednesday 20th March 7 for 7.30. Clive Burlton will talk about The Life and Times of Harry Dolman. Harry was a man of humble roots who became a multi-millionaire. An inventor/designer with over 100 patents to his name, who devoted nearly 40 years of his life to Bristol City Football Club – Director, Chairman and President. A story worth hearing. Also updates on local history news and John Parke will talk about local wells. £5 to include wine or soft drink. Further information from 939 7999.
  5. Underfall Yard Events for Primary age children. February 19th, 20th and 21st, 12 - 3pm Primary-age children and their families are invited to drop-in at the Underfall Yard visitor centre to have fun and get crafty.Little sailors can make margarine tub paddle steamers (please bring a tub if you can and we’ll provide the rest) and create paper plate boats. Pickle are offering a free children’s drink and accompanying adults can enjoy 10% off a hot drink
  6. Avon Crescent Developments. The Council's proposals to make Avon Crescent 'safer' following the Metrobus works has been rejected by the BCC Planning Committee. Several residents and Mark Wright spoke against the plans, which were considered by the committee to be totally unsafe, discriminatory to people with disabilities and lacking any respect for local residents. The original plans, passed in 2014, are now unaffordable due to Metrobus overspending, but there are affordable ways to achieve a safe shared space with adequate signage and crossing points. We anticipate that the council will improve the plans and consult the local community and the residents will continue to take action to work towards safer streets for us all. For more details see our Harbourheads page
  7. Payne’s Shipyard redevelopment plans. Crest Nicholson are inviting residents to view and pass comment on their emerging plans for this space. Tuesday 12th February 4pm – 8pm & Wednesday 13th 12 – 8pm at Underfall Yard. Further information can be obtained from [email protected] or tel. 07568129175. Also see www.paynesshipyard.co.uk
  8. Bristol’s One City plan. Bristol has published the first ever city-wide plan setting out ambitious targets for the future of Bristol, decade by decade up to 2050. Partners from across the city’s business, charitable, academic and public sectors all contributed to the first draft of the One City Plan which aims to make Bristol fair, healthy and sustainable with reduced inequality. You can find details at https://www.bristolonecity.com/
  9. Bristol recycling. We are pleased to hear that Bristol is identified as the leading recycling city amongst 8 English core cities. No-one can be complacent and hopefully we can all do a little bit more to reduce our use of plastics – and in particular those that are not recyclable – so that we can reduce costs and improve the environment.
  10. Bristol Older Peoples Forum BOPF. Next meeting Thursday 7th February 10.15 – 12.45, Broadmead Baptist Church, Union St. Wide ranging agenda. Details on https://bopf.org.uk/meetings/
  11. Leonardo da Vinci exhibition. Bristol Museum and Art Gallery. 1st February to 6th May. Bristol is one of 12 cities exhibiting 12 drawings by Leonardo da Vinci which come from the Royal Collection. Each drawing illustrates some aspect of his interests. But it is not just 12 drawings. To find out more visit bristolmuseums.org.uk  or even better go to the Museum!
  12. Roadworks for bus lanes. Work has started on Anchor Road to build an inbound bus lane. It is anticipated the work will take 5 months. More information can be found through the BCC news site at https://news.bristol.gov.uk/news
  13. Community Speedwatch.   Community SpeedWatch gives local people the ability to actively get involved in road safety. Some motorists who speed through residential neighbourhoods are very often unaware of the impact of their actions and how it effects local residents, or the danger they pose to other road users and pedestrians. This is something that the Police can work on along with members of the community. If this is something you would be interested in doing, contact Inspector Rob Cheeseman on: [email protected]
  14. Opportunities for money for projects in our community. If you have ideas for a project to enhance things in your part of the community -  or indeed across the whole of our community - we would be happy to help in trying to achieve that goal. You could also bring your idea/s to the Neighbourhood Forum.  For more information please go to https://www.bristol.gov.uk/people-communities/funding-local-projects
  15. Pesticide Campaign update. Bristol City Council has agreed to the Pesticide Safe Bristol Alliance’s proposal for a Task Force to lead on the phase-out of glyphosate in the city. Councillors voted unanimously in favour of a motion to stop using the controversial chemical in Bristol’s public spaces.The new Task Force will see the Council working with land managers across the city to plan a phase-out of glyphosate, and the transition to safer methods of weed control. Read the text of speeches, statements and the motion on http://www.pesticidesafebristol.org/news/ 
  16. Action on clean air in Bristol.  The Government has heavily criticised Bristol for not coming up with a Clean Air plan that would ensure that pollution levels are at least below the legal limit. We understand that the Mayor has spent hundreds of thousands of pounds of Government money on expert reports which recommend the action needed to make Bristol’s air quality safe and legal. However he is apparently refusing to release the recommendations in these reports, possibly because they show that some form of vehicle charging will be necessary to clean up Bristol’s air. If you are concerned about this you might like to express your concerns by emailing the Mayor [email protected]
  17. Avon Fire and Rescue consultation. Tuesday 19th February Vassal Centre Fishponds 6-8pm. You can view the plan ahead of the meeting by visiting the Avon Fire & Rescue Service website – www.avonfire.gov.uk/all-areas/2393-af-rs-want-your-views-on-future-plans-for-the-service - and you can share your feedback by completing the online survey.

December 2018 Bulletin 38

Welcome to this month’s e-newsletter for HCCA sharing community news from Hotwells, Cliftonwood, Spike Island and wider Bristol. If you wish to contribute to our next bulletin, please send us a short paragraph and link/s where relevant by 31st December. We would always be very happy to hear from you. Visit our website for more!

Here’s our opportunity to wish all our readers a very Happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year

In this issue:

  1. HCCA AGM “Celebrating Women”
  2. Hotwells Cliftonwood Clean Air Group HCCCAG
  3. Air Pollution Monitoring
  4. Cumberland Basin Stakeholder Group
  5. Cliftonwood Town Green
  6. Jacob’s Well Hub and Baths
  7. Lifeskills Charity Volunteers required 
  8. Neighbourhood Forum
  9. Community Payback
  10. Waste and Recycle Calendars
  11. 20 mph Review
  12. Bristol’s Equality Charter
  13. Help for Syrian Refugees
  14. Bristol Consultations.
  15. Christmas Sale 9th December
  16. Pesticide Safe Bristol Alliance
  17. Bristol Older People’s Forum BOPF
  18. Know Your Place


1. HCCA AGM “Celebrating Women”.  Those of you who were not able to come to our AGM missed an informative talk from Jane Duffus, now busily working on her second book about the “Women who built Bristol”. Apparently there are still more who could be included even under the criteria that you have to be dead before you have a chance! Your Community Association is still looking for volunteers to assist us in our work. Please contact us if you think you have time and energy to offer. [email protected]

2. Hotwells Cliftonwood Clean Air Group HCCCAG. There was a good turnout for the first meeting on the 15th November. The next step is to form a Hotwells and Clifton Wood Group and campaign for change. If you are interested in helping with the practicalities of getting the group set up please contact Bill Venables at [email protected] or ring 07552193006. There will be lots to do: Setting up regular meetings, designing and writing leaflets and posters, leaflet distribution, setting up and running a website/Facebook group and organising individual campaigns. In the meanwhile there is always something you could do. i.e.Lobby the Mayor. More information at https://www.cleanairforbristol.org/get-involved/. and https://www.bristol.gov.uk/pests-pollution-noise-food/smoke-control-areas See also the next item

3. Air Pollution Monitoring  You might also be interested to be involved in air pollution monitoring. The HCCACG is fortunate to have an offer from Dr Chris Adams at Bristol University Chemistry Department (a resident in the area) to provide Nitrogen Dioxide monitors and have them analysed by his students. A number of people at the meeting expressed an interest in getting involved in this and “hosting” a monitor. If you are interested get in touch directly with final year student Farrah Hassan email:   [email protected] or call her on 07932400137.  Feel free also to email or call her if you’d like to provide more insight into problem areas other than the main road, which will help a lot with her project research.  She is keen to hear from you.

4. Cumberland Basin Stakeholder Group The group has recently written again to the Mayor on 3 particular issues. Firstly the use of images which are unacknowledged and have caused at least some to assume that they are the Mayor’s plan. Secondly we have asked for access to the ARUP report at the earliest opportunity. This is the report that should indicate the possibilities (or otherwise) for a new crossing over the river. Thirdly we have asked for a redrawing of the boundary of the “Western Harbour” development such that a new line would leave out the Avonquay island where the Sea Cadets are based and Channel Yacht Sales are housed. This is because the uncertainty surrounding possible developments here means that no one on this island is getting a reasonable length of lease that would allow them to apply for grants which are essential for their futures. We wait to see how the Mayor responds.

5. Cliftonwood Town Green.  On Sunday 9th December at 3 pm a fun event of dressing the Christmas tree will take place (whatever the weather!) on the Town Green. Followed or accompanied by carols, mince pies and mulled wine. There will also be notelets and Christmas cards of the Town Green and Cliftonwood for sale. All welcome

6. Jacob’s Well Hub and Baths. JW Hub await to hear more from Fusion about a start date for work on the Baths. We do know they are making progress with similar developments in Newcastle and Ipswich. JW Hub activities continue but with the expected seasonal break. More information to be found on http://jacobswellscommunityhub.com/

7. Lifeskills Charity Volunteers required.   Lifeskills is a safety education charity based in the CREATE centre. Every year, thousands of Year 6 children come to Lifeskills to learn how to deal with potentially dangerous or difficult situations in a safe environment. The Lifeskills Centre is a realistic village with houses, a road, shops, a railway and more. We need volunteers to guide small groups of children through the different scenarios, teaching them how to stay safe in their day-to-day lives. Sessions run from 9.40am – 12pm and 12.40pm – 3pm weekdays during term time. Volunteering is completely flexible and you can choose to do a half day or a whole day. The minimum commitment we ask for is 2 days a month. If you are interested, please call 0117 9224511 or email [email protected] or head to our website: https://lifeskills-bristol.org.uk/volunteers/ for more information.

8. Neighbourhood Forum. As mentioned last month there is money we could get for local projects and we have not heard from anyone yet about ideas! Do get in touch if you have an idea that might improve things in our area. More information about the new arrangements can be found here. https://www.bristol.gov.uk/people-communities/area-committees  If you have ideas of projects we might pursue please get in touch with us. [email protected]

9. Community Payback  Community Payback are able to assist communities by doing projects that range from litter picking and fly tipping removal, painting out graffiti and cutting back overgrown foliage, to redecorating community centres. They would be pleased to hear from you if you think there are things they could do in our area. You can Email [email protected] the location and the type of job; if you could send photos then this would help to identify the location and the size of the job in question. We have already supported someone who has asked them to tackle graffiti on the Mardyke/Church Lane steps and we have asked them to consider a general steps and paths clear and clean up such that they are safer to navigate particularly in the dark.

10. Waste and Recycle Calendars.  The 2019 waste and recycling collection calendars are available online for residents to download. They can be downloaded from www.bristol.gov.uk/recycle more information can be found at http://www.bristolwastecompany.co.uk/learn-more-home/festive-need-know/ Bristol Waste are encouraging us to self-serve and download their calendar. They are very happy to also provide paper copies of calendars to those who prefer that version or do not have internet access. On top of that, they can also help with special requests for calendars, i.e. Braille or large print versions. There is more helpful information on the second page of the calendar.

11. 20 mph Review.  Headline results from those who responded to the summer’s 20mph Review reveal    95% of people support 20mph outside schools, 74% of people support 20mph on residential roads and 44% of people support 20mph on main roads. The Bristol 20mph team are inviting people to support the idea with appropriate “selfies”! See https://gallery.mailchimp.com/0f8400eb4ca0bb0dd4c508b59/images/b11a0040-7c5a-47d0-909e-9d8a4f640988.png more information can be seen at    https://mailchi.mp/bristol/bristols-20mph-speed-limit-review-what-next

12. Bristol’s Equality Charter. Organisations from across Bristol have joined together to launch the City’s first collective agreement to promote the values of equality, diversity and inclusion. The Bristol Equality Charter was launched on 12 November. The charter is a set of pledges to support creating a fairer, safer, accessible and inclusive city, and encourages both individuals and organisations to sign up. Marvin Rees, speaking at the launch of the charter, said: “One of Bristol’s greatest strengths is the diversity of our city. That diversity brings with it a variety of approaches to life, insights and creative thought. This diversity also raises different challenges and needs that need to be met and this charter is a positive step forwards. By bringing individuals and organisations together to work towards shared values we will unlock opportunities for people across the city and ensure the Bristol we are building is a place where everyone can share in its success.” This raises the question of what individuals can or should do, as well as requiring your CA to decide what it should do. Comments and suggestions would be welcome. Tell us what you think. Email [email protected]  More information at www.bristol.gov.uk/bristolequalitycharter.

13. Help for Syrian Refugees.  We learn from a Paul Williams of Southville, who chairs a group that is working under the Home Office's Community Sponsorship Scheme, that they want to bring to Bristol a desperate refugee family from the Middle East. They urgently need a 2/3 bedroomed house to rent for a minimum of 2 years from the middle of next year. Please check out their website to learn about the project: cliftonrefugeesponsorship.co.uk. Further information may be obtained by emailing [email protected]

14. Bristol Consultations. The Budget Consultation on Bristol’s 1919/20 budget ends on Dec. 17th. The consultation is available at www.bristol.gov.uk/budget2019-2020. West of England Joint Spatial Plan this consultation ends on 7th January. Information here www.jointplanningwofe.org.uk/consult.ti

15. Christmas Sale 9th December. Don’t forget 22 Cornwallis Crescent. 10.30am-5pm. Affordable gifts by local artists and designers with a drinks and nibbles opportunity!

16. Pesticide Safe Bristol Alliance. The HCCA has added its name to the signatories on a letter from the PSBA to the Mayor asking him to cease the use of Glysophate in Bristol. We have yet to hear what he says in response. More information at https://www.bristol247.com/news-and-features/news/pressure-on-bristol-city-council-to-ban-toxic-weed-killer/

17. Bristol Older People’s Forum BOPF. Date for you diary.  Thurs 10 Jan 2019, 7-9pm, Triodos Bank An Economy for the Future , Speaker Shaun Murphy. Further information at www.bopf.org.uk

18. Know Your Place. An interactive mapping website created by Bristol City Council to help people explore their local heritage has been shortlisted for a prestigious Historic England Angel Award. Know your Place is a website featuring historical maps of Bristol which are scanned from original archives held at the City’s record office. To find out how to use the site and how to contribute to Know Your Place go to https://news.bristol.gov.uk/news/historic-mapping-website-recognised-at-national-awards



November 2018 Bulletin 37

Welcome to this month’s e-newsletter for HCCA sharing community news from Hotwells, Cliftonwood, Spike Island and wider Bristol. If you wish to contribute to our next bulletin, please send us a short paragraph and link/s where relevant by 30th November. We would always be very happy to hear from you. Visit our website for more!

In this issue

  1. HCCA AGM “Celebrating Women”
  2. Hotwells Cliftonwood Clean Air Group HCCCAG
  3. Cumberland Basin Stakeholder Group
  4. The Cumberland Piazza
  5. Jacob’s Well Hub and Baths
  6. Neighbourhood Forum
  7. Volunteers for CREATE Eco-home
  8. Friends of Clifton Library
  9. Friends of Redland Library
  10. Jacob’s Well Road pedestrian crossing
  11. Remembrance Sunday 11th November
  12. Sarah Guppy – The Bridge, the Bed and the Truth
  13. Christmas Sale 9th December
  14. Museums and stuff
  15. Crime Watch
  16. Community Toilet Scheme
  17. The Community Farm


1. HCCA AGM “Celebrating Women” Monday 12th November Holy Trinity Church Hall 7.30pm AGM business first including reports of activities followed by Author Jane Duffus who will talk about the “Women who built Bristol”. Come and support you Community Association, give us your feedback and help us look to the future. Refreshments will be served.

2. Hotwells Cliftonwood Clean Air Group HCCCAG Public meeting 7.30pm Thursday 15th November Holy Trinity Church Hall. Are you concerned about the poor quality of the air we breathe locally and the damage that it is doing to our health? Want to find out more about the causes of air pollution and what can be done? Come along to this public meeting. Everyone is welcome. Speakers from: ClairCity, a local and international project working to combat air pollution (find out more at https://www.claircity.eu/ and Bristol City Council, who will provide the latest information on the planned Clean Air Zone and other initiatives. There will be space for questions and contributions and an opportunity to get involved in a local clean air group.

3. Cumberland Basin Stakeholder Group. The Group met recently. There have been further references by the Mayor in his recent speech to developments in our area. There were also pictures projected for that speech – which we are sure are only “impressions” – but which might alarm. The Group is therefore following this up with the Mayor and we will be keeping you informed of developments. You can see the details here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTvRcKLknzM at about 17 minutes in if you don’t want to watch it all. 

4. The Cumberland Piazza has expanded its sedum bed and its rain garden this week with the addition of hebe, ferns and viburnam. HCCA is in discussion with the council about more tree planting. We are also continuing our conversation with Bristol Waste about bin emptying and future rubbish solutions. We’ve had no tagging for months now which is great. In the new year we’ll be consulting with you for future developments. Thanks to all those who volunteer http://artundertheflyover.com

5. Jacob’s Well Hub and Baths. Good news for the Hub as they have been granted a licence to continue to use their room in Jacob’ Well Baths, so they will be able to continue their good work from there for the time being. See http://jacobswellscommunityhub.com/events/ for more information

6. Neighbourhood Forum. The last Forum was held in The Pavilion on the harbourside on 8th October. The main message to relay to you is that there is still the opportunity to get money for small projects in our area. Projects are expected to fall under one of two main headings – environmental or traffic/transport related. We are hoping to get more trees planted this winter. This is in fact money granted for tree planting by the old Neighbourhood Partnership but, we hope, it will be an example of what might be done in future too. More information about the new arrangements can be found here. https://www.bristol.gov.uk/people-communities/area-committees If you have ideas of projects we might pursue please get in touch with us. [email protected]

7. Volunteers for CREATE Eco-home. This is located just outside the Create Centre and is a purpose-built show home demonstrating sustainable and efficient ways of living. Volunteers are needed to refurbish the 20 year old Create Ecohome and help with tasks such as gardening, tidying and painting. More information is available here https://do-it.org/opportunities/3a263c5e-015b-48de-8f12-1ade8fc4af75 This is not the only volunteering opportunity near you. Go to https://do-it.org/ and put in your postcode and you can see plenty.

8. Friends of Clifton Library. There is, of course, a continuing need to support our local library. Bristol will, we understand soon be consulting further on all its libraries, details here https://www.bristol.gov.uk/libraries-archives/future-of-bristols-libraries-consultation In the meanwhile see what’s on and how to get involved. Go to https://www.foccal.com/

9. Friends of Redland Library. Not much further afield is the Redland library. Check what’s on here https://friendsofredlandlibrary.org.uk/future-events/

10. Jacob’s Well Road pedestrian crossing. It is now nearly 3 years since the idea of a crossing on this road was approved with support and money from the Neighbourhood Partnership. Sadly lack of resources has long delayed implementation but we now understand this will be done in 2019! Let’s hope that’s right.

11. Remembrance Sunday 11th November. It is expected that there will be a short service and wreath laying in St Andrew’s churchyard at 1.30pm on the 11th – the 100th anniversary of the armistice day at the end of the First World War. All are of course welcome

12. Sarah Guppy – The Bridge, the Bed the Truth. A new show about a truly extraordinary woman - Sarah Guppy - the first woman to patent a bridge (in 1811)! She lived in Bristol from 1794 to her death in 1852 and had much to do with the Brunels.  See at the Hen & Chicken, Bedminster 6/7 November, or Create Centre, Hotwells 8/9. Details and bookings at www.showofstrength.org.uk

13. Christmas Sale 9th December. 22 Cornwallis Crescent. 10.30am-5pm. Affordable gifts by local artists and designers with a drinks and nibbles opportunity!

14. Museums and stuff. There’s something here to suit all tastes. Best way to see what’s on, take a browse at https://www.bristolmuseums.org.uk/whats-on/

15. Crime Watch. Crime information for Clifton that comes to us suggests a significant increase in vehicle crime in October. As always you are advised never to leave stuff on display in your vehicle

16. Community Toilet Scheme. The Community Toilet Scheme is for businesses and organisations which are happy to allow members of the public to use their toilet facilities.  If you know anyone who has a business and who would like to join the scheme please send them this https://www.bristol.gov.uk/business-support-advice/join-the-community-toilet-scheme You can find details of those places involved here https://www.bristol.gov.uk/streets-travel/public-toilets

17. The Community Farm has launched a £20,000 appeal to help support their future growth.

One of the people supporting the farm, and the appeal, is star Angela Raffle, of Transition Bristol, Sustainable Redland  etc. The 15-acre organic farm, located between Bristol and Bath, needs to update its aging equipment so they can continue providing opportunities, and making a difference to the community. The funds will pay for key pieces of kit, including a power harrow, a new cover for a polytunnel, a kitchen for their roundhouse, a fork-lift truck, and a Luton van. Donating is simple Home - The Community Farm

October 2018 Bulletin 36

Welcome to this month’s e-newsletter for HCCA sharing community news from Hotwells, Cliftonwood, Spike Island and wider Bristol. If you wish to contribute to our next bulletin, please send us a short paragraph and link/s where relevant by 31st October. We would always be very happy to hear from you. Visit our website for more!

In this issue

  1. HCCA AGM “Celebrating Local Women”
  2. 500 Club
  3. Jacob’s Well Community Hub
  4. Local History Society
  5. West Bristol Art trail
  6. Anti- Fracking Activism
  7. Green Party Conference City Hall Bristol 5-7 October
  8. Green Great Britain Week
  9. Pedestrian Crossings
  10. Bristol Older Peoples’ Forum BOPF
  11. Bristol Waste Autumn Litter Pick
  12. Bristol Museums
  13. Life Cycle
  14. Bristol High Street Futures
  15. Crimes against older people
  16. Bristol’s Parks and Green Spaces

1. HCCA AGM - Monday 12th November. "Celebrating Local Women".  Jane Duffus will talk about her book the “Women who Built Bristol" and highlight some of the women who lived and worked in our local area. Come and support your Community Association, give us your feedback and help us look to the future. More details will follow in our November bulletin.

2. 500 Club We are pleased to see we have new members since last month. But there is plenty of space for more! The 500 Club is a local lottery with a monthly draw, a possible 1st prize of £150 and 3 further prizes of £25. For there to be a guaranteed full house of prizes we need 500 members! So if you are not a member – why not join up now? Any surplus is used by the Community Association to help fund community projects. Membership is only £18 per year, payable on a standing order. We can also claim Gift Aid on your donation, so your £18 actually gives us £22.50 annually. It’s easy to sign up – just print and fill out the form which you can find on  https://www.hotwellscliftonwood.org.uk/500_club or email us and we can send to you. Then send it back to: HCCA, c/o 22 Ambrose Road, Cliftonwood, Bristol, BS8 4RJ. If you have queries, or want more details, email us [email protected]

3. Jacob’s Well Community Hub Sunday 7th October Fun Palaces runs at Jacobs Wells Baths on 12.00-16.00.  Our theme is about the patterns in nature.  The Fun Palace is a free family friendly and intergenerational event. The Fun Palace plans to include Thai Chi and Jump Start, a gardeners’ question time, fun with potato prints and lots more. More information at http://jacobswellscommunityhub.com/ Monthly Storytelling is in the baths on a Friday evening.  The next Storytelling session is on Friday 12 October 2018 (18.00-20.00). Jacob’s Well Community Hub AGM Sunday 21st October 3pm at Jacob’s Well [email protected] or call on 0117 9291883. Thank you so much for your support!

4. Local History Society. Hotwells, Cliftonwood and Clifton Local History Society meeting on Wednesday 10th October 7 for 7.30pm CREATE Centre. Washing in the Well – a new book about Jacob’s Well, John Parke – a talk about local Murder and Mayhem and Sue Stops on Henry de la Beche, who watched the construction of the Cumberland Basin. £5 admission includes a glass of wine or soft drink

5. West Bristol Art Trail. 13/14th October. Loads of details can be found here https://westbristolarts.com/ and you may get a brochure through your letter box, if not there’ll be plenty available in local cafes, libraries now and at venues over that weekend. Anna will be doing a couple of creative activities at the Cumberland Piazza at various times over the weekend, details here

6. Anti- Fracking Activism Public Meeting on Effective Elder Activism on Sunday 21st October from 2 30 - 3 30pm at Hamilton House, Stokes Croft, Bristol BS1 3QY, arranged by Grandparents for a Safe Earth. Gillian Kelly, an activist from Cuadrilla’s Preston New Road fracking (hydraulic fracturing) site in Lancashire will speak. Invitation to all age groups: ee more at https://www.theguardian.com/profile/gillian-kelly

7. Green Party Conference City Hall Bristol 5-7 October. This is not a party political advert but as we have two Green Councillors in our area and their conference is in our city hall you might like to find out more. Details at https://www.greenparty.org.uk/conference/

8. Green Great Britain Week Members of Bristol Green Capital Partnership are coming together to take part in Green Great Britain Week, in collaboration with the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS). More information can be found at bristolgreencapital.org/greengbweek2018

9. Pedestrian Crossings - “The Good the Bad and the Rationale”. Tuesday 16th October 6.45 – 8.30pm Waterside 3 The Watershed. Free event where the Bristol Walking Alliance, Bristol Health Partners and the City Council will look at issues around crossing the road. Speakers will examine some of the research related to road crossings, challenges for some people in getting across the road, and the rationale for specific designs. There will be plenty of time to ask questions and give your views.

10. Bristol Older Peoples’ Forum BOPF. Open Forum Meetings Thursday 4th October and Thurs 15 November 2018, 10:30-12:30, Broadmead Baptist Church. More information on https://bopf.org.uk/meetings/

11. Bristol Waste Autumn Litter Blitz 15th to 28th October If you’d like to give your street a spruce up, or have noticed litter in a nearby park, why not get together with neighbours, friends or family and pick it up helping your neighbourhood be a better place to live? We will loan you kits, including litter pickers, high visibility vests and rubbish bags and will give you health and safety information to help you on your way. We'll also arrange for all the litter you collect to be taken away for free when you’ve finished. http://www.bristolwastecompany.co.uk/whats-happening/autumn-litter-blitz18/

12. Bristol Museums Fabric Africa, Masters of Japanese prints, Clowns – The Eggs-hibition, Wildlife Photographer and lots more. See https://www.bristolmuseums.org.uk/whats-on/

13. Life Cycle. Life Cycle has been exploring the benefits of electric bikes – also known as e-bikes. See a video which shows how e-bikes have changed some peoples’ lives https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rAp15If1Uk&t=11s They have conducted a study which shows that e-bikes can have as many benefits as ordinary bikes. Ashley Cooper, Professor of Physical Activity and Public Health, UoB says This was a small study, but we are excited by the results and will be looking to do further research next year into the benefits of e-cycling for people affected by type-2 diabetes.  Anyone with the condition who is interested in taking part in a future trial should email [email protected]

14. Bristol High Street Futures. Bristol City Council is calling for people to share their views on the future of the city’s high streets and shopping areas. The Deputy Mayor stated that “we want to hear the views of as many people as possible about what they want from their shopping centres, in order to inform planning policy, investment decisions and business support initiatives.” Survey closes 31st October and can be found from https://bristol.citizenspace.com/growth-regeneration/bristol-high-street-futures/

15. Crimes against older people. The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) have launched a public consultation on the revised public policy guidance on Crimes Against Older People. They would welcome views on five specific questions regarding the policy guidance. Any other comments outside these questions are also welcome. The survey can be found at https://www.cps.gov.uk/consultation/public-consultation-crimes-against-older-people-policy-guidance

16. Bristol’s Parks and Green Spaces. Bristol’s Parks Forum have launched a consultation on a positive future for Bristol’s parks and green spaces. Details at http://www.bristolparksforum.org.uk/vision/ Closes 18th October


September 2018 Bulletin 35

Welcome to this month’s e-newsletter for HCCA sharing community news from Hotwells, Cliftonwood, Spike Island and wider Bristol. If you wish to contribute to our next bulletin, please send us a short paragraph and link/s where relevant by 30th September. We would always be very happy to hear from you. Visit our website for more!


In this issue:

  1. Rise Up Climate Rally - 8th September 2018
  2. HCCA 500 Club
  3. New Landscape works on the Cumberland Piazza
  4. Sea Cadets on Avonquay
  5. Laurie Lee - The Lost Recordings
  6. Doors Open Day
  7. Antique and Vintage Fair
  8. Local History Society
  9. Register to Vote
  10. Bristol - Tower Blocks or No Tower Blocks.
  11. Pesticide Safe Bristol Alliance
  12. Come on Board
  13. New course guide for adult learners
  14. Reading Volunteers
  15. Avon and Somerset Police, Enquiry Office opening times
  16. Vulnerable Victim Frauds
  17. Bristol Waste Re-use video
  18. Bristol Older Peoples Forum BOPF
  19. West Bristol Art Trail


1. Rise Up Climate Rally - 8th September 2018. College Green 12 noon. Grassroots environmental groups in Bristol are assembling on College Green to call for upon our elected leaders for urgent action on climate change. This is part of a global day of action, organised by 350.org and Go Fossil Free.  https://gofossilfree.org/8-september It is planned to precede the Global Climate Action Summit - in San Francisco - September 12th to 14th. This summit has invited every mayor, governor, and business leader in the world to make a bold climate commitment to help the world reach the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement.   https://globalclimateactionsummit.org; All are invited to attend, either in a group or as a concerned individual. Local contact - [email protected]

2. HCCA 500 Club. The 500 Club is a local lottery with a monthly draw with a possible 1st prize of £150 and 3 further prizes of £25. For there to be a guaranteed full house of prizes we need 500 members! So if you are not a member – why not join up now? Any surplus is used by the Community Association to help fund community projects. Membership is only £18 per year, payable on a standing order. We are also able to claim Gift Aid on your donation, which means that your £18 actually gives us £22.50 annually to support our work. It’s easy to sign up – just print and fill out the form which you can find on https://www.hotwellscliftonwood.org.uk/500_club or email us and we can send to you and then send it back to: HCCA, c/o 22 Ambrose Road, Cliftonwood, Bristol, BS8 4RJ.

If you have queries, or want more details, email us [email protected] or call on 0117 9291883. Thank you so much for your support!

3. New Landscape works on the Cumberland Piazza In mid August in partnership with Alex Patience at Live Graft we have removed the cracked tiles from areas around the trees and re-used all the materials to create a rockery bed under the big Catalpa and another along the railings of the former playpark. We also have a new fern garden in an area that collects rain in the winter months. Thanks to Anna of HCCA for project management and Leon for volunteering to lift and shift countless pallet loads of tiles concrete and soil.

The new landscaping works, are largely self sustaining, but we still need some help and people have enjoyed our community gardening days that we hold three or four times a year.The next one is Saturday 29th September 11am to 2pm- do come along! For more detail please visit our latest blog post https://www.hotwellscliftonwood.org.uk/sedum_beds_and_rockeries

4. Sea Cadets on Avonquay. Bristol Adventure Sea Cadets, celebrate 80 years on 15th September 2018 with an open day 10am to 3pm at Deal Cottage, Avon Quay. You can find out more about the Sea Cadets at: https://www.sea-cadets.org/about Bristol Adventure is one of the country's oldest Sea Cadet units. Find out more at: https://www.sea-cadets.org/bristoladventure and/or https://www.facebook.com/BristolAdventureSCC/

5. Laurie Lee - The Lost Recordings. Clifton Library Thursday - 13th September - 7.30pm Reflections on love, landscape, childhood, poetry, music and much more from one of the great English writers of the 20th Century. In 1994, the year of his 80th birthday, Laurie Lee shared his memories of an ‘eventful’ early life in a series of interviews with the film maker David Parker. It was quite a coup, Laurie did not ‘do’ television!  He talked with sublime eloquence about his life in the Slad Valley, and the influence of the landscapes and memories of his childhood on his subsequent writing.  In this session David will introduce the recordings, and show the 30 minute film he made with Laurie.  There will be time for questions and comments. Tickets £5 pus booking fee from www.eventbrite.com (search for Laurie Lee Bristol) or telephone 07774 772301

6. Doors Open Day. 14th – 16th September. A chance to look behind normally closed doors and discover hidden things of interest. More information at https://bristolopendoors.org.uk/ Go to their map to see that there are lots of venues in, or within easy walking distance of Hotwells and Cliftonwood.

7. Antique and Vintage Fair. Sunday 30th September Ashton Court Mansion 10am to 3.30pm. Over 40 stalls inside the Georgian Lounges and beautiful Grand Music Hall. Refreshments, cakes and cream teas. £2 entry. Stall enquiries to [email protected]

8. Local History Society. Hotwells, Cliftonwood and Clifton Local History Society meeting on Wednesday 10th October 7 for 7.30pm CREATE Centre. Washing in the Well – a new book about Jacob’s Well, John Parke – a talk about local Murder and Mayhem and Sue Stops on Henry de la Beche, who watched the construction of the Cumberland Basin. £5 admission includes a glass of wine or soft drink

9. Register to Vote. Your vote matters so don’t lose it! It’s quick and easy to register online at: http://bitly.com/21t4rA8. If you’re not registered, you will be unable to vote and you could find difficulty in obtaining a bank account or credit. We understand that it’s a legal requirement to register to vote and you could face a fine of £80 if you don’t register. Please advise anyone you might know who might not be registered to register as soon as possible.

10. Bristol - Tower Blocks or No Tower Blocks. We have heard from Bristol against Tower Blocks that “The final draft of the Urban Living Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) on tall buildings has just come out and, to everyone's amazement, the draft SPD greatly strengthens the encouragement of tall buildings by the cityhttps://bristol.citizenspace.com/business-change/urban-living-supplementary-planning-document-forma/ This is despite unambiguous rejection of the new policy on tall buildings by 85% of respondents during the statutory consultation http://bristolcommentary.uk/bristol-overwhelmingly-against-high-rises and despite a clear promise by the planning officers at a June 13 Harbourside verbal presentation that the emphasis on tall buildings would be taken out of the SPD and deferred until the later City Plan”.  This is very important – and to many very disconcerting.  The draft SPD means that if councillors reject a tall building application, their rejection will almost inevitably be overturned on appeal. Councillors can only reject a building on the basis of policies in the SPD - otherwise they will be overruled on appeal. This is what makes the SPD so important. Councillors will be rendered powerless to resist tower blocks. More information can be found through Bristol Campaign Against Tower Blocks (Google Sites) and Bristol Campaign Against Tower Blocks (Facebook)

11. Pesticide Safe Bristol Alliance. The Alliance is renewing its efforts to get glyphosate off our streets. They have launched a new petition on 38 degrees, in an effort to hold Marvin Rees' feet to the fire on this: https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/marvin-rees-deliver-your-promise-to-ban-glyphosate-in-bristol. More information about the Alliance and this issue can be found at http://www.pesticidesafebristol.org/ If you support the Alliance’s ideas and their campaign then please sign the petition on 38 degrees above.

12. Come on Board. Come on Board has a fantastic variety of activities on offer. From the gentle and relaxed to the energetic and challenging. With locations all over Bristol either out and about in the fresh air, or in the comfort of the gym. They will even provide FREE transport! All activities are held in small groups and have a huge amount to offer those with access or mobility needs. Absolutely no experience is necessary. For more information visit https://comeonboard.org.uk/ phone 0333 320 88 38 or email [email protected]

13. New course guide for adult learners. Bristol City Council has launched a new course guide to encourage adults of any age or ability to learn something new. There are over 550 courses on offer at Stoke Lodge providing a broad range of courses which cover many different interests, hobbies and skills. Adult learning courses include short workshops to longer programmes of study or intensive courses and costs start from £13. For more information please visit www.bristolcourses.com. Participants can enrol online, by phone or by dropping into Stoke Lodge and the Autumn term starts on Monday 10 September.

14. Reading Volunteers. Bristol City Council has set its sights on providing reading volunteers for every child that needs one. The appeal is run by Bristol’s Reading in Schools Consortium, a partnership organised by the council, which brings together different organisations who all recruit volunteers to read in schools. Training sessions for volunteers interested in taking part will be held in central locations throughout the autumn on Thursday 6 September, Thursday 25 October and Wednesday 28 November and cover everything from helping children read for enjoyment to assessing a child’s progress in learning to read. Training sessions are also being held throughout next year. For more information and to register interest visit: https://candobristol.co.uk/projects/reading_in_schools or send an email to [email protected]

15. Avon and Somerset Police, Enquiry Office opening times. From 3 September 2018 the opening hours of police enquiry offices in Bristol will be changing, all offices open Mon – Fri 10 – 6, Bridewell open Mon – Fri 8-8 and Sat and Sun 9-5. More information at http://www.avonandsomerset.police.uk

16. Vulnerable Victim Frauds. In case you did not see it Avon and Somerset Police sent out a notice as a result of an increase in fraud cases. “There are a number of `stories' that are used, one describes being from the NCA investigating the bank, others refer to errors on computers etc. Scammers are quick-witted and their stories are very convincing. We urge you to read this advice from @GetSafeOnline and start a conversation with older relatives, neighbours and friends to make sure they are confident to say no to TelephoneScams” Go to for more advice/information  https://www.getsafeonline.org/protecting-yourself/telephone-banking-fraud/?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=SocialSignIn

17. Bristol Waste Re-use video. Bristol waste are keen to promote re-use. The video is a snapshot of what they’ve been up to since March 2018, and showcases some of the fantastic organisations they’ve been working with. Do take a look: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXJL498RGJk

18. Bristol Older Peoples Forum BOPF. Celebrates its 25th anniversary. Thursday 20th September 2-4pm City Hall. All welcome. BOPF Open Forum Thursday 4th October 10.30-12.30 Broadmead Baptist Church. Air quality, Phase 1 of BCC consultation. More information on these and lots else from https://bopf.org.uk/

19. The West Bristol Arts Trail is on 13/14th October. Loads of details can be found here https://westbristolarts.com/ and you may get a brochure through your letter box, if not there’ll be plenty available in local cafes, libraries and at venues over that weekend.


August 2018 Bulletin 34

Welcome to this month’s e-newsletter for HCCA sharing community news from Hotwells, Cliftonwood, Spike Island and wider Bristol. If you wish to contribute to our next bulletin, please send us a short paragraph and link/s where relevant by 31st August. We would always be very happy to hear from you. Visit our website for more!

  1. Air Quality in Hotwells and Cliftonwood
  2. Piazza News
  3. Tannery Visit
  4. Bristol Clean Streets Litter Critters campaign
  5. Bristol and Bath Parks Foundation
  6. Universal Credit
  7. Bristol’s Arena
  8. Bristol’s Big Green Picnic
  9. Doors Open Day
  10. Life Cycle
  11. Windmill Hill City Farm
  12. Near-by day out
  13. Consultation on 20mph
  14. Some other consultations
  15. Transformation of Temple Meads station area

1. Air Quality in Hotwells and Cliftonwood. You may remember we raised this in our March bulletin. Your HCCA Committee recently had a presentation about air quality in our area and its effects on health. Hotspots identified as; Hotwell Road, Dowry Square and Jacobs Wells Road where nitrogen dioxide (NO2) levels regularly exceed limits. We know that there is an established association between early death and exposure to even moderate levels of NO2 and that visits to GPs spike when pollution levels go up, particularly for people with asthma, breathing problems etc. The main culprit is NO2 produced by road traffic, diesels in particular, although there is some concern about pollution from the increase in burning wood and coal in stoves and fires. NO2 mixes with other pollutants particularly in hot weather and smaller particulates can pass into the blood stream. The UK has been breaching limits for some time and the law is being broken in Bristol. The meeting agreed that we should, as a community, be promoting and engaging in the consultation and feedback to BCC. We also felt it important to support those taking a special interest in this issue and to that effect we hope to promote a public meeting later this year. Details will be circulated as soon as we have them. More information at https://www.bristol.gov.uk/pests-pollution-noise-food/air-quality

2. Piazza News. Aridity has affected all our gardens this summer, and this has been a particular challenge for the Cumberland Piazza where we only normally use rain water. In the end we hired a stand pipe from Bristol Water and we have managed to save all the shrubs and trees, including some of those planted by the council. Unfortunately we've had to sacrifice some plants but the lavender and sedum seem happy so there's been enough for bees to gather.

Big thanks to Amy Hutchings for her beautiful work with Hotwells kids and partnership with Anna who chipped in from her Art within the Cracks of Women's Lives budget to celebrate some women who have lived, worked in or passed through Hotwells over the centuries. This was inspired by Bristol Women's Voice and especially their book, edited by Jane Duffus, The Women Who Built Bristol 1184-2018.

Next week Live Graft is starting work to green more areas on the Piazza. This will involve removing broken tiles where weeds are growing, planting sedum and wild flower seed and creating rockery edging around naturally green areas. The works will not interfere with any cycle or pedestrian routes through the piazza. For full detail, you can read about our plans here and download a PDF explaining the history of the site and the community-led improvments

3. Tannery Visit. Your Committee is organising a visit to the Thomas Ware & Sons Tannery in Coronation Rd on Tuesday 25th September at 5.30pm. The visit takes between 1.5 and 2 hours. There is a group limit of just 20 so if you are interested please contact us soon. We will take bookings on a first come first served basis. Let us know by email [email protected] or by phone 0117 9291883

4. Bristol Clean Streets Litter Critters campaign. The Council is asking everyone to help stop wildlife spreading rubbish. The message is clear. Bin it safely or take it home. Do not leave it beside a full bin, find another one or take it home. This summer the council is apparently employing thirteen additional grounds maintenance staff to work in its parks and green spaces, and staff will also be working shifts outside core operating hours in order to empty bins more frequently. Temporary additional bins have also been provided in several busy parks. Please help by reporting full bins. If you have ideas about how we might improve our environment in Hotwells and Cliftonwood, please get in touch. More information on this campaign can be found at www.bristol.gov.uk/littercritters

5. Bristol and Bath Parks Foundation. The Bristol Parks Forum has been successful in its bid for money to establish a Bristol and Bath Parks Foundation. This will NOT be a Trust for taking over responsibility for parks. Bristol Parks will continue to manage Bristol's parks & green spaces. Nor will it replace the Parks Forum. A parks foundation is a non-profit organisation that supports a specific park or a group of parks, with time, expertise and privately-raised funds. A foundation can raise money and support volunteering, but does not take the ownership and maintenance of the parks away from the local authority. As well as BCC and Bath and North East Somerset Council, partners in the project are; The Natural History Consortium, Bristol Parks Forum, Bournemouth Parks Foundation, Quartet Community Foundation and Bristol Green Capital Partnership. This is a great step forward for the future of Bristol’s parks. More information to be found at http://www.bristolparksforum.org.uk/

6. Universal Credit. Has already been introduced in some areas of Bristol and it will be introduced in remaining Jobcentre Plus areas in September and October 2018. If you’re eligible for Universal Credit, it will be paid monthly directly into your bank or equivalent. It usually takes five to six weeks before the first payment is made, so you’ll need to think about how you will manage during this time. You can get an advance against your first payment but this will be repaid through your next 12 monthly payments.

Applications for Universal Credit are usually made online and you’ll need to use an online account to update your benefit and communicate with the DWP. Advice about benefits is available from services across Bristol. You can find out more about your options locally by visiting the ACFA website at www.acfa.org.uk You can find out more about Universal Credit, how it might affect you and when it is introduced to your area by visiting: www.bristol.gov.uk/universalcredit

7. Bristol’s Arena. The saga goes on. We now understand that a decision will be made in early September. This would seem to be quite an important decision for the future of our city and we encourage everyone to register their views. At present we see no petition for the move to Filton, though that does not prevent anyone starting one. If you want to object to the idea of a move to Filton go to https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/build-bristol-arena-in-the-city-centre-not-at-filton or to https://democracy.bristol.gov.uk/mgEPetitionListDisplay.aspx

8. Bristol’s Big Green Picnic. Wednesday 29th August 11.30am-2pm College Green. Bristol Cathedral is hosting an environmentally-friendly picnic. Pack your plastic-free picnic hamper with as much local produce as possible, and come and eat your lunch. Alongside the food, the event will feature eco stalls and activities exploring green issues, and featuring speakers talking about how we can be more environmentally-friendly. See https://bristol-cathedral.co.uk/whats-on/

9. Doors Open Day. 14th – 16th September. A chance to look behind normally closed doors and discover hidden things of interest. More information at https://bristolopendoors.org.uk/ Go to their map to see that there are lots of venues in, or within easy walking distance of Hotwells and Cliftonwood.

10. Life Cycle. All sorts of activities, bike outings and maintenance classes in August. Go to https://www.lifecycleuk.org.uk/events Special bike fixing course for 16-19 year olds, all the fundamentals of bike mechanics. The course will run from 11am – 4pm on Thursday 23rd August and costs just £49.95 per person. For more information and to book, go to: https://www.lifecycleuk.org.uk/civicrm/event/info%3Fid=3796&reset=1

11. Windmill Hill City Farm. Plenty of interesting things to do and see here and by visiting you support this city farm venture. More information at https://www.windmillhillcityfarm.org.uk/

12. Near-by day out. Forest of Dean Sculpture Trust. A unique collection of permanent and temporary sculpture built up over 30 years, managed by Forestry Commission England. More information at https://www.forestofdean-sculpture.org.uk/

13. Consultation on 20mph. Bristol City Council is still consulting on 20mph limits in Bristol until 31st August. You can participate and give your views by going to https://bristol.citizenspace.com/city-development/20mph-limits-review/

14. Some other consultations. Bristol City Council is also consulting, amongst others, on Vehicle Dwelling Encampments and on Rough Sleeping, both until August 26th. We feel sure that most are affected one way or another by the latter if not the former and therefore encourage everyone to participate. More information at https://bristol.citizenspace.com/

15. Developments in the Temple Meads Station area. We learn that the Major works to improve the Temple Circus junction have been extended due to “unforeseen circumstances”. Apparently there have been some unexpected discoveries under the road - unrecorded cables and water pipes as well as uncharted cellars under the roundabout and Victoria Street – all requiring major change to the planned programme. More details, including developments for the Station itself can be found at https://www.bristoltemplequarter.com/


July 2018 Bulletin 33

Welcome to this month’s e-newsletter for HCCA sharing community news from Hotwells, Cliftonwood, Spike Island and wider Bristol. If you wish to contribute to our next bulletin, please send us a short paragraph and link/s where relevant by 31st July to [email protected]. We would always be very happy to hear from you. Visit our website for more!

In this issue:

  1. Cumberland Basin Stakeholder Group
  2. Piazza News
  3. Chocolate Path
  4. Rose of Denmark
  5. Avon Crescent Planning Application
  6. Jacob’s Well Hub
  7. Bristol consulting on its Licensing Policy Review
  8. Library News
  9. Let’s Ride Bristol
  10. Bristol Older Peoples Forum BOPF
  11. Talking Trees Bristol
  12. 20mph Review
  13. Community Speed Watch
  14. RPZ review and consultation
  15. Bristol’s Brilliant Archaeology
  16. Bristol Museum hosts V&A Craft exhibition + Fabric Africa
  17. Bristol Doors Open Day

1. Cumberland Basin Stakeholder Group. 6 members of the Group met recently with the Mayor’s Office Policy Manager and one of his Policy Interns. We had hoped, of course to meet with the Mayor and had been told that we would meet with Kevin Slocombe, his Head of Office. Unfortunately Arena issues got in the way! However the meeting was a useful starting point in engaging with the Mayor’s office. We have received a response “from the Mayor” which you can read here https://www.hotwellscliftonwood.org.uk/letter_from_the_mayor_s_office_june_2018

2. Piazza News. Thanks to all those who made the community gardening afternoon on Friday and total understanding to those who were overcome by the heat. 

Amy has started the mural from a design she created using Hotwells Primary children's drawings. This weekend, 7th & 8th, we are inviting the children to join us in printing some designs onto the wall. Sadly the recent escalation of tagging across the city has impacted at the piazza and OTONE has already tagged some of the children's drawings, but hopefully they'll leave the finished artwork well alone. For more details see Amy's Community Projects 

Live Graft is working with HCCA on our plans to create sedum and wildflower strips onsite in some of the areas that weeds are invading. The plan is to reuse all of the broken tiles to create 'rockery edging' along the planting areas and around the catalpa and area of trees next to the Plimsoll Bridge. When we get to the stage of creating the 'rockery' we'll be inviting you all to help.

In the interests of climate change adaptation and minimum maintenance, rain water is all we use to keep the plants happy and, until June, we didn't water at all, but these past few weeks are a challenge and if the forecast is right then the next two will be pretty arid. The butt is empty. Last year the lovely staff at the Rose of Denmark helped us out but the pub is now closed. If you pass by the piazza, it would be great if you could help by giving some of the plants a bit of water if you have a bottle on you.

3. Chocolate Path. We understand that £580,000 is set aside in the budget for Investigatory and design work for structural stabilisation of an 80m section of failed river retaining wall, chocolate path and adjacent heritage railway trackbed. We hope this will be approved by Cabinet on 3rd July. A first step in what no doubt will be a long process.

4. Rose of Denmark. Sadly the previous Landlord, Euan, could not manage to negotiate a satisfactory extension to his lease, so, as we are sure you know, the place is closed. Heinekin, who are the owners obviously have plans and we hope the place will open again in the not too distant future. For more information see https://www.starpubs.co.uk/pubs/rose-denmark-hotwells  

5. Avon Crescent Planning Application. The Council’s Metrobus Team have made a planning application to vary an earlier condition on plans for this street. Details to be found at http://planningonline.bristol.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=P9SPEEDNKZX00   The proposals leave a lot of questions to be thought about, especially, as it must be remembered, that although there is no traffic entry from Cumberland Road, this is a two way street still. Will white lines in the road make a difference? Is a speed table appropriate for slowing traffic? Is echelon parking the right answer? Please look at the plans and comment. It is the view of many of HCCA and the residents that the plans are not fit for purpose.

6. Jacob’s Well Hub. The Washing in the Well (booklet) is being launched on 21 July 2018.  All welcome. Details are on our website at: http://jacobswellscommunityhub.com/baths/washing-in-the-well-project-launch/ JWHub Heritage Lottery funded project launch also on 21st July 2018  12.00 to 15.00 at Jacobs Wells Baths. All welcome. It is timed to coincide with Bristol Harbourside Festival. There will be a chance to see their newly published project brochure featuring work from local schools, local historians, local community.

6. Bristol consulting on its Licensing Policy Review. The Council is required to produce a Statement of Gambling Policy to determine how gambling will be regulated. The Policy must be reviewed every 3 years and so a draft revised policy is now available for consultation and can be viewed at: https://www.bristol.gov.uk/en_US/policies-plans-strategies/bristol-gambling-policy Comments can be emailed to [email protected] or sent to the Licensing Team (Temple Street), Bristol City Council, PO Box 3176, BRISTOL, BS3 9FS.

7. Library News. Proposal to Cabinet for the 3rd July meeting is that “Agree to retain the existing 27 libraries across the city with the current locations, library staff and opening hours to enable further options for a sustainable community model to be investigated and to report back to Cabinet in October 2018, where any options will not be based on a savings target”. So at the moment things look a little better for Libraries. However there will still be a lot of work to be done to try and ensure a future for the library in Clifton (as with others). So if you want to lend a hand go to https://www.foccal.com/ or contact Councillor Paula O’Rourke at Cllr.Paula.O’[email protected]

8. Let’s Ride Bristol. Many roads in central Bristol will be closed on Sunday July 8th in order to allow cyclists to travel around traffic free. The streets will be closing to let the Bristol Grand Prix and the local HSBC UK Let’s Ride event take place in the centre. This will allow for professional racers to take to the streets in the morning to battle it out as part of the largest race of its kind in the country whilst allowing families and less confident cyclists to ride the course in the afternoon. For other details visit www.bristolgrandprix.com

9. Bristol Older Peoples Forum BOPF. You are invited to attend the BOPF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (AGM), on Thursday 12 July 2018, 2-4pm at The Conference Hall, City Hall, College Green. Further details at https://bopf.org.uk/our-meetings/

10. Talking Trees Bristol. An exciting new campaign launched at the Tree Forum recently encouraging Bristolians to pledge their support for a doubling of the tree canopy cover in the city. Bristol City Council, Woodland Trust, Bristol Tree Forum and Forest of Avon Trust are working together on a tree action plan which aims to double the tree canopy cover in the city by 2050. But this ambitious target cannot be reached without political support and wide public involvement. We all need to work together to protect the trees and woods we have, and to plant for the future. Visit www.talkingtreesbristol.co.uk to find out more about the campaign and how you can get involved.

11. 20mph Review. There is currently a consultation on the 20mph strategy. Started on 20th June and runs for 8 weeks. To comment go to www.bristol20mph.co.uk

12. Community Speed Watch. This is being proposed by Avon and Somerset Police to reduce speeding in residential areas.  Local residents are given the equipment and with appropriate training and supervision can undertake speed checks.  This is proven to be effective as drivers learn that there could be checks done, but don’t know when!
 Each community speed watch group needs is a few keen supporters who are prepared to do occasional checks.  For more information go to https://www.avonandsomerset.police.uk/158158-community-speed-watch

13. RPZ review and consultation. We learnt recently, following an enquiry from one of our community, that there is to be no published report of the outcome to the latest consultation on the Hotwells and Cliftonwood RPZ. The reason for this is apparently that officers would not have time to prepare the appropriate report. HCCA wrote to Mhairi Threlfall, Cabinet member for Transport to complain and ask for clarification. The response received stated “All review feedback was provided to Cllrs for consideration before they recommended changes with their RPS areas. As the review process is owned and led by Cllrs, it is for them to decide upon the publication of review feedback – in line with our data protection obligations. If your local Councillors want to provide information on review feedback for CH RPS; they can do so at any time.  In noting this, I should confirm that officers are unable to assist with the composition of such information as this is a Councillor led, and officers are focussing on delivering RPS reviews through the final stages of the complex TRO process, including working out how to accommodate a couple of changes requested by your councillors”. So if you want to know contact your Councillor! We got no answer as to whether this would apply to all consultations.

14. Bristol’s Brilliant Archaeology. Blaise Castle and Museum. 28th July 11am – 4pm. A family festival of fun. For more information go to: https://www.bristolmuseums.org.uk/blaise-castle-house-museum/whats-on/

15. Bristol Museum hosts V&A Craft exhibition + Fabric Africa. A new exhibition Woman’s Hour Craft Prize showcasing the most innovative and exciting craft practice in the UK today will open at Bristol Museum & Art Gallery on 7 July and run to 2nd September. Woman’s Hour Craft Prize is an exhibition from the Victoria and Albert Museum, London (V&A) marking the 70th anniversary of BBC Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour, created in partnership with the BBC and Crafts Council. Also at the Museum until May next year is Fabric Africa: Stories told through textiles. A snapshot of modern and historic textiles from across the continent of Africa. More information at: https://www.bristolmuseums.org.uk/bristol-museum-and-art-gallery/

16. Bristol Doors Open Day. Friday 14th to Sunday 16th September. Details at http://www.bristoldoorsopenday.org.uk/ This is very early notice for your diaries but also a plea, that if anyone has time to help at Jacob’s Well Baths where there will be regular tours over that weekend please contact [email protected]. Over 700 people visited last year. Details at http://jacobswellscommunityhub.com/events/doors-open-day/. Download a flyer to share with others https://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/hcca/mailings/174/attachments/original/DoD_JWH.pdf?1530611027 

June 2018 Bulletin 32

Welcome to this month’s e-newsletter for HCCA sharing community news from Hotwells, Cliftonwood, Spike Island and wider Bristol. If you wish to contribute to our next bulletin, please send us a short paragraph and link/s where relevant by 30th June. We would always be very happy to hear from you. Visit our website for more!

In this issue:

  1. Cumberland Basin Stakeholder Group
  2. Piazza News
  3. Jacobs Well Hub news
  4. Clifton Green Squares and Secret Gardens
  5. Volunteer Readers for Primary Schools
  6. Bristol Food Connections 11th – 17th June
  7. Get Growing
  8. Festival of Cycling
  9. Have a go at improving the city
  10. Life Cycle UK
  11. Festival of Nature 9th & 10th June
  12. Transition news

1. Cumberland Basin Stakeholder Group. This Group, at the moment consists of 18 members made up of 5 residents, 4 Councillors, 8 Community and local interest groups and 1 local business. We hope to attract other local business interest to the Group. The Group held its first meeting on 21st May and has written to the Mayor asking for a meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to:

1) Open a dialogue with the Mayor and relevant officers of the Council about the plans.

2) Provide him with the opportunity to engage and enlist the involvement of the community, through the Cumberland Basin Stakeholder Group, in accordance with the City’s Statement of Community Involvement.

3) Assist us in gathering information so that we might better inform people about the thinking behind these plans, the plans themselves, and the criteria for judging between various options that will no doubt arise in developing the plans.

We await the Mayor’s response.

If you want to look at relevant documents concerning these plans they have been gathered together on a new page on the Bristol Neighbourhood Planning Network’s site http://www.bristolnpn.net/current-topics/cumberland-basin-western-harbour/

2. Piazza News We have been working with Hotwells Primary School children at their after school club (ELASC) who have been drawing some beautiful pictures. Amy Hutchings who did the mural at Charles Place Play Park and the beautiful herons at the Piazza will turn the children’s drawings into a design. The mural will be painted in June or July and offer the children a chance to help paint over a weekend. We will cover or clean the recent spate of tagging over the next couple of weeks. Most of the key artworks do have ant-graffiti coating, but it’s still a bit of a job to clean it off. There will also be a community gardening day (more details to follow) during June and we will also be taking up some of the broken tiles to increase the planted areas around the trees, where plants are already seeding. The Ox-eye daisies are fully blooming, please feel free to cut some and take them home- they last ages in vases. https://www.hotwellscliftonwood.org.uk/adding_more_green_areas_to_the_cumberland_piazza

3. Jacobs Well Hub news. Another story telling evening on Friday 8th June 6pm – 8pm. Please bring nibbles if you can, although there will be some provided together with the usual drinks. You are welcome to do a turn-perhaps a story, a poem, a piece of music or anything you wish- or just come along- chatting and a good laugh is the top priority. For information please call 0778065 4036 or go to: http://jacobswellscommunityhub.com/

4. Clifton Green Squares and Secret Gardens. 9th and 10th June.    For the fifth year some of the large communal gardens in the Clifton, Cliftonwood and Hotwells area of Bristol will be opening their gates for you to come and enjoy what often lies hidden behind the terraces and crescents.   Some are formal whilst others have wooded areas. Two public gardens, which were previously communal, will have talks about the history of the squares and other matters of interest.  There has been lots of enthusiasm about this event in the past so we are spreading the word – and hope you will do too - in the hope that others will come and have enjoyment and fun. Please note that not all the gardens will be open all weekend. More information can be found at: http://www.gssg-bristol.com/

5. Volunteer Readers for Primary Schools. As a part of the Council’s plan to improve reading in the city, the Mayor is keen to ensure that every child that needs one can have a volunteer, reading one-to-one with them in their school. It is estimated that to do this there is a need to recruit around 300 volunteers as soon as possible.  Helping a child that is falling behind with their reading has the potential to change lives! No-one should be left behind and maybe some of our readers might be able to prevent this. For more information go to: https://candobristol.co.uk/projects/reading_in_schools

6. Bristol Food Connections 11th – 17th June. Back again after a year off, with over 100 events all over the city crammed into 11–17 June. Family events, land and growing activities, feasts and festivities. See https://www.bristolfoodconnections.com/whats-on/ for information.

7. Get Growing. Is also back this June. The focus this year is on getting more people actively involved in volunteering, so the event is spread over the whole of June, giving more opportunities to peak behind the garden gates at 30 of Bristol’s beautiful plots. More information at: http://www.bristolfoodnetwork.org/blog/get-growing-back-2018/

8. Festival of Cycling. July 8th . HSBC’s “Let’s Ride Bristol 2018” will be an entire day of cost-free, cycling celebration. In the morning, Grand Prix races will zip around a city centre route. In the afternoon at least 5KM of traffic-free route can be enjoyed by all. There will be a festival feel all day and a big celebration for everyone to enjoy at their own pace whatever their riding ability. More information at: https://www.bristol.gov.uk/museums-parks-sports-culture/lets-ride-bristol-2018

9. Have a go at improving the city! A brand new free game where you run the city. Apparently, within the app, which is free for Apple and Android users, players move around famous sights in the city, deciding what they want the future to look and feel like. The aim is to keep the city alive and kicking for the full 50 years and the players’ experiments will help to identify the impacts, preferred choices, and potential pitfalls that Bristol really is facing. Untried by your bulletin writer! So let us know what you think if you try it. More information at: https://www.claircity.eu/bristol/game-and-app/

10. Life Cycle UK. Cycling UK has pledged to get at least 25,000 people back into cycling nationwide by the end of the summer as part of its Big Bike Revival project. Local charity Life Cycle, see: https://www.lifecycleuk.org.uk/ is lending a hand by putting on events at The Life Cycle Hub (located in the carpark of Horfield Prison, Cambridge Road, Bristol, BS7 8PS). Anyone can turn up and receive a free bike check-up or purchase one of Life Cycle’s professionally refurbished, second-hand bikes at an affordable price. The Life Cycle Hub will be open on Saturdays 16th and 30th June and 14th, 21st and 28th July.

11. Festival of Nature 9th & 10th June. 10am – 6pm at Bristol Harbourside. The UK’s largest celebration of the natural world. Exhibitions, music, workshops, talks and more. More information at: http://www.bnhc.org.uk/festival-of-nature/bristol-festival-nature-2/

12. Transition news. There is a new Bristol/Bath initiative to establish a not-for-profit social enterprise committed to encouraging positive solutions to global warming. See: https://onehome.org.uk/ You wilI have seen the paragraph relating to Renewables last month and information on https://1010uk.org/ If you are concerned that more trees should be planted to help the environment you might like to look at https://action.1010uk.org/page/s/lets-triple-our-tree-planting-targets


May 2018 Bulletin 31

Welcome to this month’s e-newsletter for HCCA sharing community news from Hotwells, Cliftonwood, Spike Island and wider Bristol. If you wish to contribute to our next bulletin, please send us a short paragraph and link/s where relevant by 31st May. We would always be very happy to hear from you. Visit our website for more!

In this issue:

  1. Somali Cultural Evening
  2. Harbour Plans meeting
  3. Piazza developments
  4. Jacobs Wells Baths Story Telling
  5. Brandon Hill Tree Trail
  6. Clifton Green Squares and Secret Gardens
  7. Bristol Walk Fest
  8. Clifton Clifton Down and Hotwells & Harbourside Forum
  9. Bristol Music - Seven decades of sound
  10. Bristol Civic Society
  11. Foster Families needed
  12. Community Energy Project Funding
  13. St James Barton Roundabout – The Bear Pit
  14. Renewables news
  15. GDPR


1. Somali Cultural Evening.   Monday 14th May Holy Trinity Church 7.30pm. Please come along. Everyone is welcome. There will be an informal talk and presentation by Abdulkadir Ahmed Sheikhusein – Chair of the Bristol Somali Forum. We hope you will come and learn some more about the Somali Community here in Bristol. Drinks and snacks available and time for questions and discussion. To help us understand numbers interested please book through Eventbrite using this link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/a-somali-cultural-evening-tickets-44489314738 or by searching Somali cultural evening, or contacting [email protected] 0117 929 1883   www.hotwellscliftonwood.org.uk

2. Harbour Plans meeting.  Some 80 people attended the meeting on 9th April. There remains high interest in plans for the Cumberland Basin – sometimes referred to as Western Harbour. The Stakeholder Group will be meeting for the first time on 21st May. We will be keeping you informed of the activities of this Group and of course of any developments in the thinking for the Basin. See https://www.hotwellscliftonwood.org.uk/news for some of the latest information. If you have comments or concerns then please get in touch [email protected]

3. Piazza developments. HCCA has submitted plans for the next stages of development at the Piazza to the Council – Planning and Highways departments. Unless we hear to the contrary we will be progressing delivery against those plans in the coming months. We will put full details on our website and send you all a link over the next couple of weeks. We also have new artworks happening including a mural which Amy Hutchings and Anna Haydock-Wilson are designing with children from Hotwells Primary After School Club (ELASC)

4. Jacobs Wells Baths Story Telling. Friday 4th May 6-8pm. All welcome. Bring a story for telling, a poem for reciting, a piece of music for playing, or just come and listen. More information from 07780654036

5. Spike Islands Open Studios. Private view Friday 4th May 6-9pm Exhibition Saturday 5-Monday 7th May 11am-5pm. Local artists showing wonderful works of all kinds and an opportunity to explore the building and all the spaces artists work. If you’ve never been before it’s a lot of fun and great food and drink provided by Spike Café and others. http://spikeisland.org.uk/events/events/spike-island-open-studios-2018/

6. Brandon Hill Tree Trail.   Wed 9th May Join the Friends of Brandon Hill tree experts for a guided walk round some of its 500 trees of over 100 different species. This is part of Bristol Walkfest and is organised to support the production of our tree trail leaflets. Wed 9 May 2018 10:00am – 12:00 Brandon Hill Park Entrance to Brandon Hill corner of Charlotte St and Charlotte St South. See https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/brandon-hill-tree-trail-wed-9th-may-2018-tickets-43709981732 for tickets or https://www.bristolwalkfest.com/event/brandon-hill-tree-trail/ for details

7. Clifton Green Squares and Secret Gardens.  9th and 10th June.    For the fifth year some of the large communal gardens in the Clifton, Cliftonwood and Hotwells area of Bristol will be opening their gates for others to come and enjoy what often lies hidden behind the terraces and crescents.   Some are formal whilst others have wooded areas.   Also it is hoped that two large and elegant private gardens will open and the stately grounds of one University hall of residence.   Two public gardens, which were previously communal, will have talks about the history of the squares and other matters of interest.  This will be over the weekend of 9th and 10th June.    There has been lots of enthusiasm about this event in the past so we are spreading the word – and hope you will do too - in the hope that others will come and have enjoyment and fun. Please note that not all the gardens will be open all weekend. More information can be found at: http://www.gssg-bristol.com/

8. Bristol Walk Fest. For the Month of May! Bristol’s month-long walking festival, now in its sixth successful year, regularly attracts over 500 walkers from across the city and beyond. Why not join in. There is a huge range of delights, in fact something for everyone. More details at: https://www.bristolwalkfest.com/ Heather, one of our Committee members, will be leading a walk on May 20th 10-12 starting at the Grain Barge. More on that one at: https://www.bristolwalkfest.com/event/dry-docks-and-rope-walk/2018-05-20/

9. Clifton Clifton Down and Hotwells & Harbourside Forum.  A successful meeting on 30th April with about 40 people present. Main message is that any groups that want to try and obtain money for any project, which will now need to go through a process with 13 Councillors from 6 wards, need to start thinking about it now for a process that will likely take till autumn 2019. HCCA will be happy to try and provide advice. Next meeting of the Forum Monday 9th July 7pm Redland Library. More information can be found at https://www.bristol.gov.uk/en_US/people-communities

10. Bristol Music - Seven decades of sound. 19 May – 30 September 2018 M Shed   Using stories contributed by people from all over the city, this exhibition takes your memories of attending gigs, festivals and clubs, and charts the history of music in Bristol. Is there one definitive ‘Bristol sound’? Are the best days of Bristol music behind us? Where in the city is the heart of musical Bristol? If you like music this could be one for you. Find out more at: https://www.bristolmuseums.org.uk/m-shed/

11. Bristol Civic Society. BCS recently held a meeting to learn more about transport plans in the area. Details – and lots more – can be found at: bristolcivicsociety . org . uk There is a wealth of information here and you can also look at their comprehensive twice yearly magazine. If you are interested and not a member you might consider joining and having it delivered through your door!

12. Foster Families needed.  Foster Care Fortnight is running from 14 – 27 May to highlight the need nationally for more foster carers. In Bristol there are 700 children in care and the Council is in need of more loving families to offer them stability, safety and happiness. To find out more go to: https://www.thefosteringnetwork.org.uk/ or visit https://www.bristol.gov.uk/en_US/web/foster-with-bristol-city-council/home

Community Energy Project Funding.   Community groups are being invited to bid for grants of up to £10,000 from Bristol City Council to help fund their energy projects. The Bristol Community Energy Fund – see : http://news.bristol.gov.uk/funding_grants_now_available_for_community_energy_projects has been providing funding to organisations since 2015 to give a boost to community projects that aim to reduce energy use and move towards cleaner and renewable energy sources. The deadline to apply for this round of funding is 21 May and projects can apply at: https://www.bristolcommunityenergy.co.uk/ If there is anyone in the area with a plan please let us know.

St James Barton Roundabout – The Bear Pit. Love it or otherwise things are changing for the Bear Pit. We have come to learn that the Council has decided to take over running the Bear Pit. We do not know what prompted this decision. Apparently there will be opportunities for people to remain involved and to influence future strategy for the space, but there will no longer be a community group in charge of the space as this will now be led by the Council. Not quite sure what this says for community led initiatives in the city. If anyone has information please let us know. It could be useful in terms of our initiatives on the Piazza.

Renewables news. We are sure that many of you will have seen articles etc. about the rise of renewable energy and the success story of wind power development. Long way to go yet! If you want more information you may find this useful: https://1010uk.org/

GDPR. General Data Protection Regulations. We feel sure that most of our readers will have come across this by now. We will be sending a specific communication on this subject in the near future and we hope very much that if you wish to keep in touch via the Bulletin that you will respond accordingly. The regulations require us to ensure that data we keep about anyone is relevant accurate and limited to purpose. HCCA has only ever collected email addresses of people with the purpose of being able to communicate information to members of our community or relevant persons/organisations who may wish to engage with our community. This almost exclusively is limited to the requirement to communicate with our 500 Club members, the wish to communicate our Bulletin to as many as possible in the community who want to sign up to that and the need to respond appropriately to those who send us emails. We will be reviewing our procedures in relation to data handling and will be producing an appropriate policy to guide our practice and this will go on our website in due course.

April 2018 Bulletin 30

Welcome to this month’s e-newsletter for HCCA sharing community news from Hotwells, Cliftonwood, Spike Island and wider Bristol. If you wish to contribute to our next bulletin, please send us a short paragraph and link/s where relevant by 30th April.

Visit our website for more!

In this issue:

  1. Painting at the Piazza
  2. Harbour Plans meeting
  3. Somali Cultural Evening
  4. Clifton and Harbourside Neighbourhood Forum
  5. Friends of Brandon Hill AGM
  6. Jacob’s Well Hub
  7. Jacob’s Well Baths
  8. Hotwells Polling Station
  9. Cliftonwood and Hotwells RPZ review consultation
  10. Create Centre Award
  11. City Centre Framework Consultation
  12. Sex Establishment Policy Review
  13. Exhibitions
  14. Having Landlord trouble?
  15. Teaching a city to cook!
  16. BOPF


1. Painting at the Piazza Luke and Paris have begun painting and come up with some innovative ways of turning tagging into beautiful street art. Come and join in today and tomorrow between 12-4pm

2. Harbour Plans meeting. Monday 9th April Holy Trinity Church 6 – 7.30pm. Come and hear about the Local Plan and its possible impact on the Cumberland Basin area. Meet members of the newly formed Stakeholder Group set up to help represent local interests relating to these plans Come and ask questions and discuss views with neighbours. All Welcom

3. Somali Cultural Evening. Monday 14th May Holy Trinity Church 7.30pm. Informal talk and presentation by Abdulkadir Ahmed Sheikhusein – Chair of the Bristol Somali Forum. We hope you will come and learn some more about the Somali Community in Bristol. Drinks and snacks questions and discussions. To help us understand numbers interested please book through Eventbrite using this link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/a-somali-cultural-evening-tickets-44489314738https://www.eventbrite.com/e/a-somali-cultural-evening-tickets-44489314738, or contacting [email protected] 0117 929 1883   www.hotwellscliftonwood.org.uk

4. Clifton and Harbourside Neighbourhood Forum. Next Forum at Clifton High School 7pm Monday 30th April. Our chance to learn more about how we can access City Council monies which are available to communities, meet with Neighbours, Councillors, Police, Bristol Waste and others to discuss issues. All welcome.

5. Friends of Brandon Hill AGM. Monday 23rd April 7.30pm Jacob’s Wells Baths Community room. Hear about progress on the Conservation Management Plan, volunteering and fundraising. Let them know what the next priorities should be for the hill. More information email [email protected]

6. Jacob’s Well Hub. First our congratulations go to Sally Silverman, Chair of the Hub. Sally received an award through Bristol Women’s Voice “Wonderful Women award”. Sally and her team have done a fantastic job in getting this new community group up and running and doing great work in the area. Well done Sally and the Hub team. The Hub’s Washing in the Well project started with a walk for years 5 and 6 at St Georges Primary School, Brandon Hill, on 13th March, following the water course and relevant sites of wells, cold baths and springs in Jacobs Wells Road, ending at our warm baths and swimming pool. Memory days have followed. Watch out also for the writing project and general project launch on 21st July.  More information at: http://jacobswellscommunityhub.com/

7. Jacob’s Well Baths. Because of their level of commitments elsewhere, notably  with a number of other historic swimming pools including  Newcastle City Pool  which was due to reopen this  spring, Fusion have put back signing the long lease on Jacobs Wells Baths to October. The building remains open for bookings until September 2018 through Artspace Lifespace mailto:[email protected]. Jacobs Wells Community Hub remains active in the building, with Craft Hub’s project "Saving the Baths in Time", storytelling sessions plus activities connected to the Heritage Lottery Project, "Washing in the Well", now in full swing. More details on the website http://jacobswellscommunityhub.com

8. Hotwells Polling Station. Councillor Mark Wright, having received a number of complaints about the location of the polling station for Hotwells, has been trying to find a suitable alternative polling station to the present one at CREATE centre. Any alternative venue must be within the ward boundary. If any readers have a good idea for a venue please contact Mark. [email protected]

9. Cliftonwood and Hotwells RPZ review consultation. At last plans for revision to this scheme are published. Consultation period is till Tuesday 10th April. Details can be found at https://www.bristol.gov.uk/en_US/streets-travel/traffic-regulation-orders-tros and look at Notice of Proposal or go to https://www.bristol.gov.uk/en_US/parking/cliftonwood-hotwells and look at the Outcomes Review.

10. Create Centre Award. Congratulations to the CREATE Centre on winning a Gold Award for Best Fair-trade Accommodation/Conference Centre at the Fair-trade Business Awards 2018

11. City Centre Framework Consultation. The Framework sets out aspirations for how people access and move around the City Centre.  It also covers new development and enhancing public spaces, with a focus on Bristol Shopping Quarter, Old City, Castle Park, North Redcliffe and the gateway into the city from the M32. Pop-up exhibitions to raise awareness of the consultation are planned: 11am to 2pm 11 April - St Nicholas Market foyer, Corn Street; 2pm to 5pm 23 April - Citizen Service Point, 100 Temple Street and 3.30pm to 6.30pm 3 May - Central Library foyer, Deanery Road. See more and give your views at https://bristol.citizenspace.com/growth-regeneration/city-centre-framework/

12. Sex Establishment Policy Review. It is over 12 years since local residents fought to close a massage parlour on Hotwell Road. There might be little to prevent another one popping up in one of our many empty “shop” premises! In 2011 Bristol City Council agreed a policy setting out how it would administer and regulate the licensing of sex establishments. In 2016 the Licensing Committee agreed to carry out a review of the policy and a working group comprising of Licensing Committee members and officers has been given the task of carrying out this piece of work. As part of this review they are looking to engage with the public and stakeholders initially using a questionnaire.  They will use this feedback to help develop their thinking in advance of preparing a draft policy for approval by the Licensing Committee for wider consultation later in the year. Consultation starts on 3rd April and runs to 31st May. You should find details at: https://bristol.citizenspace.com/ You can then search for ‘Sex Establishment’ to find the questionnaire.

13. Exhibitions. Bristol Museum and Art Gallery, till 24th June. Grayson Perry: The Vanity of Small Differences. See https://www.bristolmuseums.org.uk/bristol-museum-and-art-gallery/ RWA, till 3rd June: Sawdust and Sequins, The Art of the Circus. See http://www.rwa.org.uk/

14. Having Landlord trouble? Do you rent your home in Bristol through a private landlord and need help or advice? If you are concerned with your landlord's behaviour, feel you are being harassed, facing unlawful eviction or experiencing problems with disrepair or unsafe conditions in your home the Council may be able to help. The Council is trying to increase awareness that it may be able to help people who rent their home and who might be having problems with the property or landlord. There are new pages on their website where people can find out what the council can help with: Bristol.gov.uk/privatetenants

15. Teaching a city to cook! Bristol is set to get inspired about food as a new programme “Teaching a City to Cook” was launched last month alongside a competition to find the city’s Young Cook of the Year. The programme has been developed with the help of local professional chefs to educate and encourage Bristol’s young people to cook for themselves using fresh, seasonal food.  A digital support toolkit will be available for teachers and community groups to use, and will include videos from BBC’s Good Food website with recipes to enable students to practice their new skills.  Find out more here: bristol.gov.uk/youngcooks

16. BOPF. This year the Bristol Older People’s Forum (BOPF) will be celebrating their 25th anniversary, however following a number of funding cuts, the future of the Forum is under threat. To celebrate BOPF’s milestone and help keep them running, Tony Wilson, a Trustee, and Zia Haque, a member, will be taking part in a 15,000 feet skydive, the highest it’s possible to do in the UK without additional oxygen. The dive will take place on Saturday April 14th at Sarum Airfield near Salisbury, with Tony and Zia hoping to raise at least £2,000, which would cover most of the costs of the next newsletter, which is currently mailed to over 3000 members, many of whom struggle with mobility issues and are not online. Tony and Zia can be sponsored by visiting: https://www.gofundme.com/tony-sky-dive  For further information contact Tony Wilson: [email protected], tel: 07473 820220


March 2018 Bulletin 29

Welcome to this month’s e-newsletter for HCCA sharing community news from Hotwells, Cliftonwood, Spike Island and wider Bristol. If you wish to contribute to our next bulletin, please send us a short paragraph and link/s where relevant by 31st March. Visit our website for more!

  1. Cumberland Basin Stakeholder group
  2. Neighbourhood Forum meeting
  3. HCCA Open meeting, Somali cultural evening 
  4. Raising the Bar Brandon Hill gym space
  5. Jacobs Wells Hub activities
  6. Ashton Court news from the Bristol Civic Society
  7. Air Quality in Cliftonwood
  8. Transition Hotwells & Cliftonwood introduces CHEESE
  9. Bristol's kids plant 50,000 Trees! 
  10. Bristol Local Plan Review
  11. Put your best foot forward.... Bristol Walk Fest is back
  12. Take the pledge: declare your outdoor space pesticide-free
  13. Bristol City Council news
  14. RISE Youth Dance

1. Cumberland Basin Stakeholder Group. This group is coming together. We have 5 local residents from roundabout the Basin, 4 community/local interest groups represented, 1 local business so far and Councillors. We await replies from 4 others. We are hoping that we can organise an open meeting with BCC officers to look at the Local Plan which references development in the Basin area. See https://www.bristol.gov.uk/en_US/planning-and-building-regulationsand follow to Local Plan Review.

2. Neighbourhood Forum. A Forum for any resident of Clifton, Clifton Down and Hotwells and Harbourside will be held on Monday 30thApril at 7pm in Clifton High School. Save the date. More information next month.

3. HCCA Meeting 0pen meeting Somali cultural evening. Monday 14th May 2018, Holy Trinity Church Hotwells. Please keep this date free for what promises to be a fascinating evening. More details to follow. For those of you who might like to look at a bit more information well in advance, go to https://thebristolcable.org/2017/08/picture-of-somalis-in-bristol/

4. Raising the Bar Brandon Hill gym space. Arek Oreszczynski, has been working really hard as volunteer project manager for the past couple of years to establish more outdoor gym facilities for local young people. He has succeeded in getting Neighbourhood Partnership funding and facilities will be installed in Brandon hill park this summer. Complementing the current yellow parallel bars it consists of 6 high pull up bars, one Swedish wall, two benches and one double parallel bars. We don't have an exact date yet but the whole installation will take up to 5 days. During this time the site will be fenced off. HCCA have helped Arek secure a small amount of funding to pay for his time engaging young people and the community to launch the facilities- we'll keep you posted with dates! 

5. Jacobs Wells Hub Story telling evening March 9th6-8pm, bring along a poem, song, story, some jokes for an evening of creative fun. Contact John to express an interst [email protected], Facebook group Website posting

Share your Memories of Jacobs Wells Baths on Friday 16th March 2-6 and Tuesday 27th March 4-7 at the baths For more details: http://jacobswellscommunityhub.com/events/story-telling-evening-2/

"Creative day" Sunday March 18th Jacobs Wells Baths. smorgasbord of delights... collage,  drawing, wide range of materials to explore & work with.10.00-4.00 bring packed lunch. Led by Pricilla Amodeo £7.00 Inc.  Materials £4.00 concessions Family ticket  £15.00 Children welcome. Places limited.  Reserve a place asap. Contact Sally [email protected] 

6. Ashton Court news from the Bristol Civic Society. Since the well attended public meeting at the Mansion late in November we have been actively recruiting a high level Action Group and succeeded with hugely experienced and suitably skilled members. The intention has been to create a credible team to take up the challenge of saving and restoring Ashton Court Mansion. The Group met for the first time last week. It’s comprised of representatives from Bristol Civic Society, Friends of Ashton Court Mansion, Business West, Low Carbon South West, Bristol & Bath Regional Capital, VWV solicitors, Saffery Champness accountants, and Credence PR. We held a number of preliminary meetings with a “Friends” group last Autumn and one of our next steps will be to examine possible terms of reference for future activity. If you are interested in being involved please get in touch. [email protected]

7. Air Quality in Cliftonwood. Four residents of Cliftonwood met recently to discuss concerns about air quality. They would like to encourage residents to reduce their wood/solid fuel stove usage and thereby improve air quality. Air quality in Bristol is poor and breaches UK and European legal standards. Particulate matter (PM) is one of the most harmful pollutants. Domestic burning of wood, smokeless solid fuels and house coal, is the single largest source of harmful PM emissions in the UK. See https://consult.defra.gov.uk/airquality/domesticburning-of-wood-and-coal/ Wood burning stoves emit more particles per hour than a modern diesel lorry! These tiny particles can enter the bloodstream and cause long-term health issues. Children are particularly vulnerable and exposure to pollutants significantly increases the risk of poor lung development, asthma and systemic disease. More information can be found at https://www.bristol.gov.uk/pests-pollution-noise-food/smoke-control-areas As a result of this many communities are becoming increasingly interested in improving their local air quality. If you are interested in being involved in air pollution projects in Cliftonwood please email[email protected]. HCCA will be considering these issues. If you have any views/comments please contact us [email protected]

8. Transition Hotwells & Cliftonwood introduces CHEESE.These brisk February days could be a good opportunity to get energy loss from your house assessed by thermal imaging. Work carried out by local non-protit CHEESE (Cold Homes Energy Efficiency Survey Experts) inspired by Transition Malvern Hills Energy Tracers. More info on the Bristol project from their website The CHEESE Project Bristol

9. Bristol's kids plant 50,000 Trees! Together with Bristol City Council and kids from all of Bristol’s 130 primary schools, One Tree Per Child has managed to plant 50,000 trees in the city.The 50,000th tree will be planted in Bristol tomorrow (Tuesday). Kevin McCloud has also presented a YouTube video for us that can be embedded into articles: https://youtu.be/FDodc3kDq_Y. Photos are also available of the kids planting trees. This successful role model scheme in Bristol has now led to us planting trees in 11 countries. Please contact me if you would like more information (together with Olivia Newton-John I am the co-Founder of One Tree Per Child). 

10. Bristol Local Plan Review. The Local Plan Review consultation proposes updates to the policies for deciding planning applications, guiding development in the city over the next twenty years. The reviewed Local Plan will help deliver the new homes and jobs we need, shape our city for the future and safeguard the environmental assets we value most.  The proposals have a focus on delivering new and affordable homes. The results of this consultation will help to shape a draft plan which will be consulted on later this year. The Local Plan review consultation document can be viewed at www.bristol.gov.uk/localplanreview and in local libraries. The web site and consultation document includes details of how to respond.  We will be holding a drop-in session where you can speak to a member of the team about the consultation. Details of this session will be available on the above website shortly. Comments should be submitted by 13th April 2018. 

11. Put your best foot forward.... Bristol Walk Fest is back. The city’s hugely popular, annual walking festival - Bristol Walk Fest, a celebration of walking and walks throughout the city is set to take place from May 1 to May 31, 2018. Bristol’s month-long walking festival, now in its sixth successful year, regularly attracts over 500 walkers from across the city and beyond. Walkers can take part in a variety of walks, including: history trails; urban exploring; walking sports; gentle park strolls and vigorous uphill hikes. This year the team co-ordinating Bristol Walk Fest is Active Ageing Bristol, a collaboration between Bristol Sport Foundation, The Anchor Society and St Monica Trust, in partnership with the LinkAge Network and Bristol Ramblers with investment from the TravelWest Fund. Karen Lloyd, Active Ageing Bristol Manager, said: “Walking is a great way to be active and by getting out just once a day for a stroll can make such a difference to your health and wellbeing. I hope that we see more people than ever before getting out and taking part this year.” For more information visit the Bristol Walk Fest website – www.bristolwalkfest.com

12. Take the pledge: declare your outdoor space pesticide-free. Gardeners who keep weeds at bay without toxic chemicals are invited to declare their outdoors space a ‘pesticide-free zone’in a new scheme from the Pesticide Safe Bristol Alliance (PSBA), a campaign supported by local environment and food groups. The world’s best-selling weed killer, glyphosate, is being banned by cities right across France due to concerns around its links to cancer, and by local authorities in Brighton, Glastonbury and Hammersmith. Despite promising to “stop using harmful pesticides” in 2016, Bristol City Council continues to apply glyphosatewithout warning in streets, housing estates and other public spaces. The PSBA is calling on householders to lead the way. Whether you have a garden, allotment or just a driveway, take the pledge and declare your outdoor space a pesticide free zone. Pledgers will be provided with resources on alternative weed control techniques, and how to safely dispose of pesticides. Find out more here

13. Bristol City Council news- latest news releases can be found here http://news.bristol.gov.uk/Releases/ReleaseSearchPage.aspx

14. RISE Youth Dance, a youth dance company in the heart of Bristol, are once again showcasing their talents with their latest show REACH: Find Your Own Journey. RISE Youth Dance celebrates it’s ten year anniversary in 2018. After training aspiring young dancers and helping them to hone their skills with professional-level training and mentoring for the past decade, RISE are pleased to announce a special anniversary edition of their annual showcase - REACH - taking place at The Trinity Centre on the 27th, 28th & 29th April. There will be four performances across the three dates, with two evening and two matinee shows, featuring RISE students from the past and present. As an unfunded, not-for-profit organisation, RISE Youth Dance is working tirelessly alongside their 8-19 year old students to raise money to make this year’s REACH showcase the best one yet!

Our young people work incredibly hard to fundraise for all aspects of RISE; they spend their weekends bag packing, running bucket collections and organising pub quizes, flashmobs and cake sales. As part of their plan to raise the funds needed for this edition of REACH: Find Your Own Journey, RISE are offering a range of sponsorship packages to the businesses of Bristol. A sponsorship brochure detailing the offers available can be found on the RISE Youth Dance Website.

Find out more about REACH: Find Your Own Journey, and stay up to date with the latest news on the official Facebook page and buy tickets here.



February 2018 Bulletin 28

Welcome to this month’s e-newsletter for HCCA sharing community news from Hotwells, Cliftonwood, Spike Island and wider Bristol. If you wish to contribute to our next bulletin, please send us a short paragraph and link/s where relevant by 28th February.  Visit our website for more!

In this issue

  1. HCCA Recruitment Drive
  2. Hotwells Panto
  3. HCCA Meeting 0pen to all
  4. Town Green news
  5. Tree felling protests in Cliftonwood
  6. New artwork on the Piazza
  7. Jacob’s Well Community Hub.
  8. Local Fashion Show
  9. Bristol Older Peoples Forum
  10. Spring Clean
  11. Clean Streets Forum
  12. Anyone looking for a short-term lodger?
  13. Can you help Colstons Primary School?
  14. Lantern Parade & International Women’s Day Event
  15. Food and all things Green
  16. All-Aboard Watersports

1. HCCA Recruitment Drive. We are actively seeking new members for our Committee to help us with our current work and with new ideas and initiatives. We will shortly be circulating a bulletin dedicated to just this subject. Please take a look at it when it comes  In the meanwhile if you want to know more or would like to join us please get in touch. 0117929 1883 or [email protected] http://www.hotwellscliftonwood.org.uk/we_are_recruiting 

2. Hotwells Panto. Dick Whittington comes to town – well Hope Chapel actually. February 28th to March 3rd. The show starts at 7.30pm and performances will end between 9.30-9.45pm. Tickets are on sale from Saturday 27th January and are only available from the Tobacco Factory (Box office 0117902 0344) - you can buy by phone, in person or online at https://www.tobaccofactorytheatres.com/whats-on/. And search venues, click on Hope Chapel. (Please note tickets will NOT be on sale in Recession (shop on Jacobs Wells) as in previous years). Contact [email protected] for more information

3. HCCA Meeting 0pen to all. Somali cultural evening. Monday 14th May 2018, Holy Trinity Church Hotwells. Please keep this date free for what promises to be a fascinating evening. More details to follow. For those of you who might like to look at a bit more information well in advance, go to https://thebristolcable.org/2017/08/picture-of-somalis-in-bristol/

4. Tree felling protests in Cliftonwood. Thank you to all who supported resisting the planning application for mass tree felling in Argyle Place. The outcome was something of a mixed bag. Approval was given for work to be done (felling) of 5 trees but the remaining 12 were put under a tree preservation order.

5. Town Green news. We have had some excellent work done in the garden with steps up to the BBQ area to prevent slipping on the grass. There are some upcoming events which will be posted on the Town Green Notice board. See here for pics http://www.hotwellscliftonwood.org.uk/the_town_green
It is very much a spring garden and there are an increasing number of plants in bloom at the moment so please do visit the green at Ambra Vale East!

6 New Artwork on the Piazza. We are painting over tagging and using anti-graffiti coating to preserve the murals and are planning to cover all tagged walls with artwork by the end of 2018. We aim to work with the street art crew who have kindly redone their work and Amy Hutchings with local kids of all ages to design and create new works. Themes we are exploring include celebrating the centenary of women's suffrage, local dock history and local wildlife. More details next month http://artundertheflyover.com

7. Jacob’s Well Community Hub. Craft Hub (Tuesdays) 11.00-13.00 at Jacobs Wells Baths, Tai Chi (Thursdays) 10.30-11.30 in the Stephenson Room, Richmond Building, University of Bristol, BS8 1LN. The first Storytelling event is on Friday 9th February 2018,18.00-20.00 at Jacobs Wells Baths. All welcome.

8. Local Fashion Show. Recession to hold its Spring and Summer collection show on Friday April 6th. More information from http://recessionshop.webs.com/

9. Bristol Older Peoples Forum. BOPF Open Forum meeting 8th Feb, Broadmead Baptist Church 10.30-12.30, all welcome. For more information go to https://bopf.org.uk/meetings/

10. Spring Clean. Friday 2 March – Sunday 11 March.  Bristol Waste Company and Bristol City Council will be supporting groups to take part in the Great Bristol Spring Clean; part of a national weekend of litter picks organised by Keep Britain Tidy. So many groups wanted to take part last year that they have extended the event locally to cover the whole week. This is a great way to get involved in helping to make your/our community a cleaner, greener and more welcoming place. Bristol Waste Company have hundreds of litter picking kits to loan out, so if you are interested in organizing a litter pick or would like to join a local group then get in touch by calling 0117 304 9022, by emailing [email protected]. More information is available on www.bristolwastecompany.co.uk/springclean18

11. Clean Streets Forum. Bristol Waste Company are considering establishing a city wide Clean Streets Forum to bring people together who have a particular interest in keeping our streets clean and tidy. They would like to gauge the level of interest in such a group, which could meet periodically to share knowledge and discuss plans and projects happening across different parts of the city. Is there anyone out there who would be interested in being part of such a group and help take a lead in this area for Hotwells and Cliftonwood. If so please contact us via [email protected] or contact [email protected]

12. Anyone looking for a short-term lodger? Heather, one of HCCA’s Committee members, has been asked by a neighbour in St Peters House to see if she can find anyone who is looking for, or could take, a short-term lodger. The person who is looking to rent is a retired nurse who sometimes has grand-children to care for. Please contact Heather via [email protected] if you can help / or if you know anyone else looking for a lodger for about six months.

13. Can you help Colstons Primary School. 2017-18 is the school's 70th academic year as a state primary school. They have a project on the go to connect with alumni to help the children put together a history/heritage timeline for their school. If you have had any link with the school as child, parent, grandparent, teacher, cook, cleaner or whatever you may be able to help. More information is on their web page: http://www.colstonsprimary.co.uk/about-us/timeline-70th-birthday 

14. Lantern Parade and City Hall Reception, 100 Years of Votes for Women – 6th February 2018 A night time lantern lit march from Berkeley Square (BS8 1HB) will travel past Wills Tower, which will be illuminated in Suffragette colours, the march will continue down Park Street arriving at City Hall. An activity packed International Women's Day Event is on 3rd March at City Hall More information at https://www.bristolwomensvoice.org.uk/

15. Food and all things Green. If you are interested be sure that you are linked to Bristol Food Network. If you want to be in touch contact [email protected] or have a look at their website at www.bristolfoodnetwork.org

16. All-Aboard Watersports. For anyone interested in enjoying watersport activities on the harbourside take a look at All-Aboard Watersports website www.allaboardwatersports.co.uk More information can be obtained from Jess Allen on 0117 9290801



January 2018 Bulletin 27

Welcome to this month’s e-newsletter for HCCA sharing community news from Hotwells, Cliftonwood, Spike Island and wider Bristol. We wish you all the best for 2018. If you wish to contribute to our next bulletin, please send us a short paragraph and link/s where relevant by 31st January.  Visit our website for more!

1. Tree felling protests in Cliftonwood

2. Hotwells Panto 

3. Cumberland Piazza 2018

4. Jacobs Wells Hub events 2018

5. Joint Spatial Plan

6. Bristol Homeless Connect

7. ASD Families & Education Days

8. Bristol Civic Society talks

9. Neighbourhood Renewal Seminar Bristol 14th June

10. Upcoming Bristol Museum dates for the diary

1. Tree felling protests in Cliftonwood took place this weekend in response to an application that has been submitted to fell ALL the trees in the open space opposite 9,10,11 Argyle Place, including the lovely (if slightly misshapen) Mimosa. The application is discretely posted outside no 6 Argyle Place. This is a conservation area so the trees can't just be felled without consultation- the value of the trees to the area, in themselves and the local wildlife they support (birds and bats) are all considerations It seems the only reason to fell them is that the owner wants them gone and they have employed a tree specialist to look any them who seem unable to find any real problem with any of them, although he has defined the condition of 4 ash, 3 elm and 6 sycamore to be poor. To comment on this application here is the link http://planningonline.bristol.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=P13W63DNM3D00 but hurry as we believe the deadline is Wednesday 10th January!

2. Hotwells Pantowill be Dick Whittington. Rehearsals are on Tuesday January 9th at 8-10 pm in Holy Trinity hall and every following Tuesday at this time until the performances. There are two full run-throughs on 18 and 25 February and it will be performed Wednesday to Saturday 28 February to 3 March. More information will be available in the next bulletin

3. Cumberland Piazza plans 2018 The street artists will be back to repaint their damaged mural and we will continue to maintain our planters, which are now binging year round colour and develop more green areas. We're also exploring additional seating, more artwork to be created with children and young people and we'll be asking for your views on our plans. If you'd like to get involved please email [email protected] using the subject line 'piazza' http://artundertheflyover.com

4. Jacobs Wells Hub events in January will be Tai-Chi and Jump Start Kids and Craft Hub with details to follow. Check their event page here for details: http://jacobswellscommunityhub.com/events/ 

5. Joint Spatial Plan - Publication Document A reminder that any comments you want to provide on the Joint Spatial Plan Publication Document must be received by Wednesday 10 January 2018. The Joint Spatial Plan, supporting evidence, topic papers, statement of representations procedure and information about how to make comments are all available at www.jointplanningwofe.org.uk. Hard copies of the Plan are also available in libraries and council offices. If you have any questions please email [email protected] All comments made on the Joint Spatial Plan Publication Document will be published online in due course. Please note that responses received, including personal details, cannot be kept confidential and will be made publicly available.

6. Bristol Homeless Connect is a new website providing a single online access point for information and help on rough sleeping in Bristol. It has been created to offer a single point of access for all the information and advice on offer to rough sleepers or those at risk of rough sleeping. Whether you’re in need of support yourself, want to help or just to find out more about it, this website aims to connect you with the right organisations and advicehttps://bristolhomelessconnect.com/

7. ASD Families & Education Days A great opportunity for everyone to learn more about Autism on our ASD Families & Education Days. Older children accompanied by an adult are welcome to attend for free. There are 3 events during the February half-term break, and you can choose to attend any or all any of the 1 hour talks, a 2 hour workshop, or stay all day. Find out more here  and book your tickets online Tickets are also now available for our Bristol  Spring 2018 Autism Webinars & Workshops.

8. Bristol Civic Society talks http://www.bristolcivicsociety.org.uk/

  • SS Great Britain - Tuesday 9th January at 2.00 pm. - limited to 25 people
    Talk about the new exhibitions and developments at SSGB. Learn about opportunities for volunteering at SSGB. No charge.
  • Bristol Science Park - Thursday 22nd February at 2.00 pm - limited to 20 people
    Visit to the Science Park with guide and accompanying talk about the activities and future plans. More details nearer the time.
  • SUEZ Energy from Waste Plant, Avonmouth - Wednesday 14th March - limted to 25 people
    A return visit to this fascinating plant for all those of you unable to join us earlier this year.

9. Neighbourhood Renewal Seminar Bristol 14th June After March 2019, the current Brexit deadline, there will STILL be no national neighbourhood renewal policy if current government policy continues. What in this context will be the future for the deprived communities located across town and cities in Britain? The Seminars, held across the UK between 10.00 am and 4.00 pm will discuss a range of strategies that could be used to implement effective neighbourhood and urban renewal aimed at influencing the urban policy of the current and future government administrations.

  • Currently in Britain there is no national neighbourhood renewal policy.
  • Currently there is no lead in central government to tackle deprivation and neighbourhood decline.
  • In England, the policy of neighbourhood renewal ended in 2010.
  • In current Brexit policy developments, neighbourhood and urban renewal is hardly mentioned in any government working papers and press releases.

The cost to attend each seminar is £90 and a reduced rate of £45 for students and researchers. To book a place please email Raymond Holden on [email protected] To submit a paper also please email[email protected] and you will be informed of its acceptance by 1st February 2018.

10. Upcoming Bristol Museum dates for the diary

Grayson Perry: The Vanity of Small Differences 31 March—24 June 2018 Bristol Museum & Art Gallery Six large tapestries exploring the British fascination with taste and class by one of the UK’s best-known and best-loved artists. Inspired by Hogarth’s morality tale, A Rake’s Progress, Perry’s tapestries follow the socially-mobile life of fictional character Tim Rakewell from infancy to untimely death. Crammed with acutely observed detail, these beautiful, ornate pieces invite us all to think about our own attitudes to class and the structure of our society as a whole.

Bristol Music 19 May—23 September 2018 at M Shed Bristol is one of the UK’s key ‘music cities’ in the twenty-first century. Its emergence as a national musical hub since the 1950s has incorporated a rich mix of styles, genres and sounds. The creation of these musical cultures has been driven not only by artists and producers but crucially by you – the people of Bristol. But what does Bristol Music mean to you? Using stories contributed by people from all over the city, this exhibition takes your memories of attending gigs, festivals and clubs, and charts the history of music in Bristol with its host of internationally influential musicians, infamous venues and multitude of sounds.

BBC Woman’s Hour Craft Prize7 July—2 September 2018 atBristol Museum & Art Gallery Including the most impressive and creative craft practice in the UK today, this exhibition from the V&A marks the 70th anniversary of BBC Woman’s Hour. Twelve finalists have been selected for their originality and excellence in concept, design and process. Through huge hand woven willow structures, darned high street hoodies and bespoke bicycles, to unfired clay installations, futuristic glass figures, and jewellery made with 18th-century pins found in the mud of the river Thames, the finalists explore issues ranging from our consumer culture, to the decline of UK manufacturing, and geopolitics.



December 2017 news

Welcome to this month’s e-newsletter for HCCA sharing community news from Hotwells, Cliftonwood, Spike Island and wider Bristol. If you wish to contribute to our next bulletin, please send us a short paragraph and link/s where relevant by 31st December.  Visit our website for more!

Wishing you all a good festive season!

1. The Community garden, Town Green, Cliftonwood

2. Resurfacing works on Cumberland Road
3. Neighbourhood Forums
4. Possible Cumberland Basin Developments
5. The Cumberland Piazza
6. Hotwells Pantomime 28th  February to 3rd  March
7. Volunteers for Brandon Hill
8. Remembrance Sunday
9. Jane’s Walk Bristol 
10. Consultation on Parks and Green Spaces.
11. Autumn Litter Blitz
12. Electoral Registration.  Don’t lose your vote – make sure you’re registered to vote
13. Bristol City Council Consultations. 
14. Volunteering for the SS Great Britain.
15. Bristol Old Peoples’ Forum BOPF.  Open Forum on 14th December
16. Safety Questionnaire. 
17. Jacobs Wells Hub celebration of the baths

1. The Community garden, Town Green, Cliftonwood,
has held a very successful evening of winter poetry around a blazing fire bowl under the full moon. We supped mulled wine, ate mince pies and toasted marshmallows, between poems.
There was a work party last Sunday morning with Danish pastries and coffee following this, an opportunity to tidy up before winter truly sets in.
On Sunday 10th December at 3pm we will be dressing the Christmas tree donated to us this year by Brackenwood nursery. Mulled wine and mince pies will add Christmas spirit and we will sing some carols once the lights are lit. All are welcome. Bring a decoration if you would like to. Find us at Ambra Vale East BS8

2. Resurfacing works on Cumberland Road are now into their third week.
The residents of Avon Crescent were shocked to be invaded by trucks, steamrollers and toilets on Monday 20th November at 7pm. No notice had been given and the construction workers have been telling residents that Avon Crescent is actually Cumberland Road. Apparently it was in the 'best interests' of residents and road users that resurfacing Avon Crescent had to be done at night. Unfortunately they did not consider the residents at all and as a consequence caused several nights of disturbed sleep freelancers loosing paid work and children missing school. You might find works info here https://travelwest.info/ or here https://www.bristol.gov.uk/current-roadworks-and-road-closures 

3. Neighbourhood Forums. At the Forum in November it was agreed that we would have 3 Forums per year and that the remit of the Forum would cover 3 wards, Clifton, Clifton East, and Hotwells and Harbourside. The next Forum is likely to be in April. Details will be circulated in a future bulletin.

4. Possible Cumberland Basin Developments. Since our last bulletin we have been in touch with Mark Wright, Councillor for Hotwells and Harbourside. Mark had tried asking the Mayor for an urgent meeting to ask questions and so he could be briefed me and thereby inform people in his ward. Sadly, the Mayor's response to him was a simply one line: "These plans are in an early stage, but once things have become further developed I would of course welcome your involvement." The CA is not impressed by this and is investigating the possibility of assisting in establishing a “stakeholder” group which would include – we hope – all interested community, resident and  business groups that would then have more voice to insist on involvement in the plans at an early stage. We will keep you posted. Here is the Bristol Post article including the Mayor's speech in case you missed lit. http://www.bristolpost.co.uk/news/bristol-news/marvin-rees-plans-knock-down-648205 We believe a Clifton based architect has been working on the plans, but this is not a new idea. Do contact us if you want to comment with subject line 'Cumberland Basin' [email protected]

5. The Cumberland Piazza is starting to look a bit scruffy after a mysterious removing of some lovely mosses and recent planting of bulbs and wild flower seeds. Currently the bins are overflowing and sadly our street art has been graffitied. Could this be a ploy to return the site to an untidy, derelict space, ready to re-develop Cumberland Basin as the Western Harbour? We have a good dialogue with Bristol Waste who are in the process of organising proper site cleaning which is sensitive to our greening plans and once they have done this, we will organise a community gardening day artundertheflyover.com

6. Hotwells Pantomime 28th  February to 3rd  March.  It’s almost time for Pantomime! The next Hotwells Panto will be Dick Whittington.  The script is almost written and once again Panto folks cling to the hope that the cast will actually follow it!  If you think you would like to be involved: acting, costumes, scenery, backstage, front of house, come to the read-through at 7.30 pm in Holy Trinity church hall on Tuesday 2 January.  There are no auditions, just a read-round that will give you an idea of what it's about, and the cast list is assembled that evening.  Rehearsals are then on Wednesday 3 January at 8-10 pm in Holy Trinity hall and every following Tuesday at this time until the performances.

There are two full run-throughs on 18 and 25 February and it will be performed Wednesday 28th February to Saturday 3rd March. It is a great way to cheer up the winter months.  Why not give it a try?

7. Volunteers for Brandon Hill.  As you may know Friends of Brandon Hill volunteers work on the hill each Tuesday morning. Numbers have dwindled somewhat recently and they are in need of new recruits. 
Anyone who is interested just needs to turn up outside the depot below Cabot Tower at 10 am. and introduce themselves to Joe McKenna who manages the ParkWork team and organises the Tuesday sessions. All equipment is provided.

8. Remembrance Sunday. Many of you may not know that for many years now a wreath has been laid at the war memorial in St Andrew’s churchyard in Clifton, on behalf of the people of Hotwells and Cliftonwood. Sue Stops kindly continues to organise the purchase of a wreath and this year our thanks go to John Bradfield for laying the wreath on the Community’s behalf.

9. Jane’s Walk Bristol. Is inviting people to participate in this exciting initiative aiming to share knowledge about Bristol through a number of community-led walking tours. Three friends, living and working in Bristol, have witnessed Jane’s Walk success in other cities, and  have decided to take a step forward and become City Organisers of this movement in Bristol. Feel welcome to join this initiative. If you want to get involved you can contact [email protected]  or for more information see http://janeswalk.org/

10. Consultation on Parks and Green Spaces. The idea that the City’s parks would soon have to be cost neutral has been dropped. However, The proposed reduction to the parks service budget over 3 years has been reduced from £4,500,000 to £2,867,000. Still a huge figure. Bristol City Council has launched a city-wide consultation on the future of Bristol’s parks and green spaces. The consultation will be running for 12 weeks. You can take part by completing an online survey on the council’s Consultation Hub here: https://bristolparksforum.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=99eb828c57f2a60798160be5f&id=c4688fe338&e=b507856388

11. Autumn Litter Blitz. Bristol Waste report that over the course of the fortnight, 16th to 29th October, 504 bags of litter were collected by neighbours, friends, community groups, schools and colleagues. A total of 507 volunteers took part, clocking roughly 1200 hours of time beautifying our roads by freeing them from litter. 38 separate events took place from Avonmouth to Hartcliffe and 23 community groups got involved in cleaning up their areas. The Autumn Litter Blitz and the Great Bristol Spring Clean, are initiatives that support the Mayor’s Bristol Clean Streets campaign - to make Bristol measurably cleaner by 2020. Bristol Waste Company have hundreds of litter picking kits available for use all year round. For more information see; http://www.bristolwastecompany.co.uk/whats-happening/autumn-litter-blitz/

12. Electoral Registration.  Don’t lose your vote – make sure you’re registered to vote. The council wants to make sure that as many citizens as possible have registered to vote. If you need to register to vote, the quickest and easiest way to do this is online at: www.gov.uk/register-to-vote  If you need help to register online you can visit your local library or the council’s Citizen Service Point at 100 Temple Street. If you can’t register to vote online, you can print paper forms from the https://www.gov.uk/register-to-vote website or you can also call the council on 0117 922 3400 and they’ll send you a registration form. You can’t register over the phone. Remember it’s a legal requirement to register to vote and citizens could face a fine of up to £80 if they don’t register.

13. Bristol City Council Consultations.  The Council are inviting you to express your opinion on a number of issues, including, the Corporate Strategy, Budget proposals for 2018/19, the Parks and Green Spaces and also on the Removal of the Remaining Funding Supporting Neighbourhood Action. Details can be found at:  https://www.bristol.gov.uk/en_US/council-spending-performance/corporate-strategy-2018-2023-budget-consultation  We would urge readers to participate in these consultations, especially those highlighted in bold.

14. Volunteering for the SS Great Britain. The SS Great Britain Trust is preparing to launch a brand new museum exploring Brunel’s life, achievements and far-reaching impact in March 2018 http://www.ssgreatbritain.org/about-us/being-brunel.   They are looking for 80 people join their volunteering programme as they get ready to launch the museum in four months-time. If you are interested in volunteering you can find out more information here.  http://www.ssgreatbritain.org/support-us/volunteer. or contact Matilda Wallis, Volunteering Manager [email protected] 0117 926 0680 Ext: 251

15. Bristol Old Peoples’ Forum BOPF.  Open Forum on 14th December at Broadmead Baptist Church (first floor hall, 10.30-12.30). All welcome. The main speaker is James Freeman of First Group. More information on this and other matters at https://bopf.org.uk/

16. Safety Questionnaire. We have been approached by Sophie Tyler, an Architecture Masters student at Bath University. She is undertaking a project looking at how safe people feel in Bristol, and finding out what could be done to improve it. She has created an anonymous questionnaire and  would be really grateful if you would consider completing it. The questionnaire can be found at:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScJRPggqOcFnZFsIqbbkiOkvFhP4JBw6umO5CAr9kCJTkFrGg/viewform?usp=sf_link

17. Jacobs Wells Hub celebration
At the 4th December Bristol City Council Cabinet Meeting the decision was announced that a Community Asset Transfer to the national charity Fusion Lifestyle has been recommended.
(see here for a webcast of the meeting). And here for more about the hub http://jacobswellscommunityhub.com/
The Jacobs Wells Hub team are organising a celebration on Sunday 17th December 3pm to 6pm at the baths on Jacobs Wells Road
If anyone is able to help for an hour please can you contact [email protected]

November 2017 Bulletin 25

Welcome to this month’s e-newsletter for HCCA sharing community news from Hotwells, Cliftonwood, Spike Island and wider Bristol. If you wish to contribute to our next bulletin, please send us a short paragraph and link/s where relevant to [email protected] by 27th November.  Visit our website for more! 

In this issue:

  2. Clifton and Clifton Down Forum
  3. Possible Cumberland Basin Developments
  4. Anchor/Hotwell Road improvements
  5. Cliftonwood Town Green events
  6. Lion Park update
  7. Jacobs Well Zebra crossing
  8. Jacobs Wells Baths breaking news
  9. Clean up Bristol Harbour
  10. Harbourside Social Running
  11. Local Road Closures
  12. Student Housing issues
  13. Fostering and Adoption
  14. Exhibitions
  15. Digital Ads Bristol City Centre
  16. The Repair Shop
  17. Bristol Multi-Faith Forum 

1. HCCA AGM 7.15 for 7.30 Monday 13th November. This will be held in Holy Trinity Church Hall. AGM business first, reports and elections to the committee, followed by a talk by Simon Birch, Chairman of Bristol Civic Society, on “The Future of Ashton Court”. Please come along to support your local Community Association

2. Clifton and Clifton Down Forum. Monday 6th November Redland Library 7-8.30pm. Business includes; Future for the Forum, What now after Neighbourhood Partnerships, Local or Community Plans – should we have one, Police reports and other issues. Come along to shape and influence the way this Forum might work for our benefit in the future.

3. Possible Cumberland Basin Developments. We have heard, and you may have heard or seen, announcements by the Mayor about possible developments around the Cumberland Basin. These are at the present stage sketchy and we don’t know what the real implications are. Rest assured that the Community Association will do whatever it can to find out more about this and keep you posted. What Marvin said can be found at : https://soundcloud.com/bristol-festival-of-ideas/mayors-annual-state-of-the-city-address-2017. Listen from minute 37 for the bit about Cumberland Basin

4. Anchor/Hotwell Road improvements. New plans have gone through an almost invisible informal consultation process. The Council is now planning to commence the statutory consultation towards the end of November. This is mostly about new/extended bus lanes. We understand that works might start in February next year.  We will try and keep you posted. The report is now available on the Consultation Hub: www.bristol.gov.uk/consultation

5. Cliftonwood Town Green events The Halloween BBQ in the Community Garden was a great success with over two hundred people passing through and enjoying the ambience and meeting neighbours. Hot dogs, toffee apples, baked potatoes were munched around the fire.....it was a wonderful evening.
Ambra Ramblers meet on the first Wednesday of the month at 10 am in the garden and walk from different venues around Bristol, finishing with a pub lunch. All are welcome to join, there is sure to be available car space. Please contact [email protected]. Uk to be included in the mailing list, and walks will be advertised on the notice board in the garden on Ambra Vale East.
Bumps and Babies is a regular group for new and expectant mums to meet each other and share experiences over tea and cake. Please contact [email protected] for further information.
There will be a working party followed by croissants and coffee in the near future which will be advertised on the notice board in the garden.
If anyone would like to join the garden group please contact Carol at the above email address.

6. Lion Park’s makeover is almost finished.  The children are enjoying the new swing and the grass on the renovated kick about area has grown really well. All that we need to do now is plant some daffodil and tulip bulbs in the flowerbeds so that it will look lovely in Spring.  The HCCA will provide the bulbs but please can you help with the planting?  We’ll meet in the park on Sunday 12 November at 10.30am.  Children most welcome to join in! Can you and your kids We will also help to build a bug hotel on a pallet to encourage wildlife.  Please bring any sticks, pine cones and other natural materials that bugs would like to live in!

7. Jacobs Well Zebra Crossing. It seems as if most of the details surrounding this plan have been ironed out. We hope that the zebra crossing will soon be realised. If we can find out a build date and any more detail we will let you know.

8. Jacobs Wells Baths breaking news As part of Bristol City Council's Community Asset Transfer process we have been holding interviews with bidders for the Jacob Wells Baths site.  A preferred bidder, national charity Fusion Lifestyle, was recommended and has now been endorsed by the Council's Executive Board.  Fusion's plans are to provide a swimming pool and a range of leisure and community facilities as part of the restoration. It is anticipated that final decision to grant the lease will be made by the Mayor and Cabinet on 5 December.

9. Clean up Bristol Harbour. If you want to help do just that the next date is Sunday 19th November, 2.30pm-4.30pm, meet by the Arnolfini pontoon next to Prince St Bridge. More info: www.facebook.com/CleanUpBristolHarbour

10. Harbourside Social Running. Still running! Habourside at the Mardyke Steps next to Young Bristol Mondays 9.25 for a 9.30 start. Finish around 10.30. See www.facebook.com/groups/1063822010418913 (Our apologies for printing the wrong link last month)

11. Local Road Closures. November 3rd 7pm to November 6th 6am. To allow Bathhurst Basin Bridge to be finished Commercial Road and parts of Cumberland Road will be closed during this time. Further information at: https://travelwest.info/metrobus/metrobus-build/spike-island

12. Student Housing issues. Action for Balanced Communities (ABC) led by local community and other resident groups has been instrumental in getting the Council to pass a resolution on “Mitigating the impact of University Growth” this was, in particular, in relation to the impact on longer term residents in high-density student areas. We have been asked by ABC if we can provide any feedback on problems, with specific student houses, or other more general issues such as late-night street noise, anti-social behaviour etc. and whether things are better or worse than in previous years. Also are you are aware of any properties in our area (especially smaller flats, individually or grouped within a building), that are being newly occupied by students this year? If you have any news on this please get in touch with us [email protected] and we will pass on your information to ABC.

13. Fostering and Adoption. There is always a shortage of carers. If you are interested or know anyone who might be interested take a look here https://www.facebook.com/BristolFostering/ and/or here https://www.bristol.gov.uk/en_US/social-care-health/adoption-fostering-and-private-fostering

14. Exhibitions. M Shed. Brave Poor Things: Reclaiming Bristol's disability history. The Guild of the Brave Poor Things is thought to be the UK's first purpose-made building for disabled people. Dating from 1913, it still stands today in Old Market. More at: https://www.bristolmuseums.org.uk/m-shed/whats-on/brave-poor-things/ Also Wildlife photographer of the year 2017. See https://www.bristolmuseums.org.uk/m-shed/whats-on/wildlife-photographer-of-the-year-2017/

15. Digital Ads Bristol City Centre. We have received the following from https://adblockbristol.wordpress.com/ “We are reaching out to you as we're deeply concerned about the increasing intrusion into our city of digital advertising. The latest is a spate of applications is for 18 new digital advertising displays for locations around Broadmead and Cabot Circus”. Details of the applications can be found at: : 17/05272/A , 17/05284/A , 17/05283/A , 17/05281/A ,17/05280/A 17/05279/A 17/05265/A 17/05266/A 17/05267/A 17/05270/A 17/05271/A 17/05285/A 17/05273/A 17/05274/A 17/05275/A 17/05276/A 17/05277/A 17/05278/A It seems that some deadlines for objections have passed and some are dated 9th November. Comment can always be given to your local Councillor of course.

16. The Repair Shop. We have received the following from Kate Leighton, a researcher at TV production company Ricochet, makers of the BBC Two Series The Repair Shop. “I am wondering if you might to be able to help spread the word amongst your community to see if anyone has any objects in need of repair. We are looking for family heirlooms or objects that have community value that have fallen into disrepair. For example: memorial plaques, eroded statues, snapped weather vanes, broken sun dials, cracked gargoyles, fading carvings, or antique village and pub signs. Objects need to be able to be taken to our workshop in Chichester to be repaired by our team of master craftspeople, so need to be transportable.”  If you have an object you’d like our help with please get back in touch with us at [email protected]  or call us on 01273 224829. More information at www.ricochet.co.uk

17. Bristol Multi-Faith Forum. The Multi-faith Forum is a great forum to find out more about organisations throughout Bristol.  For more see https://bristolmultifaithforum.org.uk/ Contact can be made with [email protected]


October 2017 Bulletin 24

Welcome to this month’s e-newsletter for HCCA sharing community news from Hotwells, Cliftonwood, Spike Island and wider Bristol. If you wish to contribute to our next bulletin, please send us a short paragraph and link/s where relevant by 31st October.  Visit our website for more! 

In this issue:

  2. West Bristol Arts Trail 14-15 October
  3. Art Trail at the Piazza
  4. Festival in Hotwells and Cliftonwood
  5. Rownham Mead – National Winners
  6. Clean Streets Autumn Litter Blitz 16-29 October
  7. Bristol Harbourside Monday Morning Social Running
  8. Healthy City Week 7-14 October
  9. Pavement Parking Petition
  10. We the Curious
  11. Salt Café’s Italian Film Season
  12. Africa Writes
  13. Social Justice for Refugees
  14. Bristol Somali Cultural Festival
  15. Forest School and Outdoor Education courses
  16. Fermenting Fun
  17. Bristol Food Network 

1. AHOY THERE! 4th October 2017 at 7pm at the CREATE Centre, Smeaton Road, Hotwells
Apologies for the short notice, but the Hotwells & Cliftonwood Local History Society are presenting a talk tomorrow evening. 'Were you there to wish ‘bon voyage’ to the Matthew when it left Bristol for Newfoundland?   Do you remember the magic moment when Concorde flew over the Suspension Bridge just as the Matthew went beneath it? CLIVE BURLTON has written a new book ‘THE MATTHEW OF BRISTOL’ Hear the whole story from the first idea to build a boat to celebrate Cabot’s epic journey in 1497 to what it is like to be responsible for the boat today


October 2017 Bulletin 242. West Bristol Arts Trail 14-15 October: Celebrate the 10th anniversary of one of Bristol’s great Art Trails. Indulge yourself with fine locally made works of art, look for your Christmas gifts now or just browse and enjoy the extent of local talent. More information at: https://westbristolarts.com/

3. Art Trail at the Piazza: A chance to see the latest art, including a trio of Herons by Amy Hutchings. Our new interpretation panels have been installed revealing a little of the history of the site and how our local community have transformed the underused space. We also want to collect more ideas for a wall painting and sustainable 'greening'. Come down between 12 & 3pm on Saturday 14th October and chalk your ideas on the wall, talk to us and plant a few seeds in your chosen places. To view our Autumn Activity visit https://artundertheflyover.com/

4. Festival in Hotwells and Cliftonwood: 12 people met in the Create Centre on the 2nd to discuss the idea of a Festival in Hotwells and Cliftonwood next year (see our special bulletin dated 26 September). After discussing options and ideas, three particular decisions were made to move things forward. First an application will be made to Bristol City Council for funding under the “Originators” arts scheme; second that the festival – possible title Hotfest – should take place over the weekend of 22nd/23rd September when more people will be in Bristol for the half marathon; and third that the group should apply to the Council for a special deal to have the Create Centre, with as much of its facilities as are available, as a core centre for events. If you are interested in helping in any way to make this happen please get in touch. [email protected]

5. Rownham Mead – National Winners: Congratulations to the residents that front the harbourside of Rownham Mead. They are the Front Gardens winner in Cultivation Street’s Small Spaces Category. Good pictures can be found here: http://www.daviddomoney.com/2017/09/03/cultivation-street-specialist-categories-winners-2017/

6. Clean Streets Autumn Litter Blitz 16-29 October: Building on the success of the Great Bristol Spring Clean an Autumn Litter Blitz is taking place 16 – 29 October 2017. We encourage people to get together with family, friends and neighbours during this period and make a difference in our local community by doing a litter pick, big or small, or something else to spruce up your part of it. Bristol Waste Company  can loan you litter pickers, bags, high visibility jackets and will arrange to collect the waste that you collect. Email  [email protected]  or visit www.bristolwastecompany.co.uk/litterpick or call 0117 304 9022

7. Bristol Harbourside Monday Morning Social Running: “Better on a Monday” Led by local runners, the run is open to all abilities and perfect for those looking for some daytime social running. It’s not competitive - no one is left behind. Join us on the harbourside at Mardyke Steps across from The Mardyke pub next to Young Bristol at 9:25 for a 9:30 start. The run lasts for about an hour finishing roughly around 10.30. Running will be mainly on road on the harbourside circuit, towpath and Ashton Court. Find them on Facebook at https://en-gb.facebook.com/harboursiderunners/

8. Healthy City Week 7-14 October: Join individuals and organisations from across Bristol to exchange ideas and explore the intersections between health and the environmental sustainability of our city. More information at: http://bristolgreencapital.org/project_cat/healthy-city-week/

9. Pavement Parking Petition: Bristol Walking Alliance has started a petition to ask the Council to take more action on pavement parking. Please consider signing this petition. The petition may be found at: http://epetitions.bristol.gov.uk/epetition_core/community/petition/3848  

10. We the Curious:  Yes indeed you might be! In case you did not know this is the new name for @ Bristol. Apparently the name @ Bristol was causing problems with giving directions, email addresses, and the visibility of what the venue actually did. More information can be found at: https://www.wethecurious.org/event/bristol-changing-we-curious

11. Salt Café’s Italian Film Season: Next film 19th October “We have a Pope”. Details of this and future showings at https://www.facebook.com/events/762814563922094

12. Africa Writes 6th and 7th October: The Royal African Society’s annual literature festival comes to Bristol. Africa Writes Pop-Up Bristol presents exciting series of events celebrating contemporary African literature and thought, including book launches, film screenings, discussions, family activities, workshops, and a poetry night. More information at: http://africawrites.org/featured/africa-writes-2017-pop-up-bristol/

13. Social Justice for Refugees: What does this mean? If you are interested there is a meeting at the Friends’ Meeting House, 126 Hampton Road BS6 at 5.30pm on Saturday 7th October

14. Bristol Somali Cultural Festival: 28th October Barton Hill University Settlement 43 Ducie Road BS5 0AX As part of the Bristol Somali Cultural Festival, local Somali actors bring together the stories gathered in four separate workshops this summer, for Bristol Somali mothers, fathers, sons and daughters. Each group had their own space to talk about the pressures they’ve faced adjusting to life in Britain and what they would really like to discuss with other family members. To find out more email: [email protected]

15. Forest School and Outdoor Education courses: The Forest of Avon Trust is a Bristol-based Trees & Woodlands charity that have been running accredited Forest School training since 2010. Have look at their Forest School and Outdoor Education projects here: http://forestofavontrust.org/training/

16. Fermenting Fun and Foraging: Fermenting workshops and Foraging walks. Bristol mushroom walks on 29th October and 11th,12th,18th and 19th November. More details: https://www.goforaging.co.uk/

17. Bristol Food Network: In case you are a foody or want to know more about trying to make Bristol a more sustainable food city, go to http://www.bristolfoodnetwork.org/


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